See Chapter 39, The Eldest Princess ([-])

"Is "Mulin Forest" a seed?" Anhao looked at the green seed in her palm speechlessly, and looked left and right to see that it was indeed a seed.

She asked the system 8888 to take out "Mulin Sen", but she didn't expect it to be a seed, and she didn't know what kind of seed it was.

"The main system says to eat the seeds directly, and it will be stationed on the host's soul, self-regulating the strength in the host's body and running the big cycle to ensure the comfort of the host and the counterattacker."

An kind heart:? ? ?

"Are you sure? Will the main system cheat me?"

"Should... not be..."

An Haoxin: Please remove the should and bar
An Hao looked at the seeds in her hand. Anyway, she was not afraid of what the main system would do to it. She opened her mouth and swallowed the seeds.

As soon as it enters the mouth, the seed turns into a puddle of water and swims in An Haoxin's soul, washing away the filth of An Haoxin's soul, and then gathers in the dantian where An Haoxin's soul is located to become a seed again, and then takes root...germinates, with the naked eye Visible speed becomes a towering tree.

The soul... thus opened up an independent space by this seed, and the tree grows in it.

The strong soul power and vitality slowly overflowed from the tree and returned to the soul, repairing the soul.

"Mulin Forest" has really managed to run the big week by itself, as long as she is still there.

Anhao paused for a moment, she saw her own soul, normally she couldn't see her own soul when possessed, because of "Mulin Sen", her eyes were opened for a short time, but it also proved that "Mulin Sen" is harmless.

A strange yet familiar feeling filled her heart, and she was a little sad with the sore corners of her eyes...

But soon she returned to normal. She could no longer see her own soul. She felt that there was aura in the body of the original owner, but it was scattered and more pure. These auras did not come from the world but from the big tree inside.

When An Haoxin was in a daze, Ruowu Wuyou walked out of the Library Pavilion, and he frowned when he looked at An Haoxin.

Why is there another color, the thick green on her head is a bit dazzling.

He subconsciously shook the book in his hand, and after a while he walked towards An Haoxin.An Haoxin noticed Ruowu Wuyou's figure, and immediately stood up and called obediently:


"Hmm..." Ruowu Wuyou nodded, then handed the book in his hand to An Haoxin.

An kindly glanced at the title of the book - "Golden Wind and Jade Dew"

An kind heart:? ? ?

"Is this for me?" An asked suspiciously, Ruowu Wuyou looked up at her and nodded softly "Yes".An kindly took the book over, and flipped through two pages, it turned out to be about wind and rain exercises.

It looks very suitable for Feng Qingwu, after all, Feng Qingwu is born to call the wind and call the rain.

Although it is light wind and rain, it is not painful or itchy when it blows on people.

But the four characters Jinfeng Yulu... Hehehe, who got the name.Maybe it's because it sounds good, and it's a name that can hold 13 in four words.

"Thank you, master!" An kindly expressed her gratitude to Ruowu Wuyou. Although Ruowu Wuyou didn't have the feelings of ordinary people, she was still able to treat her apprentice, and she was very responsible even if she wasn't close.

"Hmm..." Ruowu Wuyou accepted An Haoxin's thanks, and then he stared at An Haoxin, those light brown eyes were a little greenish at the moment, deep and melancholy, no emotion could be seen in the pupils, they were obviously very clean With penetrating eyes, Ke An felt a chill in her heart.

If I have no worries, I am really a person who has no desires or desires.

"Master, what's the matter?" An Hao asked curiously, resisting the thought of making herself retreat.Ruowu Wuyou lowered his eyes and let out a soft "hmm".

Said it was nothing, then Ruowu left Zangshuge without any worries.

An Hao looked at Ruo Wu's worry-free back, and touched his chin with his hand. The male god who is difficult to conquer, he didn't want to do the strategy mission.

Jinfengyulu: generally refers to autumn scenery, generally used to describe love.

(End of this chapter)

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