Chapter 135

In the living room on the first floor, Si Huan was playing with Aunt Wang, and the little guy was still giggling loudly. Listening to this, Bai Mo suddenly felt much better.


"Are you awake?" Si Huan looked up at her, then stood up, "Are you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen and ask the cook to make you something to eat."


Bai Mo nodded, and then sat on the sofa. The meat bun seemed to smell her mother's milk fragrance, and immediately turned her head around. When she saw her, her big eyes immediately smiled into crescent moons, shaking Xiaopang Arms to hug.

Bai Mo also missed him, and immediately stretched out his arms to hug him, who would have thought that as soon as the little guy was hugged, a small head would keep arching into her arms, Bai Mo saw that he was hungry, and was about to carry him back to the first floor While breastfeeding in the room, Aunt Wang on the side spoke, "Hey, baby, I just ate 120ml of milk powder, why are you hungry again?"

As soon as Aunt Wang finished speaking, Si Huan's voice cut in, "He's not hungry, he's addicted to milk, he has to take a few mouthfuls, or he'll have trouble soon."

"Then shall I give it or not?"

Bai Mo was a little confused.

Will it hold up if I eat it again?

Dr. Li has repeatedly told her that children should not eat too much and wear too much clothes, and it is just right for them to be hungry and cold.

There is a folk saying: three points of hunger and cold, children are safe.

"Don't eat it, it won't be good if you hold on." Si Huan said, picked up a toy, teasingly stuck her head into the little meat bun on Bai Mo's chest, and it took a lot of effort to get the little one The guy's attention draws past.

A servant came over, "Ma'am, I'm ready."

When Si Huan heard this, she immediately asked Aunt Wang to take the meat bun from Bai Mo's body, "Hurry up and eat some, I ordered the kitchen to make noodles for you, you haven't eaten all day, eat slowly, don't hurt your stomach. "

"Well, I see."

Bai Mo got up and was about to go to the restaurant. At this moment, the sound of a car galloping in came from the yard. Bai Mo's heart skipped a beat, her footsteps stopped, and she turned her head to look at the yard.

When she saw the familiar Wrangler, Bai Mo's heart beat faster, and the hands hanging by her side slowly clenched into fists unconsciously, watching the door open, the man who tormented her all night When he got out of the car, his posture was still calm and unhurried, without a trace of panic and apprehension as a married man who didn't come home all night.

With a pain in his heart, he turned around, without the slightest hesitation, Bai Mo walked into the restaurant.

On the dining table, the servant had already arranged the noodles and side dishes. Bai Mo sat down, and just as she picked up the chopsticks, the sound of steady and powerful footsteps came, and the familiar rhythm made her heart, which had settled down so easily, beat rapidly again. .

What is he doing here?
Is it to explain why he didn't return at midnight last night?


Bai Mo, who was afraid to face it at first, suddenly had courage, and was restless all night. What he wanted was an explanation from him?
Simply put down the chopsticks and wait for him to arrive.

When Long Haotian got off the car, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a pretty figure standing in the living room. When he got off the car, he found that the little woman had already turned and walked towards the restaurant.

The corners of her lips were pulled slightly, and there was a helpless arc. You don't need to think about it, the little girl is angry, and she is very angry.

He strode into the living room, and after greeting Si Huan, he ignored Little Roubao's obsequious smile at him, and strode directly towards the dining room. As soon as he walked in, he saw the little woman sitting firmly In front of the dining table, there are untouched noodle soup and side dishes.

His black eyes flashed, and he sat down opposite her, but he didn't rush to speak, but looked at her with deep eyes, and looked at her closely.

Bai Mo was relatively calm at first, allowing him to sit down opposite her, and letting him look at her with those anxious gazes; but, as time passed bit by bit, those two anxious gazes gradually changed. It was so hot that it fell on her body, like two fires, which made her feel uncomfortable.

In terms of endurance, Bai Mo knew that he was no match for Long Haotian, if he endured so much, he might as well explode.

So, he raised his head, eyes met, his fair face showed no expression, and he spoke in a very soft voice, completely different from the usual coquettish and cute accent in front of him.

"Have you seen enough?"

"I can't get enough of it in a lifetime!"

The man's voice was as deep as ever, with a palpitating magnetism.

If it was in the past, these words would definitely make Bai Mo laugh, but at this moment, she still had a cold face, but a sneer flashed across her watery eyes, "Oh, are you talking sweet or honey? "

"What do you say?"

Long Haotian slightly parted his thin lips, instead of answering directly, he asked casually.

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how do I know what's in your heart?" Bai Mo gave him a cold look, then picked up the chopsticks, "If you have nothing to do, don't bother me to eat, go away, don't see me off."

Ever since the two of them realized each other, Bai Mo had never given Long Haotian a cold face like today. That indifferent and alienated attitude caused Long Haotian to frown slightly. Go, or lose your temper on the spot.

