Chapter 240
Jian'an 23rd year, AD 218

Cao Cao, king of Shu, defeated the barbarians and led his troops back to Jingzhou.

Only Xia Houyuan stayed in Yizhou to prevent Liangzhou from attacking the rear.

Huang Zu, his subordinate general, ordered Gan Ning to lead the troops into Yuzhang to assist Shanyue against Zhang Yun's army.

Gan Ning led the troops to take advantage of Zhang He's defenselessness and defeated the enemy and Yuzhang.

Zhang He led the troops to retreat to Poyang.

Guo Jia led his troops to attack Xiliang, and was met with a deadly battle by the Qiang people. After the victory, he also lost a lot of troops, and his vitality was slightly damaged.

Lu Bu of Shangjun killed Lu Xiang, defeated Pang De, and led his troops towards the west of Hexi.

After Guo Jia received the news, he ordered Gao Shun to lead the army to rescue him.

But Yuan Shuijie couldn't quench his thirst, so when Zhang Lan learned about it, he immediately ordered the newly recruited young general Wang Shuang to lead the army.


"My lord, now Zhang Lan ordered Guo Jia to attack Xiliang, and then Lu Bu and Shanyue all fought each other, and Goguryeo was about to move, and sent envoys to attack Zhang Lan together. With this good opportunity, take the initiative Attacking is the best strategy”

Not long after Cao Cao led his troops back to Xiangyang, Xi Zhicai sorted out the information he had received and made the most correct policy.

Cao Cao thought for a while and said, "Now that the barbarians have been broken, they have not hurt their muscles and bones, but they have also suffered a serious injury. If we send troops at this time, our army will be exhausted. How can we resist it?"

Xi Zhicai returned to "Our army is exhausted, but there are many soldiers and horses, and Zhang Lan's army is in Liangzhou. At this time, Zhang Lan's other families are not allowed to move. Luoyang is empty. If you march in late, you will change, and I am afraid that by then it will be too late to regret.”

After Cao Cao thought for a long time, he slowly said, "Pass down my military order, ordering Xiahouyuan's troops to go out of Qishan, Jingzhou's soldiers and horses are immediately mobilized, and after three days of rest, follow me to march into Luoyang."


Hearing Cao Cao's decision, Xi Zhicai finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The centipede is dead but not stiff. If Zhang Lan is such an invincible Xiaoqiang, if he doesn't take the opportunity to destroy it in one fell swoop, it won't take long for him to revive. His vitality is extremely terrifying.

If you want to rule the world, you must destroy Zhang Lan, and you can only destroy Zhang Lan in one go.

Zhang Lan's reputation is too high. If it is not wiped out in one go, he only needs to cultivate for a few years to become stronger. This is the last thing Cao Cao wants to see.

After Cao Cao's military order was issued, he began to dispatch troops from all over his forces. Except for some key fortresses, only a small number of other soldiers remained, and the rest of the troops were gathered in Jingzhou and Qishan.

After Zhang Lan learned of the news through 007, he immediately sent someone to hurry up and inform Guo Jia immediately, ordering Guo Jia to rush back to help, and keep Zangba and Jincheng stationed to prevent Xiliang from counterattacking.

He also ordered Lu Kuang to guard Hexi to the death, led Gao Shun to lead the troops from the north, marched into Shangjun, and captured Lu Bu.

He personally led the army to Yiyang to face Cao Cao.

Jian'an 24rd year, AD 219

Cao Cao stationed troops with Nanyang, appointed Wei Yan as the vanguard, and led an army of [-] to Yiyang to attack Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan led the army to fight against it.

Lu Bu attacked Hexi, and Gao Shun led the army to attack Shangjun behind him.

For a while, Hexi could not be captured, so Lu Bu had to return to his army to save him, and the two armies fought against Shangjun.

However, Guo Jia and others withdrew from Longyou to Jincheng, from Jieting to Tianshui, and then took a boat from Tianshui.

All the way to Tongguan, abandon the ship and go ashore to Hongnong.

