Chapter 148

Don't think about leaving as soon as you come back, just being able to look at him is fine.

The old customs in G City, the day before the wedding, it's okay for the man and woman not to meet each other. What's even more unbearable is that they can't even have a phone call or a text message. Bai Mo can only endure this cruel torture silently.

Lying on the bed, apart from being excited, what she missed most was Long Haotian.

But it's only been a day since I saw him, why do I miss him so much?
But at this moment, in the living room of Tianyi Lake Villa, three men sat casually on the sofa, drinking fine wine in glasses, chatting casually, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

"I always thought that among the three of us, I should be the one who got married first, but who knows, you all ran ahead of me, it's boring."

Nie Feng played with the wine glass, expressing infinite emotion.

"A prodigal son in love still has the face to mention marriage?" Gu Chuxia put the wine glass on the tea table in front of him, and teased, "Changing women is faster than changing clothes. Whoever marries you will be unlucky."

"That's right." Long Haotian echoed in a deep voice.

Nie Feng was not annoyed either, and said with a grin, "Don't tell me, there really is a woman recently who is behind my ass every day, yelling that I don't want to marry."

"Are you sure she's not sick?" Long Haotian nestled his whole body on the sofa, his slender legs crossed casually, one arm resting on the armrest of the sofa, the other arm resting on his leg, holding a mobile phone , the screen was on, and above it was a group photo of the two of them.

In the photo, the man is still handsome with an indescribable ruthlessness, pulling him to the point of aloofness and arrogance; while the little woman nestled in his arms has crooked eyebrows and slightly parted cherry-like red lips, The pear dimple is deep, pretty and moving.

At this moment, Long Haotian's eyes fell on the little woman's face, and his heart felt numb...

Heh, his little girl is getting married tomorrow, that's great.

I remember that day, she said in that very soft voice on the phone, "Long Haotian, I saw such a sentence in a book today."

"If a man really loves a woman, even if he marries her one day later, he will feel very bad."


Is it a loss?

Isn't she always by his side?

If you want to talk about the real loss?
That is, in the year when she first fell in love, he should have met her. For the rest of his life, from beginning to end, there were only him and her.

At four o'clock in the morning, the three of them were sleeping soundly on the big bed, when there was a knock on the door, the servant's voice came in, "Madam, it's time to get up."

"what time is it?"

Bai Mo rubbed his head and got up from the bed, and asked casually.

Why did she feel like she was woken up just after falling asleep?
"Four o'clock." The servant replied, "The people who will do your bridal styling have arrived and are waiting for you in the dressing room below."

It's four o'clock already?
Bai Mo's heart tightened, "Okay, I'll get up right away, you go down and tell the kitchen to cook some breakfast for them."


Bai Mo quickly got up from the bed, looked at Gu Chuxia and Bai Guo who were still sleeping soundly, thought about it, and finally decided to take a bath first, and then wake them up.

After coming out of the shower, Baimo saw that Baiguo had woken up, and Gu Chuxia was also rolling around with the quilt in his arms, constantly struggling between sleeping for 5 minutes and continuing to sleep for 5 minutes.

"Guo'er, you go take a shower first."


Bai Mo walked to the bed, looked at Gu Chuxia who was wrapped in a quilt and was motionless, and shook her head helplessly. She could only use harsh tactics for someone like her who had trouble getting up.

Reaching out to grab the quilt, the quilt was pulled aside, without the warm quilt, Gu Chuxia suddenly raised her eyelids in displeasure, and muttered, "I just fell asleep..."

"Hurry up, there's no time, I'll go downstairs first." Bai Mo said, not caring if she really woke up, turned around and left the room.

Downstairs, in the dressing room specially set up for her, the makeup artist, stylist, costume artist, follow-up photographer and assistants on the wedding day are all here. Although it is early in the morning, everyone is full of energy. Seeing her come in, everyone laughs Say congratulations.

Bai Mo was immediately infected by this relaxed and joyful atmosphere, and after returning them with a big smile, he said, "Everyone, let's go to the restaurant with me to have some breakfast, today I have to trouble you all, let's fill up our stomachs first. "

"Okay." The big guy was not polite, and followed Bai Mo to the restaurant.

Simple millet porridge, tea, eggs, soy milk, oil cakes, and small pickles. I prepared a lot. Due to the rush of time, everyone was not polite to each other. They just took chopsticks and ate it. It took less than 10 minutes for a breakfast.

When Bai Mo returned to the dressing room, Bai Guo and Gu Chuxia came down from upstairs, "Hurry up and have breakfast, and come over quickly after eating."

"it is good."

From 04:30 in the morning to [-]:[-] in the morning, for three and a half hours, with the chief makeup artist's "OK", Bai Mo's torment of sitting motionless on the makeup stool finally came to an end. Bai Guo and Gu Chuxia, who were waiting outside, walked in, and when their eyes fell on Bai Mo, they both exclaimed at the same time, "My God."

Seeing their exaggerated expressions, Bai Mo couldn't help laughing, "Is that so exaggerated?"

"I've always heard people say that the most beautiful thing in a woman's life is the day she gets married." Gu Chuxia helped Bai Mo off the stool and walked to the large floor-to-ceiling mirror, "I didn't believe this sentence before, I thought it was exaggerated There are too many ingredients, and when I see you today, really, there is nothing more beautiful than this."