But today, apart from frowning, he didn't show any displeasure, what's more, when he heard Bai Mo's cold words, there was a trace of helpless pampering in his pitch-black eyes.

He really should have called her last night to tell her, otherwise, he wouldn't have given him such a cold face at this moment today.

"I had something to do last night, and my phone happened to be out of battery."

With an explanation as simple as eleven words, Bai Mo only felt chills in his heart and his whole body.


Just happened to have a dead phone?


Isn't this the first one among all the explanations and reasons given by the majority of netizens about her husband not returning home all night?
For a moment, Bai Mo didn't know how to react?
Are you continuing to question?
Or just start arguing endlessly until he gets the real reason why he didn't return all night?
It's just that this thought just flashed through her mind and then disappeared.

She really wanted to make a fuss, wishing that all the dissatisfaction and anger smoldering in her heart would erupt directly like a volcanic eruption, wishing to burn everything, everything.

However, the sad thing is that she is not born to be noisy, no matter how much wronged and hurt she has suffered, she will only cry and endure silently.


Questioning is even more useless.

If he wants to talk, is there any need for her to question him?

If he didn't want to talk, even if he asked, so what?
What you get is nothing more than one lie within another lie.

She's had enough of deception and doesn't want another one.

Bai Mo felt like that camel walking in the desert, she didn't know when the last straw would appear, but for now, she didn't want to collapse so early.

She still has meat buns, and her parents...

Without opening his mouth again, he picked up the chopsticks, picked out the noodles and put them into his mouth, and began to eat slowly.

Although we have only known each other for half a year, Sihuan seems to have mastered all her eating habits and tastes. The chicken soup is neither greasy nor light, and the taste is just right. It is very appetizing when paired with slightly spicy side dishes.

At this moment, Bai Mo thought, even if there is a big worry, it should be put aside and let's talk about it after eating this bowl of noodles.

The man sitting opposite had been waiting for her to question her after saying that, but he waited and waited, only to see that the little woman picked up the chopsticks and started eating without any intention of opening her mouth.

As a result, that stern face suddenly darkened, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and he stared at her with burning eyes. The strong light wished to burn a hole in Bai Mo's body.

At this moment, a servant came in, holding a tray in his hand, walked up to Long Haotian, and said respectfully, "This is what Madam ordered for you."


Bai Mo raised his head in doubt, and when he saw the side and dish in front of Long Haotian, he felt a little annoyed in his heart.

What, the noodle bowl is bigger than hers, and the side dishes are more abundant than hers, what does mom mean?
Knowing that her daughter was bullied and wronged by the stinky man in front of her, it's fine not to blame, but she even took the initiative to order the kitchen to cook noodles and bring them over.

This is simply disregarding right from wrong, turning your elbows outward!

Glaring fiercely at the man opposite, Bai Mo suddenly lost his appetite, and slapped his chopsticks on the table angrily, then got up, and was about to leave when Long Haotian's voice came, "Sit down, take care of yourself." eat."

Bai Mo resisted the urge to roll her eyes, turned around, looked at the man who was staring at her, raised her eyebrows and sneered, "If I want to eat, I can eat it, if I don't want to eat it, I don't want to eat it, you can control me."

Her provocative words made Long Haotian narrow his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light suddenly appeared, "You know very well that I can control it!"

When Bai Mo heard it, his heart trembled with anger, and he snorted coldly, "You think it's interesting to threaten me all day?"

"Well, it's really interesting!"

"...Long Haotian, you scoundrel!"

Bai Mo has always known that in terms of bickering, she is no match for Long Haotian, that black-bellied and insidious master can lead her into a ditch with a single word.

The result of every quarrel is that Baimo is so angry that he wants to vomit blood, but Long Haotian still has a calm expression, as if those words that wished to kill people were not what he said at all.

The stewed man is the most hateful!

At this moment, Bai Mo's white face was full of anger, his eyes were wide open, his cheeks were pouting because of anger, and he was full of cuteness.

Gu Chuxia once said, "Xiaobai, do you know when you are the cutest?"

Xiaobai was confused, "When?"

"When angry!"


Bai Mo sometimes thinks that she belongs to the kind of person who is naturally temperless, even if she is really annoyed, she can't tell from her appearance.

The one who was so sad that she couldn't even show her anger. Is there anyone worse than her?
Long Haotian looked at her quietly, with deep eyes and slightly raised lips, full of sexiness, "I will take you to a place tomorrow."

"Don't go!"

Without even thinking about it, Bai Mo directly refused.

"Are you sure?" Long Haotian raised his eyebrows and asked back, his expression somewhat mysterious.

"Definitely and definitely!"

"Rejection is invalid."

"...Then why do you ask me? It's terrible to just tie me up, anyway, you always like to force others so much."

Bai Mo glanced at him, turned and left with a calm expression.

This time, Long Haotian didn't make any more noises, and followed Bai Mo's figure away with his deep and unclear eyesight, and he didn't take it back until he lost sight, and continued to eat the bowl of noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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