See Chapter 38, The Eldest Princess ([-])

Ruowu Wuyou dressed in white clothes to win the snow, he stood in the bamboo forest, the blue of the bamboo forest was printed on the white of his body.I don't know if it's because of Bai Xian's bamboo green or because of the bamboo's green color, he is white all over, it is obvious that he is isolated from the world, why it seems that the sky has abandoned him.

The wind picked up, and the bamboo leaves made a rustling sound with the wind, and the bells tied to the bamboo leaves were ringing.If Wuyou has a silver hair band around his head, his black hair is casually drawn by the wind, if he touches it in his hand, it should be silky smooth.

The center of his eyebrows was a little red, and his eyebrows were not as sharp as sword eyebrows, but his eyebrows were soft.His eyes were not black, but light brown, often between copper and green in the light.There is no emotion in the eyes, and there is no shadow of anyone.Lips like cherry blossom petals, if he smiles, he must be very beautiful.

The sunlight cast from the bamboo leaves scattered on his body, dispelling a little of the indifference around him, gradually giving him a warm and human atmosphere.

The bells on his waist are similar to Feng Qingwu's, but there are more bells than Feng Qingwu's, and the tinkling sound also resounds in the teasing of the wind.

An Haoxin felt itchy when she heard the sound of the bell, so she rang the bell on her waist.

Ruowu Wuyou had already walked into the Library Pavilion at this very moment, An kindly got up and greeted Ruowu Wuyou as a master and apprentice, and obediently called out.


"Hmm..." Ruowu accepted the master-apprentice ceremony without worry, and caught a glimpse of the books on An Haoxin's desk, which were some basic training manuals.

"Huh?" Ruowu Wuyou uttered a doubtful voice, and An Haoxin followed his gaze to look at her book, and smiled slightly.

"Now I realize that I am too weak, so I plan to practice. But I haven't touched it before, so I came to Zangshuge to check if there is any suitable cultivation method for me."

"Hmm..." If Wu Wuyou didn't say anything else, he turned around and walked into the library, and Anhao touched the back of his neck, why is she a little weak?
An kindly sat back in her seat and continued to read books to learn new knowledge.

What she learned, the original owner will return.

What she owns, the original owner will not come back.

"Master host, you haven't cultivated mind or other methods?"

"No" She has no memory, and has no impression of whether she has practiced or not in the past.

"Then why can the master host use power that does not belong to the plane regardless of the plane?" 8888 found out in two planes that the host's power is very strong.

The mental power control and genetic modification strength of the first plane is SSS+, which is very different from the F it detects.

The strange power and weird skills of the second plane, and most importantly, the knowledge is also comparable to that of a big brother.

It doesn't believe in this third plane, and the host has no power to resist.

It doesn't know the identity of the host at all, and it doesn't know where these powers come from.The host does not need to grow up like everyone else, as if she has the strongest power from the beginning.

Ignoring "destruction" is the best proof, so why study hard on this plane?

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

In fact, even An Haoxin didn't know about this matter, she simply felt that it was a task, as long as it was done well, it was what she wanted to do to make it perfect.

She also had to think about the future of the original owner, if she just finished the task and ran away, wouldn't that be a problem?
She did this before, and she will naturally do it in the future.

What she did was what she did before, although she didn't know how she did it before.

Power... probably belongs to the soul?She didn't think about it, and she didn't think about it carefully.'s okay to start from scratch. Since I didn't know how to gain power before, I should learn it in this plane and summarize those cultivation systems and write a cultivation cheat book by myself.

System 8888: ∑(O_O;), it seems that it accidentally poked the host's point, she actually wanted to write a cheat book... my system grandma, can you, host?

An Haoxin originally made up his mind to do that, but the next moment he heard 8888 say:

"The main system sent a system courier, will the host check it?"

An kind heart:? ? ?

"Check it."

"Placing the express delivery..."

"The receipt is complete, do you want to open the express delivery?"


"Crack" fireworks exploded in his head, and An Hao was startled.

I saw a cute face in my mind

): Dear, your exercise "Mulin Sen" has been signed for, remember to give five-star praise.

An kind heart:? ? ?

Is it so skinny?An kindly wiped her face, feeling complicated.

Whatever she wants, the main system will give.

In the past, she felt that she must really hate the main system. Why did the main system eagerly send up the exercises?

Could it be that she made a py transaction with the main system without knowing the content?

Main System: ... Blame me for being too active?

(End of this chapter)

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