Chapter 136

Bai Mo went back to the second floor, sitting on the single sofa in the bedroom at the moment, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the more he thought about it, the more he got angry, he didn't come back all night, and then he said, "I had something to do last night, the phone happened to be out of battery" and wanted to end it what?

Suddenly getting up from the sofa, Bai Mo rushed directly into the cloakroom, and came out after a while, carrying a suitcase in his hand, which contained her change of clothes, and then went to the next room of Meat Bao'er to pack Meat Bao'er's things Most of the time, and then, carrying a large suitcase in one hand, he went downstairs heavily.

"Nuan, where are you going?"

Si Huan walked over with Roubaoer in her arms, and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Mom, pack your things and let's go back to Lishan Villa."

Bai Mo put the suitcase aside, and while talking, folded the meat bun's cradle.

"What are you going back for? I live here well..." Before Si Huan could finish her sentence, she was quickly interrupted by Bai Mo, "I'll come back as soon as I say it. If you want to live, then you can stay here. I'll bring the meat buns." Go back to the Peony Pavilion."

At this time, Si Huan finally realized the seriousness of the matter. She glanced in the direction of the restaurant, her voice suddenly raised, "Oh, if you go back to Lishan, you will go back to Lishan. Look at your bad temper, you don't look like me at all. .”

"It's broken like you."

After Bai Mo finished speaking, he picked up the cradle and walked towards the door, but just two steps away, the familiar sound of footsteps came, calm and powerful, unhurried, one could tell without looking, that the master was walking on a slender His legs approached her calmly.

With a tight heart, Bai Mo continued to walk outside.

"Where are you going?"

His voice was low, with obvious displeasure.

Bai Mo didn't turn back, "Go home."

"Isn't this your home?"

The cold rhetorical question made people suffocate from the bottom of their hearts.

Bai Mo could guess it without turning his head. At this moment, the face of the man behind him must be extremely cold and smelly. Coupled with his voice that was so cold that it was frozen like ice, Hell Yama was nothing more than that.

It's just that after being with him for so long, he has a cold face all day long, and the white foam has already developed immunity.

Stopping, turning around, meeting his fire-breathing cold eyes without any surprise, Bai Mo smiled faintly, "At least I didn't feel it."

The cold eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light burst out, "Bai Mo, you are angry with me."

"you guessed right."

Bai Mo felt that at this moment, if she said again, 'I'm not angry, which one of your eyes saw that I was angry', it would be hypocritical.

Bai Mo hated hypocritical women the most.

Rather than feeling uncomfortable in the bottom of my heart, it is better to be honest and explain everything clearly.

Anyway, if this matter is not explained clearly, she is sure that she will not be able to live a good life with the man in front of her.


Long Haotian suddenly reached out, grabbed the cradle she was holding and threw it aside, then grabbed her arm and walked outside.

"Where are you taking me?"

Bai Mo panicked, but couldn't struggle.

Long Haotian didn't answer her question, but grabbed her tightly and got on the shepherd.

Watching the car start and leave quickly, Si Huan hugged the meat bun full of emotion, "Young man, you are really enviable."

Aunt Wang stood aside, puzzled, "Ma'am, it's all a quarrel..."

"It's good to quarrel. How can there be a couple who doesn't quarrel?" Si Huan hugged the little meat bag and turned around, walked to the sofa and sat down. , definitely more closely connected than before."

"Ma'am is right."

Bai Mo was dragged into the passenger seat by Long Haotian, then forced to fasten her seat belt, turned her head, stared at the man in the driver's seat who was starting the car, and complained in a low voice, "Long Haotian, you are home!" violent!"

The man tilted his head to stare at her for a few seconds, his dark and cold eyes revealed an incomprehensible depth, his thin lips were tightly pressed, he just looked at her like that, without saying a word, he turned his head for a long time and started the car.

Bai Mo was dissatisfied from the bottom of her heart, she turned her head and looked out of the window, but didn't speak anymore.

For a moment, the car was eerily quiet.

City G faces the sea to the east, so housing prices on the east coast are frighteningly expensive, and anyone who can afford a house there must be a veritable rich man.

Therefore, when Long Haotian parked the car at the beach, took her hand and strode towards the sea to build those two-story buildings with chic and fresh doors full of roses, he was a little dazed until Long Haotian stood in front of one of the doors, took out the card bag and took out a key card from it, finally came to his senses, and asked, "This house... yours?"

Long Haotian didn't speak, and directly inserted the card to open the door. The hollow iron door was opened, and he took the lead in striding in. Bai Mo was stunned for a moment, and then followed inside.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Not to people, but to things.

As soon as Bai Mo walked into the yard, he fell in love with it.

If one uses words to describe this small courtyard, Bai Mo thinks that 'fresh and pleasant' is really appropriate, and it couldn't be more appropriate.

In life, she likes fresh and pleasant-looking women, so she fell in love with this yard at first sight.

The courtyard is not big, less than one-third of the size of Long's court, but this size is exactly what Bai Mo wanted, small but extremely unique.

The homeowner seems to have put a lot of thought into moving a tall cherry tree from nowhere. It is the cherry ripening season at this moment, and the plump red grains are dotted among the green leaves. Bai Mo couldn't help but stepped forward, so greedy.

