Chapter 125

The strong love and infatuation finally led to the worst tragedy.

Bai Yan was in another room, Bai Mo didn't go in, she stood at the door for a long time before looking up at Long Haotian, and asked softly, "How long will she stay inside?"

Long Haotian looked at her, held her hand, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

Her eyes dimmed, Bai Mo didn't speak again, but let Long Haotian lead her out of the compound, got into the car, she retracted her body into the seat, and closed her eyes tiredly.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. To Bai Yan, she tried her best.

This trip was more tiring and exhausting than expected.

Originally, she just wanted to close her eyes and clear her messy brain, but who knows, she fell asleep within a few minutes.

When he woke up, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Hong Ying sat aside and dozed off, and woke up when he heard the movement. The moment he met Bai Mo's eyes, his cheeks turned strangely red.

"Guo'er, were you a T-man last night?"

Upon waking up, Bai Mo suddenly felt that her mood was not so bad anymore, seeing Bai Guo's inexplicably blushing cheeks, she seldom teased her out loud.

Unexpectedly, her words made Bai Guo's face completely red like a tomato, her eyes were evasive, and she stuttered a little, "I, I, I... not."

"Then why are you blushing and stammering?"

Bai Mo sat up from the bed, and asked with a smile while pulling some messy hair with his hands.

"Is there?" Bai Guo quickly covered her cheeks with her hands, pretending that nothing happened, "It's too hot inside, too hot."

"Well, it's so hot that you're stuttering." Saying that, Bai Mo grinned happily.

"Oh, sister Momo, don't make fun of me, people..."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about you." Bai Mo lifted the quilt and got off the bed, and while walking towards the bathroom, he asked casually, "Guo'er, is there a bookstore near this hospital?"

"I didn't notice, want to buy a book?"

"The days in the hospital are so boring. It doesn't matter if the computer is not allowed to play, and the mobile phone is not allowed to touch. I have to find a way to get a few books to pass the time. Otherwise, the remaining two months will be difficult."

"That's right." Hong Ying felt that what she said made sense, thinking about spending the next two months here, Hong Ying felt bored, "I'll go down and have a look later, and I'll buy you ten story books How about coming back?"

"Storybook?" Bai Mo laughed, "I don't have such a high level of sentiment and realm. My taste is more suitable for gossip and small romances. I want the kind that is pampered and abused, and I don't want the one that is too abused. It makes people worry. , Every time I see something that abuses my heart, I have the urge to scold that second stepmother."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the taste is really different."

"Women who don't like to watch small romances can't get married!" Bai Mo solved her physical needs, walked out, looked at Hong Ying, squinted her eyes and smiled badly.

"I don't want to marry."

Wow, Red Hawk's face is red again.

Bai Mo looked at it, and smiled knowingly, with an inscrutable smile.

This chick is obviously pregnant with a man in her heart.

Bai Mo thought, perhaps, every girl in the shadow should have the right to find their own happiness.

The two were talking, when the door was pushed open, Bai Mo looked and unexpectedly saw Yang Jing walking in.

"Auntie, you are here."

Bai Mo rushed forward with her big belly.

"Quick, sit there." Yang Jing quickly put the things in her hand on the table, then supported Bai Mo and let her sit on the sofa, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh my dear , we must pay more attention, and there must be no more accidents, I was terrified last time."

"Auntie, it's okay."

Bai Mo was a little ashamed by Yang Jing's 'obedient', her porcelain-like face was stained with blush, at this moment, looking into Yang Jing's eyes, she felt that her daughter-in-law was even more beautiful.

"Have you not had lunch yet?" Yang Jing took the paper bag on the table, took out a super-sized thermos bucket from it, opened it and said, "I called Haotian at noon and he said you I was still asleep, thinking that I must have missed lunch, so I quickly asked the kitchen to make some side dishes and brought them over, so I can see if I like it or not."

As soon as the lid of the thermos was opened, Baimo smelled a scent, and his stomach, which had been hungry for a long time, couldn't help but growl.

"Haha, I came at the right time. Come on, hurry up, it's hot." Yang Jing handed the chopsticks to Bai Mo, and the smile on her face deepened.

Bai Mo didn't delay, took the chopsticks and started to eat the rice, "Auntie, Chef Li's skills have improved again? It's getting better and better."

Li Dayong, the cook of Long's court, is a good cook. It is said that he used to be in the cooking class of the army, and Long Boren invited him to his home after he retired.

"Eat more if it tastes good. Look at you, you are skinny. Except for the lump in your stomach, you don't have a lot of meat on your body." As soon as Yang Jing finished speaking, she heard a sound of '噗嗤', she turned her head to look, only Seeing that Hongying was suppressing a smile, his shoulders shook.

"My child, look at how uncomfortable it is to laugh, you can laugh if you want, and your boss is not here, are you afraid that I won't make it?"

Yang Jing was in a very good mood today. When she went up, Si Huan just invited her to the best private beauty parlor in G City for a full-body treatment. According to the introduction, it was worth [-] yuan. I felt that after this set of treatments, her whole body, especially the skin on her face, was so good.

