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Chapter 1478 The Girls Are Going to Propose Marriage

Chapter 1478 The Girls Are Going to Propose Marriage (4)
Liu Qiqiao didn't say anything in the end, the two entered the Baicao Courtyard, and the maids rushed out to welcome them.Although it is winter, the holly planted in the flower garden in Baicaoyuan is cleanly trimmed, which makes people feel refreshed just by looking at it.Mrs. Li just nodded and said, "Your yard is really exquisite."

Liu Qiqiao said casually: "This is the courtyard where Dalang lived. There are three main rooms in the front, and a row at the back, leading to a small courtyard in the back, and side rooms on the left and right. It's just big enough for maids and servants. Later, there will be a small room." My child, there is a space in Dalang's small study on the opposite side for the nanny and the child to sleep in, so I don't worry if I get close."

"That's the way it is!" Li Shi only nodded, and the servant girl stepped forward to close the curtain, and followed Liu Qiqiao into the main hall.Du Ruo also has a quiet temperament, and doesn't like those gorgeous and expensive things, so the furniture in this hall are all made of solid pear wood, and the antiques placed on the Duobao Pavilion should all be blue and white or solid colors. Type of.

Ordinary people only think it is plain and clean, but people with good taste will only know the wealth behind this plain and clean, even more incredible.

Mrs. Li didn't understand these things, but she thought it was quite good. She was used to seeing those jeweled things in the palace, and she thought to herself that although the Du family was rich, it was not extravagant and wasteful.

The servant girl brought tea, Liu Qiqiao knew that Li Shi didn't like to drink tea, so she just told Luliu: "Go to the kitchen and bring two bowls of crispy cheese, let the madam and the young lady have a taste."

In the past few days, Mrs. Du has been breastfeeding, so she loves to eat this crispy cheese. It is prepared in the kitchen all day long, and Liu Qiqiao will occasionally drink a bowl, but she is pregnant with a child and feels tired of eating this, so she doesn't eat more.

Luliu responded and went outside, and only then did Mrs. Li open her mouth and said: "Before I came back, your Aunt Wang came to my house again, and told me to come and ask you whether the fourth brother's marriage is in the end. I also know that Mrs. Wang has a strong mouth, and this time she went back and scolded your sister-in-law Zhou so much that she couldn't find her way. Once this matter was clarified, girls from three villages and eight miles all came to propose marriage."

At this moment, I was also waiting for news from Chunsheng. Hearing what Li Shi said, he lowered his head and took a sip of tea and said, "Mother, don't worry, the matter is over. Now I am waiting for the fourth brother to come to propose marriage. I am sending someone today." I’m going to ask, I’m afraid there will be news in a while.”

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive soon, and the maid outside said that Chunsheng has returned and is waiting at the second door for grandma to ask questions!Liu Qiqiao hurriedly asked the little maid to bring him in. When Chunsheng saw Mrs. Li, he hurriedly knelt down to pay his respects.Mrs. Li received the ceremony and called him to get up. Liu Qiqiao then asked, "What did General Wang say? Did you bring everything I asked you to bring?"

"Back to grandma, of course I brought them all. After General Wang was injured that day, he lay down in the barracks for a few days. It happened that a few days before the Lantern Festival, the emperor picked up soldiers from the suburbs of Beijing to the city to maintain peace, so it was delayed for two days. Ann The young mistress of Jinghou's family has already agreed, saying that the 26th of this month is a good day, and she will come to propose marriage!" After a while, the servant girl brought tea, and Chunsheng took a big sip from the teacup, and only continued: "Wang The name of the general has also been chosen. He said that he is the fourth child and dare not choose others, so he called Wang Rang. He saved the other three names for the three brothers in his family. From then on, they also have great names. people."

Liu Qiqiao had already guessed that Wang Laosi had such a temper, but the word "let" matched his temper very well.From childhood to adulthood, Wang Laosi has not always been courteous to others, but has a simple and honest temperament.His temperament, coupled with Du Qian, is really a carrot and a hole, a perfect match.

(End of this chapter)

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