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Chapter 1476 The Girls Are Going to Propose Marriage

Chapter 1476 The Girls Are Going to Propose Marriage (2)
Liu Qiqiao then ordered Lianqiao to go up and pull the curtain, and walked in by herself. Qing He hurriedly stepped forward to untie the cloak for her, hung it on the hanger and said, "Madam insists on getting up, we can't persuade her, Let her get up and walk around twice."

There are many rules for confinement in ancient times, and you can't get out of bed easily.Liu Qiqiao told Mrs. Du last time that she would come down for a walk in a few days, and the maids and women were surprised: "How can it be done? At least the first half a month will definitely not work!"

After all, Liu Qiqiao is a modern person who advocates sports. Resting in bed is the premise that the body has no mobility. If she can get up and move around, it is also a sign of recovery for the pregnant woman.

"My wife knows it well. You just need to guard against drafts. For example, the windows outside can be opened a little bit. I felt a little stuffy when I came in. It's not good for the children." Under the ventilated air, there will naturally be less oxygen, and besides, there are still burning earth dragons in the room. If there is not enough ventilation, there is a possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Hearing this, Qing He only ordered the little maid: "Go and open the windows in the west wing, and draw up the curtains, so that the air can be ventilated and the people here will not be frozen."

Liu Qiqiao smiled and nodded, and went inside.Mrs. Du was leaning on the soft couch, next to Brother Rong's little bed, the little baby was sleeping soundly there.

"Returning to my wife, my mother is here. I thought my wife was awake at the moment, so I asked the servant girl to bring her here directly."

When Mrs. Du heard about it, she said, "My mother-in-law came just in time, the baby was asleep, and I thought the game was boring, so I happened to have a chat with me."

As they were talking inside, Zisu outside had already welcomed Mrs. Li. This was not the first time Mrs. Li had come to Du's house. Although she was still a little cautious, she had lived in the palace for a long time after all, and she no longer looked like a person in her conversation. An ordinary village woman.

"I just returned to the capital yesterday, and I heard good news about my wife, so I'm here today." Mrs. Li brought Qian Xi'er with her today, and Qian Xi'er was wearing a bright red double-breasted jacket. With double hair pierced on her head and big eyes, she is even cuter.

As soon as Mrs. Li came in, a group of maids came forward to greet her, and Mrs. Li accepted it with a little embarrassment, and asked Qian Xi'er to greet Mrs. Du.

Mrs. Du heard Du Ruo talk about the Liu family, she probably knew who Qian Xi'er was, so she smiled and said, "Get up, I'm bored here, let your sister take you out to play."

Qian Xi'er readily agreed, and went out to play with Zisu. Li Shi took a small mahogany box from Qing'er, a maidservant, and handed it to Liu Qiqiao, saying, "This is a gift from me for my brother's meeting." , we country people don’t know what’s good, but it’s just meaning.”

Liu Qiqiao opened it and took a look. It was a small gold lock with a chain, engraved with the auspicious words "everything goes well". Although it is not expensive, the workmanship is exquisite.Liu Qiqiao turned the veil against the handkerchief and looked at it, the words "Zhenbaofang" were engraved on the bottom, it seems that this time Li Shi has also invested a lot of money.

When Wang Mama saw it, she just said, "Madam, look quickly, this is the style I saw last time in Treasure Square. At that time, I thought that there was no inlaid jade pendant on it, so I changed it to something else. Madam still can't bear it. Coincidentally, my wife brought it here!"

Liu Qiqiao handed the box to Mrs. Du, and Mrs. Du only stroked the patterns on it with her fingers, and said with a smile, "I just like the two sentences on it: longevity and wealth, and good luck in everything."

(End of this chapter)

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