Chapter 147

"Tch, when you get married, you won't mind hugging me if you let me hug you."

Gu Chuxia looked at her with a dissatisfied expression.

"Then I would like to thank you on behalf of my whole family."


As Bai Mo walked in, Gu Chuxia saw Si Huan sitting on the sofa at a glance, her expression remained unchanged, with a smile on her face, she was naturally generous, "Auntie, long time no see."

Si Huan looked up at her and smiled, with a natural and kind expression on her face, "Xia Xia is here, come quickly, sit here and see if Little Roubao has grown up?"

Gu Chuxia sat over, Little Roubao recognized her, and when he saw her, he stretched out his chubby arms to hug her, Gu Chuxia quickly reached out and hugged her, eyes full of doting, "Roubao, long time no see, do you miss me?" ?”

The little Roubaoer communicated with her enthusiastically in 'baby language'. Judging from his expression and movements, Comrade Xiaoroubao should miss her, not just in general, but very much.

Gu Chuxia saw it, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

The door of the study room opened at some point, and Huang Quan stood at the door, staring at Gu Chuxia who was sitting with his back facing him with eagle-like eyes.

Bai Mo came out of the kitchen carrying the washed red plums, and found Huang Quan standing at the door of the study room. When he found that his eyes fell on Gu Chuxia, his heart suddenly rose.

This was the first time that Huang Quan met Gu Chuxia, even though he knew that there was little hope, Bai Mo still wanted to give it a try.

"Dad, are you done with your work? Come and have some fruit."

Bai Mo's words stunned Gu Chuxia, who was having fun playing with Roubaoer, but then she came to her senses, with a polite expression on her face, she got up from the sofa with Roubaoer in her arms, turned to look at To the middle-aged man walking slowly towards this side.

Although he tried his best to be calm and calm, Gu Chuxia was still in a daze when he saw that man's face and those same charming blue eyes.

It wasn't until Bai Mo's voice sounded beside her that she suddenly came back to her senses. Gu Chuxia felt a little embarrassed when she saw the middle-aged man's sharp gaze that seemed to see through everything.

"Xia Xia, this is my father." Bai Mo walked to Huang Quan's side, took his arm, and watched Gu Chuxia introduce him.

Immediately, he pointed to Gu Chuxia and introduced to Huang Quan, "This is Gu Chuxia, the only friend and girlfriend I have in this world."

Out of politeness, Gu Chuxia spoke first, "Hello, Uncle."

Compared to when facing Si Huan, Gu Chuxia was a little more cautious and nervous.

She tried her best to control herself to be more confident and calm, but the aura of the man in front of her was too strong, and the aura exuding from her body was even more majestic and alienated.

After all, she was a little immature. In front of him, no matter how she pretended to be, he would see through her at a glance.

Rather than being ridiculed secretly like a joke, it's better to be the truest her.

She was afraid of him, not really because of his too strong aura or that majestic face, but because she was facing the father she loved deeply, and this father, So far, the one who opposed their relationship the most.

Let me ask all the girls in the world, if it were you, would you be nervous?Will there be fear in my heart?Will your voice tremble as soon as you open your mouth?

Even though she knew long ago that it would be that hopeless ending, Gu Chuxia was still working hard.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will not give up.

Therefore, today, she will dress up carefully and try to smile, try her best to show her best side in front of them.

Maybe they will like her.

Huangquan, a tycoon standing at the top of business, used a big saying to describe the gap between Gu Chuxia and him, that is, 'he has traveled more bridges than she has traveled'.

With just one glance, he could see through all the little thoughts she was trying to hide.

Keeping calm, she spoke quietly, with a mellow and deep voice, "I heard my Jianuan mentioned you many times. Before we found her, you took care of her a lot. Thank you, uncle."

"It's not about taking care of her. She is a good friend of mine. It's only natural to treat her well. You don't need to thank her."

There is no trace of politeness or flattery, and every word comes from the heart.

Gu Chuxia always felt that whether it was Bai Mo in the past or Huang Shaonuan now, in her heart, she was just her Xiaobai and had never changed.

Huang Quan's dark eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded, "Nuan is lucky to have you as a friend."

"Well, I've always felt that way, too."

Gu Chuxia felt that it would be really boring to be more polite.

Since I have to thank you, then accept it.

Huang Quan didn't expect her to answer like this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed heartily, "Haha, this girl..."

Bai Mo glanced at him, and also laughed, "Gu Chuxia, you thick-skinned, give some sunshine and you'll shine brightly."

"Xiaobai, just admit it, is it the luckiest thing for you to know me?" Gu Chuxia smiled cheerfully holding the meat bun, and the bright smile returned.

"Yes, yes, yes." Bai Mo walked over holding Huang Quan's arm, and said with a smile, "After I met you, my cooking skills have greatly improved, and my cleaning and wardrobe skills have also improved day by day."

Gu Chuxia said, "Oh, it's so embarrassing to bring up this matter."

"Ha ha……"

For a moment, laughter filled every corner of the living room.

Bai Mo looked at his happy parents, and thought secretly in his heart: Is this a good start?
After dinner, Gu Chuxia and Aunt Wang pushed the meat buns for a walk in the yard, when Bai Mo was called into the bedroom by Si Huan and Huang Quan.