Standing on tiptoe, stretching out your hand, took one off, put it directly into your mouth without rubbing it, and immediately, it was sweet and fragrant, and your heart and lungs were full of fragrance.

There is a swing between the thick branches of the cherry trees. Although the weather in June is sunset, the temperature is scorching hot; but the swing is covered by the dense cherry leaves, and the sun's scorching light cannot shine.

Bai Mo couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the person who designed this swing must love the person who likes swings, otherwise, how could he be so thoughtful?
Turning around, the eyes fell on the flowerbed at the base of the wall of the small courtyard. The small flowerbed was already full of colorful flowers, and the breeze was blowing, and the flowers were fragrant.

Next to the flower garden is a rattan hanging chair, on which is a thin cushion of floral flowers, which makes people want to sit on it.

Bai Mo thought so, and did the same.

Sitting on it, the breeze is blowing, with the smell of the sea and the fragrance of flowers. In the evening of June, it is so refreshing that people can't help but be intoxicated by it.


The afterglow of the sun above the head was blocked, and the man's deep voice came, Bai Mo quickly raised his eyes, met his dark eyes, and nodded slightly, "I like it, it's really nice here."

Her answer caused Long Haotian's black eyes to flash, and the corners of his tightly pursed lips slowly raised an invisible arc, "Just as long as you like it, go in and have a look." Then he stretched out his hand towards her.

Bai Mo looked at the big hand with distinct joints stretched out in front of him, and with a movement in his heart, he stretched out his hand and put it into his warm big palm, and was immediately wrapped tightly by him.

He took her hand and walked towards the house step by step without any haste.

Bai Mo followed beside him, her heart began to beat faster.

She seemed to suddenly understand something.

When the door of the room was pushed open, Bai Mo looked around and was stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears.

Before she was pregnant, she once pointed to a few selfies on her phone and said to a certain man narcissistically, "Look, isn't this side of me so charming and charming?"

I remember that at that time, Long Haotian squinted at the photos in her mobile phone, and threw two words at her, "Ugly!"

I remember that time, when I was so angry that I was foaming, when I went to bed at night, I kicked Master Long out of the bed in a daze, and then angrily ignored him all day.

But at this moment, the photos that were originally stored in the mobile phone were actually hung on the wall. Each photo had a different expression, the front and side photos, and even the back view of her walking.

There are a few photos that she has never seen before, but they are extremely beautiful.

Unable to stop the tears, she looked up at him, pouting her lips as though complaining, but her eyes were full of affection and gratitude, "Long Haotian, when did you take pictures of me?"

Long Haotian turned around and stood facing her, his deep eyes fell on her fair cheeks covered with crystals, and he sighed deeply, "Why are you crying again?"

Embarrassed, Bai Mo raised her hand to wipe it off, but a big hand took the first step. His slender fingers brushed across her cheeks, wiping away all the tears.

He stared at her, his deep eyes were like whirlpools, filled with deep love and affection, when Bai Mo saw it, his whole body including his soul was sucked in.

She murmured softly, "Did you go out early and come back late, or even didn't come back all night last night, are you busy with this?"

Long Haotian hooked his lips and chuckled, "What do you think?"

His rhetorical question made Bai Mo's cheeks blush instantly, she thought... she thought...

Oh, the kind of assumption she thought was too embarrassing, okay?

At this moment, Bai Mo didn't have the courage to speak out.

It's just, "You don't know how to talk to me, it makes me worry and uneasy every day, it's all your fault!"

"It's a surprise, so what else is there to surprise?"

For a while, Bai Mo couldn't find any reason to refute.

It was indeed a surprise.

What brought her was not only surprise, but also joy.

The joy of happiness.

"This is...our home?"

She looked around, every place was carefully arranged, it could be seen that Long Haotian really put a lot of thought into it, and understood her very well.

The styles and colors of all kinds of furniture, even the tablecloths, are very suitable for her.

Everything here looks like her dream home, it is perfect to the extreme.

Long Haotian's black eyes were focused on her all the time. At this moment, when he heard her question, his thin lips parted slightly, and he asked instead, "Do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it so much." Bai Mo hugged his arm tightly, with a satisfied smile on her fair and delicate face, "I have always longed to have such a home, the area is not big, but every place is exquisite and warm; There is a small yard with swings, flower beds and seats..."

"Oh, by the way, where did you get that cherry tree?"

"What do you say?"

"Could it be Nie Feng's cherry orchard?"


"So, did you just get it?"


Bai Mo's heart shuddered. It was shipped yesterday, picked off, and everything here needs to be cleaned up...

Looking up, Bai Mo realized that there was a trace of fatigue on Long Haotian's stern face.

He has always been a restrained man, with restrained feelings, even the expression on his face. If you don't look carefully, you can't see a trace of fatigue in him.

The emotions in my heart were tumbling, full of touch and happiness, and I could no longer control the impulse in my body. I reached out and hugged his waist, threw myself into his chest, and murmured, "Fool!"

"A fool matches an idiot, a perfect match."

The long arms encircled her tightly, Master Long seemed to be in a good mood, and his voice was raised, revealing joy.

They are all fools in love. Once they fall in love, they can't wait to love each other with all their own, and try to give her a better one.

(End of this chapter)

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