Her family can be considered rich, but compared to Si Huan's big money, it's nothing compared to Si Huan's big money.

Last night, she was still telling Long Boren that what Haotian fell in love with was just a grass that could not be more ordinary, but who knows, the grass suddenly changed and directly became Tianshan snow lotus, which is too precious .

Being able to climb into such a good family is definitely a blessing that the entire Long family could not cultivate in a hundred years!
Thinking of this, the smile on Yang Jing's face deepened.

After hearing this, Hong Ying stopped holding back and said directly, "Madam, Madam Si said the same thing about Sister Momo yesterday."

"Oh really? Look, how consistent my views are with my in-laws."

"Then Sister Momo refused to accept it, and went to the electronic scale at the nurse's station to get on the scale. Guess how much meat she has?"

"How heavy? Is it possible to break through a hundred?"

"Hey, you really guessed wrong, it's a full one hundred and two, but Sister Momo was so frightened that she refrained from eating a few bites for dinner."

"It's only one hundred and twenty." Yang Jing immediately scooped up another bowl of pork ribs and placed it in front of Baimo, "What's the point of such a small weight, if you want to eat more, you must eat more, otherwise, just this thin arm and thin leg, At that time, how can I have the energy to have a baby?"


Bai Mo suddenly became depressed.

She bit the ribs in her mouth, as if she saw that after the confinement period, she had become a big fat man who walked like a rock...

That night, lying on the bed, she poked Long Haotian's chest, expressing the grievance in her heart, "Am I not fat? Isn't 120 catties fat?"

You know, she was only ninety before she got pregnant.

There are still more than two months, and according to Dr. Li's estimate, he will gain about ten catties.

Ten catties.

That adds up to a weight of one hundred and thirteen...

Oh Mai Karma, 130 catties, this reminds Bai Mo of the chubby and round body of the big sister Bai who is so fat that she can feel the floor shaking when she walks a long way.


She don't want to be like that!

So ugly!

"I don't dislike it!" Long Haotian grabbed the little hand that was stabbing at his chest, and held it tightly.

She didn't poke him, she was teasing him with her little hand.

Push it down again, and it's time for him to take a cold shower again in a while.

"Hmph." Bai Mo snorted, with a look of disbelief, "Have you heard a word?"

"What?" Burying his face into her neck, his nose was filled with the fragrance of her body, Long Haotian closed his eyes, enjoying the beauty of this moment.

"I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe in a man's mouth."

During the whole pregnancy, Bai Mo did nothing but watch small romances. Before she was admitted to the hospital, she spent almost every day in the major mother and child forums, watching pregnancy sharing, reading baby care knowledge, and watching all kinds of news about new mothers. mood story.

Most of them are emotional stories.

Most of them are not the sweetness of pregnancy and the longing for future happiness, but grievances and injuries.

During pregnancy, the husband's cheating accounted for an absolute proportion of them. Many mothers-to-be cannot tell outsiders the pain in their hearts. Only in the forum, a place that no one knows, can they tell their inner pain and despair.

There are also many, after giving birth, the husband continues to eat, drink, and play, and ignores the family affairs. He even messes with women outside, and even more scumbags, even during the confinement period of his wife, he takes a grandiose place next door. The bedroom does that nasty thing.

Whenever he saw these, Bai Mo felt unspeakable anger in his heart, those men, no!They cannot be called human beings at all, they are just some birds. The country should introduce a new policy to protect women, so that those men who cheated on their wives during pregnancy and after their wives gave birth, or even ignored their wives and children, directly Pull out and shoot.

If there is one, kill the other, and if there is a pair, kill a pair.

I once saw such a sentence that made Baimo's heart tremble: the hardship and suffering of pregnancy in October, the unbearable pain of childbirth, and countless years of hard work and hard work for children and families... You know, The girl she was before she married you was the little princess whom her parents loved and doted on, such a woman, why should you not be nice to her?
"Are you complaining that I'm not good enough for you?" Long Haotian still buried his head in her neck, and there was a dull feeling in his voice.

Bai Mo pursed her lips in amusement, "I don't have it."

Recently, Si Huan has always secretly said to her, "Nuan, you have found the right man in your life. Haotian treats you really well, even better than your father treated me back then, so you should cherish it."

At this time, Baimo will be as sweet as eating honey.

Long Haotian used Gu Chuxia's jealous and envious words to describe her, just one sentence: There is no such thing as a peerless good man on earth, and you were lucky enough to meet him.

Did she get lucky?

However, how did she feel that that peerless good man also got shit luck, and it was his blessing to meet such a peerless good woman like her.

Long Haotian finally raised his head from her neck, pulled her into his arms, and put his chin on the top of her head. After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "I really wish you would give birth soon, and the confinement child will sit down as soon as possible." use up."

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Why didn't she want to.

She wished she could get rid of the little guy in her stomach right away. She had a big belly all day long, and she couldn't stop panting after walking a few steps. What's more, her pubic bone hurt like hell, and she couldn't sit comfortably every day, even when she fell asleep. It's also all kinds of bad.

In fact, more importantly, as she got into the third trimester, the uneasiness in her heart became more and more uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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