Chapter 126

Although Dr. Li had told her that this was an anxiety disorder that every pregnant woman would have, Bai Mo couldn't help being anxious all day long: Is the baby healthy?Is the baby a boy or a girl?Will the baby have an extra finger or a missing finger?
Although the technology is now sufficiently developed, there are still many limitations. Many parts of the fetus in the womb cannot be detected by instruments.

This uneasy mood made her a little irritable every day, but she couldn't go out, so she could only stay in this small room. That kind of mood, sometimes, was really bad.

As soon as Long Haotian lifted her chin, he pecked hard on her lips, "Elope!"

When Bai Mo heard it, she was overjoyed, "You don't want the baby anymore?"

"There are so many people in the family, why can't we have a baby?" Master Long, who had never been a father, looked relaxed with disapproval at this moment.

If he knew at this moment, after the baby was born, in less than a day, he declined everyone's help and did it himself, from making milk powder to changing diapers to bathing and stroking the little guy, he would never have thought about it before. When all the work is done by one person; what's more, after the paternity leave is over, he hates having to go to the army every day, even if he doesn't do anything, he has to sit by the crib for an hour or two, watching the baby entertain him. He also followed Sha Le, watching the baby cry, he was so anxious...

At that time, he was no longer the master Long who swaggered and coaxed me to be number one in the world, but a super daddy who dedicated himself to the little guy and was exhausted to death and joy.

It's going to be a really good time.

Of course, it is only limited to that period. When the little guy grows up to two years old, his good years will come to an end.

Of course, these are things for later, but they will come soon.

Bai Mo obviously didn't agree with what he said, "I am the mother, the closest person to the little guy, he will be reluctant to part with me."

"As long as you are willing to let him go!"

"I seem to miss him too!"

"No promise!"

"Hey..." Bai Mowo smiled happily in his arms, "I've been imagining the life of our family of three after the little guy comes out. Tell me, will it be very lively?"

"What's so exciting about the three of you?" Long Haotian hooked the corners of his lips, "If you can give me ten or eight more of you..."

"Do you think I'm a pig?" Bai Mo broke out in a cold sweat.

Ten eight?

It's better to directly create a football team, wait for them to grow up, and take them directly out of Asia, to the world, and create a world legend.

"You are a pig, even pigs despise you!"

"……What's the meaning?"

"Just the few taels of meat on your body, how much is it worth?"

"...Go to hell!"

"Hey, sleep, I'll take you to a good place tomorrow."

"where to?"

"We'll talk when we wake up."

"No, I want to know now."

"Naughty! Sleep!"

"do not want!"

"If you don't obey me, I will kiss you!"

"..." It's like this every time, there is resentment in my heart, but the corners of my mouth are curved.

The feeling of happiness is so beautiful!
Bai Mo's due date is April [-]st.

I once remembered that when Dr. Li told her this date, Bai Mo couldn't help but smile, isn't April [-]st April Fool's Day?
Today, March 31st, tomorrow is Bai Mo's due date of delivery. Bai Mo has moved from the ward to a large suite that combines a luxurious ward and a waiting room.
Early in the morning, Dr. Li brought his assistant to do a series of examinations on her. At the end, he smiled and said, "The current condition is good. The baby has entered the basin. The posture is very upright, which is conducive to a smooth delivery."

"Doctor, can I do it with my daughter's small body? Or let's just have an autopsy." Si Huan on the side, since entering March, has been so nervous every day, and at this moment, she is even more worried and uneasy. , I'm afraid that my daughter will have some little accident when she was born.

"I don't recommend cesarean section. A normal delivery is good for both the mother and the child. Baimo's physical condition is very good, which is conducive to a normal delivery." Dr. Li comforted Si Huan, "Madam, don't be too nervous, everything will be fine."

"Mom, don't be nervous, okay?" Bai Mo looked at Si Huan who was so nervous while drinking jasmine tea, "I wasn't nervous at first, but when I saw you so nervous, I became nervous too."

When Si Huan heard this, she immediately said, "Okay, mom is not nervous, not nervous." She turned her head and asked Dr. Li again, "Have you been in the hospital for the past two days? What if the little guy can't wait to come out today?" , what should I do if I can't find you then?"

"I will stay in the hospital until the end of Baimo's delivery." Dr. Li's words finally calmed Si Huan's nervousness, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"Bai Mo, walk more these two days, which will help the opening of the cervix; in addition, if there is any good food you want to eat, go eat it before it is born, otherwise, when the little guy comes out, for his rations, you But be careful not to talk."

Dr. Li's words made Bai Mo's eyes brighten, "I'll go in a while!"

Sihuan became nervous again, "Where are we going, what if Shengsheng is halfway?"

Baimo sweated wildly, "Mom, you have to be calm, you must be calm, you can't be calm, how can you make me calm down."

"Okay, mom, calm down."

"I'm going back to the office first. If you need anything, just ring the bell, and I'll be right over." Dr. Li said, turned and left.