Gu Chuxia seldom praises others. In her eyes, there are very few things that are astonishingly beautiful. Therefore, Baimo is still looking forward to hearing her praise.

Therefore, when standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling mirror, I slowly raised my eyes with an excited heart, and when my eyes looked at myself in the mirror, after a moment of stupefaction, I pursed my lips and burst into joy.

She never knew that one day, she would be so pretty as a flower.

Like all wedding dresses, the color is pure and white; the white silk satin is matched with light and transparent lace, giving the wedding dress a light texture as a whole; Graceful and vivid folds like flowing water, romantic three-dimensional decoration... All of these are interpreted by ethereal tulle, which is dreamy and light; the elegant long trailing tail brings out a perfect arc, and the long veil is embellished, which is even more beautiful Beautiful.

To say, what makes Bai Mo most satisfied is that this wedding dress is not a traditional tube top style, but two delicate and slender lace crocheted shoulder straps, which set off her delicate collarbone more and more charmingly. .

It took a full two hours to make up and put on the hair. Looking at the elegant and suitable makeup in the mirror, Bai Mo raised his lips and smiled in satisfaction; The crown, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets that Haotian customized for her are all hollowed out in the style of jasmine flowers, embellished with fine diamonds, and everything is shining with dazzling brilliance.

For a moment, not only Bai Mo was fascinated by herself, but everyone in the room was immersed in her charming demeanor, until the door was knocked, and Si Huan's voice came in, "Is it finished?"

"Okay, okay." Bai Guo came back to his senses, hurried over, and opened the door.

Si Huan walked in, wearing a festive fiery red dress, with her hair tied up in a bun, dotted with white pearls, and a pair of silver stiletto heels on her feet, which set off all her nobility and elegance, with a myriad of appearances.

As soon as she entered, she saw Bai Mo sitting on the stool again, and her eyes were filled with amazement.

"Oh, my baby, today is so beautiful."

Her praise made Bai Mo smile slightly, "Mom is also beautiful today."

"Where's Dad?" Huang Quan then walked in, dressed in a black suit and dress, which set off the already handsome and handsome him even more charmingly.

Bai Mo looked at him, and the corners of his mouth curled up even more, "Dad must have been very handsome when he was young."

"Does it need to be said?" Huang Quan was in a good mood, shed his usual majestic and cold side, and became a little more approachable, "How can you marry your mother if you are not handsome?"

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed at the same time.

Si Huan glanced coquettishly at Huang Quan, then looked at Bai Mo and said, "It's almost time, the Long family has already called, the convoy departs there on time at nine o'clock, and arrives here in half an hour, time is tight, Now, let your brother carry you up to the bedroom on the second floor."

Upon hearing this, Bai Mo said, "My brother has already arrived?"

The custom in G City is that after the bride has finished her makeup, she cannot walk with her shoes on, and must be carried by her closest brother or younger brother.

"Here, change the dress in the room and come down immediately." Si Huan said as she spoke, her eyes seemed to inadvertently glance at Gu Chuxia who was standing next to Bai Mo, wearing a bridesmaid dress, her expression remained unchanged.

The room was full of people, Si Huan asked the housekeeper to take everyone to the side hall for tea and rest, and suddenly, there were only four of them left in the dressing room.

The door was pushed open, a tall and straight figure appeared, Bai Mo looked up, Huang Shaoleng's gaze landed somewhere behind her after a glance at her.

Bai Mo was worried at first that he would stare at Gu Chuxia all the time; then he would arouse the dissatisfaction of Huang Quan and Si Huan, but who knew, his gaze would turn back to her after a glance.

"Today is beautiful."

The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and there was a seductive smile on his handsome face.

Bai Mo smiled happily, "Thank you brother, you are also very handsome today."

"I've always been so handsome." Huang Shaoleng strode in front of her, "However, today I can allow him to be a little bit more handsome than me."

Bai Mo smiled more and more happily, "Then let me thank you for your fulfillment on his behalf."


Si Huan was on the side, looking at her pair of good-looking sons and daughters, she was full of pride, "Okay, don't be cold, hurry up, carry my sister upstairs."

Huang Shaoleng squatted down his tall body and said, "Nuan, come up."

Sitting there, Bai Mo looked at the firm back in front of her. For no reason, she only felt a slight soreness in her eyes. In order to cover up her strangeness, she immediately stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and then lay down on her stomach.

"Xia Xia, Guo'er, come on, carefully hug the skirt and veil so that they don't get dirty or damaged."

"it is good."

Huang Shao Leng walked out of the dressing room with Bai Mo on his back, Bai Guo and Gu Chuxia followed behind, Si Huan and Huang Quan walked last.

Bai Mo lay on Huang Shaoleng's back, his steps were steady and powerful, his back was broad and warm, he carried her on his back, and walked upstairs slowly, step by step.

"Nuan, I want to be happy all my life."

From now on, this is the first time that Huang Shaoleng has expressed his blessings to her in such a serious manner, Baimo's heart is slightly sour, she nods slightly, and dare not speak, fearing that if she speaks, she will be choked up and cry.

The bedroom has already been cleaned by the servants, the sheets, quilts and even the pillows have been changed into a festive red color, Bai Mo is wearing a white gauze and sitting in the center of the big red bed, watching Gu Chuxia and Bai Guo mess around with her wedding shoes Zang, couldn't help laughing, "Guo'er, do you think you can beat your boss with your little IQ?"

(End of this chapter)

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