Jian'an 24th year, AD 219, June
Cao Cao attacked Yiyang, but Guo Jia and others were unable to return in time. Zhang Lan was defeated and retreated to Yongning.

Jian'an 24th year, AD 219, July
Gao Gong, the king of Goguryeo, raised troops, invaded Gonghe, attacked Youzhou, led his troops to resist in Jin, and fought with Lelang County.

Jian'an 24th year, AD 219, September
Zhang Lan personally led the army to fight Cao Cao at Xuanyuan Mountain.

When the two armies faced each other, Zhang Lan ordered Ji Ling to lead the armored vehicle troops to fight and defeated Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was defeated and retreated to Nanyang.

Zhang Lan chased after him and fought Nanyang again.

When the armored vehicles were wrong, Cao Cao ordered Meng Huo to bring the old troops of the Cave Master to attack.

The two armies fought against each other.

Zhang Lan rode first and stood in front of the formation. When he saw the enemy attacking, he ordered Ji Ling to lead the armored vehicle to go first.

Unexpectedly, he brought the cave master to die, but his subordinates also knew how to control beasts, driving away tigers, leopards and wolves, and the poisonous snakes and scorpions took the lead in attacking.

Zhang Lan turned a blind eye to this. After all, the armored vehicle was not built, so how could tigers, leopards and wolves destroy it.

But Zhang Lan was different. This armored vehicle was really broken by the barbarians.

The army charged, tigers, leopards and wolves attacked, and the guards who were surprised by the armored vehicle retreated and retreated a little, allowing the armored vehicle to get on first.

The armored vehicles rushed forward, but the tigers, leopards and wolves were not afraid, and rushed forward.

But the flesh and blood can't fight against the armored vehicles. Countless ferocious beasts died tragically. Although some jumped up and jumped on top of the armored vehicles, the soldiers among them retreated suddenly, closed their covers, avoided their sharp edge, and rushed in with the help of the armored vehicles. Assassinate the beast.

But the good times didn't last long. Countless poisonous snakes and scorpions attacked, followed by more tragic deaths, but some of them went deep into it.

The space inside the car was small, and the soldiers inside had nowhere to hide, and were bitten to death by poisonous snakes and scorpions.

The array of armored vehicles was destroyed in an instant, and the barbarians rushed forward, Zhang Lan was defeated and returned.

Cao Cao wanted to pursue again, but suffered from a headache again, so he ordered to stop the pursuit and temporarily recuperate in Nanyang.

Let's talk about Shangjun.

Gao Shun led his troops to attack Shangjun, Lv Bu hurried back to help, and fought with Gao Shun.

With the help of the power of the trapped camp, Gao Shun won a small victory, and Lu Bu retreated to the city, unable to hold on.

At that time, the Qiang people in Xiliang were withdrawn from the country, and then returned to attack Jincheng. Zang Ba took advantage of the city to defend it.

Xia Houyuan also led his troops out of Mount Qi to attack Taoyang. Taoyang's defender Su Bu was defeated and was cut off from the city.

Xia Houyuan took advantage of this opportunity to pursue the victory and attack Longxi.

Youzhou Yujin's duel with Goguryeo was fine, on the contrary, it was the Jiangdong generation where Zhang He and Lu Xun were defeated.

Originally, there were many mountains and mountains, and they gradually assembled with Yuzhang. Gan Ning led troops to help. Can lead the troops to retreat and return to the new capital to recuperate.

In such a situation, Zhang Lan could only order Ma Chao to help Gao Shun, and strive to win Lu Bu's nail as soon as possible, so as to avoid the worries in the rear.

But the Soochow generation was relatively remote, Zhang Lan didn't know the changes in the situation, so he didn't dare to make a decision, so he ordered Zhang Xi to make a decision on his own without reporting. If he needed support, he could be dispatched from Yangzhou and Xuzhou without reporting.

It is said that Zhang Lan retreated, first ordered people to send supplies from the rear, and ordered the air force to rush there, and then after a few days of recuperation, he raised troops again and marched towards Nanyang.

By the time Zhang Lan arrived in Nanyang, it was the 25th year of Jian'an, 220 AD.

(End of this chapter)

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