Si Huan immediately sat in front of Bai Mo, and spoke earnestly, "Nuan, we can't go out today, you don't know if you haven't given birth before, if labor pains break out on the way, life would be worse than death. "

"But, I want to eat hot pot." Bai Mo put his arms around Si Huan's neck, and rubbed against her arms coquettishly, "Mom, didn't you listen to what Dr. Li said, you can't eat anything after giving birth. Confinement meal, eat it until you vomit; before the baby comes out, let me eat it, and I promise to come back immediately after eating, okay?"

What Si Huan couldn't stand was Bai Mo's acting like a baby to her. She immediately pampered her, raised her hand, scratched her little nose gently with her fingers, and said softly, "Okay then, let Haotian take you there, but you have to Promise Mom, I'll be right back after eating."

"Mom is so nice."

Bai Mo grinned, smiling brightly.

The mother and daughter were enjoying this warm moment when the door was pushed open and Long Haotian strode in. When Si Huan turned around and saw that it was him, she immediately asked, "Is everything settled?"


Long Haotian's straight body set off his resoluteness and ruthlessness, and his sharp-edged face was even more handsome.

Even if I see this man in front of me every day, even if I share the bed with him every night, if I don't take a look at him, Bai Mo's heart will still throb and palpitate endlessly.

"Have you had breakfast yet?"

Let go of the arms around Si Huan's neck, Bai Mo lifted the quilt and got off the bed, stood in front of him, reached out to take the hat he was holding and hung it aside, and then took the military jacket he took off, softly asked.

"Well, what about you." While talking, Long Haotian's deep eyes fell on her face, he raised his hand, and deftly lifted out the hair that was nestled in her neck, and smoothed it out.

That look, that movement, all reveal pampering.

Si Huan at the side saw it and admired it.

It's true that the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more she likes her.

"I ate it. The chicken shredded noodles made by my mother are delicious."

She turned around as she spoke, and just as she hung her coat on the hanger, the door was pushed open again. Mrs. Long walked in with a cane, followed by Yang Jing.

As soon as she saw Bai Mo, the old lady rushed towards her. Fortunately, Long Haotian had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed her, holding her a few steps away from Bai Mo, "Comrade Hu Shulan, can we stop being so impulsive?" , how can she withstand your pounce now?"

The old lady was not happy, she slapped Long Haotian's big hand holding her arm, and protested dissatisfiedly, "What is impulsiveness? I am excited, okay?"

"What are you excited about? It's not you who gave birth to a baby."

Long Haotian's words were immediately served by the old lady with a cane, "You brat, if you have nothing to do, just make fun of the old woman, and see if I don't beat you."

"Oh mom, it's okay." Yang Jing felt sorry for her son. Although she knew the old lady was joking, she still reached out and grabbed the old lady's crutches, and then put the things in her hands into the old lady's hands "Mom, you specially made it for Momo early in the morning. Hurry up and let her taste it."

"Oh, that's right." The old lady immediately shifted her attention, unscrewed the thermos, took out the lunch box, took out the steamed stuffed bun with chopsticks, put it next to Baimo's mouth, and smiled, "Didn't you say you like to eat shepherd's purse last time?" Steamed stuffed bun? Grandma made it specially, you should try it quickly."

"Thank you grandma." Just as Bai Mo was about to open his mouth, a big hand suddenly stretched out, took the bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

Bai Mo raised his eyes, saw Long Haotian swallowed the bun in one gulp, pursed his lips in displeasure, "Grandma made it for me."

"Do you still dare to eat what she made?" Long Haotian stretched out his big hand and grabbed the lunch box from the old lady's hand, put it aside, and met the old lady's wide-eyed eyes, it didn't matter She raised her eyebrows, "Last month, she ate the dumplings you made and she vomited and had diarrhea. You haven't forgotten about it, have you?"

"I..." The old lady's staring eyes narrowed slightly, but she felt very embarrassed when her grandson said that to her, so she retorted confidently, "The dumpling was just an accident last time, this time I promise it's okay .”

"As long as you promise everything is fine, everything will be fine."

"you you you……"

Bai Mo on the side saw that the old lady was suffering from the weather of Long Hao, so she immediately stepped forward and coaxed softly, "Grandma, don't be angry, I just had breakfast, and I'm still struggling, can I eat the buns when I'm hungry?" ?”

"Can you really eat it?"

The old lady who was beaten by her own grandson was a bit fragile, and she doubted Bai Mo's words.

"Well, I'm not afraid of diarrhea." Bai Mo put his mouth into the old lady's ear with a happy face, and said softly, "Grandma, because of your dumplings, I lost three catties. Thinking about it, I still made money. You know? I'm worried that I won't be able to lose weight after giving birth to the baby, if your buns can make me..."

Before Bai Mo finished speaking, the old lady quickly took away the lunch box that was placed aside, hugged her tightly in her arms, guarded against Bai Mo like a thief, and kept chattering. Said, "No, no, no, I can't give you anything to eat."


Bai Mo stared eagerly at the lunch box that the old lady was holding in her arms, feeling very reluctant to part with it.

"You child, you are too insidious." The old lady put the lunch box into Yang Jing's hands, and then urged, "Let's go, let's go quickly, Xiaobai is too bad, too bad..."

"Hey, Mom, I'm leaving just now. I haven't said a few words yet." Yang Jingxin, who was being pushed out by the old lady, cried out unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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