At this moment, Si Huan was sitting on the edge of the bed holding Bai Mo's hand, and Huang Quan was sitting on the opposite sofa. Si Huan's chattering voice rang out in the room, revealing her mother's deep reluctance and concern on the eve of her daughter's wedding.

"Nuan, after tomorrow, you will be the daughter-in-law of the Long family. From now on, you must speak properly and act prudently."

"Mom, I know."

"The Long family is a wealthy and prominent family in G City, so when you go out, you must pay attention to your words and deeds, and don't do anything that will damage the face of the Long family, you know?"

"Ok, I know."

"Haotian loves you and spoils you. Your father and I see how well he treats you. If you are handed over to him, your father and I will rest assured." Si Huan then sighed slightly, "Your parents-in-law , although I did something that hurt you before, but the matter is over, and they treat you sincerely now, so don't worry about it so much, and respect them and the old lady well."

"Mom, I understand."

Bai Mo's heart began to feel sour.

Inexplicable soreness and pain...

"Well, my Nuan is the best." Si Huan said as she let go of her hand, got up and walked to the dressing table, opened the drawer, took out a brocade box from it, and sat down beside Bai Mo again .

The brocade box was opened, Bai Mo looked over, and suddenly exclaimed, "This crystal..."

"have you seen?"

Si Huan took out the crystal necklace from the brocade box and asked.

"I saw it at an auction last year, and I was so shocked because it was exactly the same shape as the birthmark on the base of my thigh."


Si Huan looked at the drop-shaped blue crystal in her palm, "In order to find you, your brother had no choice but to come up with this method; it really is fate, you met it for the first time?"

"At that time, I was just curious. How can there be a crystal that is exactly the same as the birthmark on my body? I didn't think about my own life experience at all. Looking back now, it is really the fate between me and it."

Bai Mo stretched out his hand to touch the crystal, it felt creamy and beautiful.

The blue crystal was hung up with a thin platinum chain, and Si Huan carefully hung it around Bai Mo's neck, then looked at it carefully, with loving eyes, "It's really beautiful."

Huang Quan also nodded, "This crystal is a symbol of the status of the royal princess, please keep it safe and don't lose it."

Bai Mo lowered his head, stroked the crystal with his hands, and nodded slightly, "I will definitely keep it carefully."

"There is also a princess tiara made of 99 such blue crystals. When you return to Sweden, Dad will wear it for you."

When Bai Mo heard this, his heart was agitated.

Excited and full of anxiety about the future.

Can she adapt to everything in the royal family?
Can she afford the status of this princess?

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Tomorrow's big wedding, she has already started to get nervous, so nervous that she can't sit still.

Bai Guo arrived before dark. She took off her smart clothes and put on a white dress. She felt completely different, like the girl next door, quiet and pure.

After coaxing Roubaoer to sleep, Baimo went back to the bedroom. Gu Chuxia and Baiguo each held a tablet, one checked Weibo, and the other watched American dramas. The relaxed atmosphere also made Baimo's impetuous heart sink a little. .

"Have you tried on the bridesmaid dresses? Have you tried the shoes? How are they? Do they fit? Do you like them?" Bai Mo came out of the cloakroom with her pajamas and asked.

Bai Guo raised her head, smiled and narrowed her eyes, "Sister Momo, don't say anything, it's just tailor-made for me, perfect, I like it."

"What about you?"

Bai Mo looked at Gu Chuxia who was addicted to American dramas and asked.

"Just wait for tomorrow to be compared with my sister's charming demeanor!"

Gu Chuxia said without raising her head.

Bai Mo rolled his eyes, "Miss Gu, if you are more modest, you will die?"

"Hey." Gu Chuxia looked up at her for a silly laugh, then rubbed her belly, her expression changed, and said pitifully, "Xiaobai, I'm hungry, do you have supper?"

Baimo was sweating profusely, "..."

It's only nine o'clock now, and it's only two hours before dinner, so she's hungry?
How strong is this digestive system.

Bai Mo walked to the landline and dialed the short number of the kitchen, "Master Liu, please order three bowls of three fresh wontons. I'll go down and serve them later."

"Three delicacies, I like it."

"I'm OK too."

Bai Mo hung up the phone silently, and went into the bathroom silently.

This is not a bridesmaid, she is here to cause trouble for her, okay?

After eating the wontons, the three of them chatted for a while, and it was almost twelve o'clock. Ginkgo couldn't move her eyelids, and said "I'm asleep" in a daze, and fell asleep directly.

Gu Chuxia and Bai Mo are still chatting, Bai Mo is tomorrow's bride, it's normal to be a little excited and unable to fall asleep, but, why, Gu Chuxia is also so energetic, chatting with him all the time, and has no intention of falling asleep.

"Tomorrow, will he come back?"

Suddenly, Gu Chuxia asked.

Bai Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then realized who "he" was referring to.

"Well, my mother said that he will come here on a special plane at five o'clock tomorrow morning, but after the wedding, he has to leave. The Huang's Group cannot do without him."


five o'clock...

It is twelve o'clock now, and there are only five hours before five o'clock. Maybe, when he wakes up, he will be able to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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