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Chapter 1477 The Girls Are Going to Propose Marriage

Chapter 1477 The Girls Are Going to Propose Marriage (3)
Liu Qiqiao knew that the Du family never lacked these things, and Mrs. Du said this to give her and Li's face, otherwise, no one in a big family would care about a golden lock.Mrs. Du has always admired Mrs. Du the most.The Second Mrs. Du is different. It is obvious that people are superior or inferior. Now that Zhao's natal family is well, she is honest.

"I should have come here earlier. I went back to Niujiazhuang for the New Year. The old man refused to come with me, so the family stayed there for a few more days. I saw that Bashun was going to school these few days, so I came back." While smiling, Mrs. Li took the tea brought by the maid, looked Mrs. Du up and down, and said with a smile: "My in-laws seem to be in good spirits. When I gave birth to my ninth sister, I couldn't do it at this time of year." When I got up, I felt very weak, thanks to Qiqiao taking care of me, I got better a little bit faster."

Mrs. Du laughed and said: "I'm also well taken care of by Qiqiao, otherwise how could it be so smooth? According to those old methods, I don't talk about getting up now, I just lean for a while, and someone has to look at me!"

The two were chatting happily, but Brother Rong, who wanted to sleep on the small bed, suddenly started crying and snorted a few times, just as the nurse was about to go up to hug him, he turned his head slightly and continued to sleep.

The more Li looked at it, the more she felt cute, so she just asked, "If your wife doesn't mind, how about I let you hug me?"

Mrs. Du naturally didn't mind. Mrs. Li was the mother of three children, and she was good at raising children. What did she care about?

Mrs. Li picked up Brother Rong, glanced at Liu Qiqiao's waist again, and could see a slight bulge at this moment, and said, "Qiqiao, if you give birth, it happens that you can be with brother Woolen cloth!"

Liu Qiqiao laughed and said, "We're just talking, when the time comes, the nephews of my second uncle's family will play with my younger uncle instead!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Li also laughed: "Seniority is like this, so there is no way, anyway, he is so young, isn't he your uncle?"

Liu Qiqiao nodded and laughed, and Li put her hand on the little baby's buttocks, touched it a little bit, only frowned and laughed, and said, "I'm afraid your uncle just peed, I touched the little buttocks." Serve a hot slice!"

When everyone heard the words, they all burst into laughter, and the nanny hurried forward and hugged Brother Rong.

Mrs. Li chatted with Mrs. Du for a while, until the maid stepped forward to urge Mrs. Du to rest, then Mrs. Li and Liu Qiqiao left Ruyi Residence and went to Fushoutang to greet Mrs. Du.

After returning from greetings at Fushoutang, Liu Qiqiao sent Mrs. Li to her Baicaoyuan.Speaking of which, I have been married to Du's family for more than four months, because I went to the south and stayed at home for a long time, and my mother-in-law, Mrs. Li, never visited my yard.

After Du Ruo and Liu Qiqiao made a marriage contract, Master Du ordered people to renovate Baicaoyuan.The Du family has quite a foundation in the capital, and the Du family's houses are considered large in this area. Now, apart from the small courtyard where people live, there is also the Pinfang courtyard where an old lady lived and the Lixiang courtyard that the Jiang family moved away. live.Liu Qiqiao originally had the idea of ​​taking Mrs. Li over, but after thinking about it, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Liu are both people who want face. Butler, if you say it, you know that this is the face given by the host.But if he lived in Du's house, he would really become a poor relative.

(End of this chapter)

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