Chapter 161

"You stinky man, I want to peel your skin, squeeze your tendons and drink your blood, I want to..." Gu Chuxia was venting the anger in his heart like a well, when suddenly, a man's low laughter came from the microphone.

Gu Chuxia who was scolding vigorously was stunned.

"why are you laughing?"

After a swearing, she suddenly calmed down.

Now, it seems that it is not the time to scold, some things must be clarified.

"Are you feeling better?"

Huang Shaoleng's voice rose slightly, as if he was in a good mood after being scolded by her.

Gu Chuxia lay back on the bed again, with the gloomy expression on her face, she asked instead, "Huang Shaoleng, why did you treat me like that?"

There was a sudden silence in the microphone, and during this silence, Gu Chuxia's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, 'pounding' beating fast and chaotically.

Even the hand holding the phone was slightly sweating.

What is she nervous about?
What is she looking forward to?
Just when her heart was beating faster and faster, Huang Shaoleng's voice came over again, "Be my woman!"

"I do not want!"

For some reason, when Huang Shaoleng said those words, Gu Chuxia's heart beat wildly, and she blurted out the rebuttal without hesitation.


It could be heard that Huang Shaoleng was a little surprised, but more displeased.

His majestic prince of the royal family has never been short of women, only those he despises, and he has never rejected him.

And Gu Chuxia's refusal was the first time he was rejected in nearly 30 years.

It is conceivable how upset the prince who has always been aloof is?
All men are like this, the more you can't get, the better.

He never believed that there were things in this world that his young master couldn't get, even if she was a flesh and blood woman with a small personality.

Facing his rhetorical question, Gu Chuxia suddenly wanted to laugh.

What a naive and ridiculous rhetorical question, but it came from his mouth.

Did he lose his mind when he asked?
It's just that I wanted to laugh but I couldn't, but in the end, I just pulled the corners of my lips into the phone and asked in the same way, "You want me to be your woman? Are you in love with me?"

There was a silence in the microphone, but only for a split second, and then, Huang Shaoleng's voice came, as cold as usual, without a trace of warmth, "Take a good rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Listening to the 'beep' sound from the microphone, Gu Chuxia still kept the phone close to her ear, and it passed for a long time until the door of the apartment was knocked,
Bai Mo's voice came, "Xia Xia, open the door."

As if all the strength in her body was taken away in an instant, Gu Chuxia turned over and rolled herself into the quilt as the phone fell aside.

After Bai Mo knocked, he didn't continue, but directly took out the key card and entered the room.

Looking at Gu Chuxia's slightly closed bedroom door, she immediately walked over, stretched out her hand and pushed it open, and at a glance she saw a woman with messy long hair exposed under the quilt.

He stretched out his hand and tore the quilt away, "It's a hot day, you don't have to worry about burning yourself out."

Gu Chuxia still maintained the posture of burying her face between the pillows, as if she didn't hear Bai Mo's words, and didn't even react at all.

Bai Mo was frightened when she saw it, and quickly stretched out her hand to touch her forehead. The touch of normal temperature said, "It's not hot." She was about to withdraw her hand when Gu Chuxia suddenly grabbed her and covered her face. .


Just as Bai Mo was about to speak, his expression froze.

She could clearly feel the wetness between her fingers.

Her heart tightened suddenly, and she hurriedly sat on the side of the bed, "Xia Xia, why are you... crying?"

Gu Chuxia shook off her hand suddenly, sat up from the bed, blinked her red eyes vigorously, and looked away pretending to be indifferent, "Crying? Miss Ben was just kidding you."

Her words not only failed to relieve Bai Mo's nervousness, but made her more anxious, "Xia Xia, what happened to you today? Can you tell me quickly? Don't scare me, I..."

"It's okay." Gu Chuxia took a look at Bai Mo and straightened her long messy hair with her fingers, "I'm just lazy and don't want to go to work."

"Who asked you for leave?"

This is the question Bai Mo wants to know the most.

Gu Chuxia suffers from dysmenorrhea, and every time the first day of her aunt's visit, she would die of pain.

Every time my aunt comes, she must not be able to go to work. Every time, Bai Mo asks for leave for her. But this time, when Bai Mo heard that Gu Chuxia didn't come to work and asked someone to ask for sick leave for her, her heart froze. She was puzzled, feeling that Gu Chuxia's 'illness' was not easy this time.

I have been carrying my heart since I went to work, and it was not until lunch time that I finally had time to make a phone call to ask.

This question immediately caused an accident.

Gu Chuxia was taken aback by Bai Mo's words, she looked at her with red eyes, and asked, "Didn't you invite me?"

"Where can I get you? I didn't even know you weren't going to work today."

When she said this, Gu Chuxia was slightly stunned, and then seemed to think of something, and her ears felt a little hot.

Bai Mo had been paying attention to her expression all the time, seeing that she didn't say a word, as if she knew something, he immediately asked, "Tell me the truth, what's going on?"

Gu Chuxia glanced at her, got out of bed without saying a word, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Xiaobai, I'm hungry."

Bai Mo also stood up from the bed. She knew Gu Chuxia well, knew that she didn't want to explain now, so she simply didn't force her, so she went straight out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

She came here directly after get off work at noon, and she didn't have lunch either. When Gu Chuxia came out of the bathroom, two bowls of delicious instant noodles had already been served on the dining table.

Gu Chuxia was only wearing pajamas, suspenders and wet hair, so she rushed to the dining table regardless of her image. After sitting down, she immediately picked up the chopsticks and ate, "Mmm, it's delicious, better than what I cook."

Bai Mo took off her apron and hung it aside, and walked over, "I remember buying a handful of noodles last time and putting them in the refrigerator. I wanted to cook noodles, but I couldn't find them just now. Did you cook them?"

Gu Chuxia's original "hula la" rhythm of eating instant noodles suddenly paused, then nodded, "Yeah."

Bai Mo sat down opposite her, picked up the chopsticks and said, picking up the noodles in the bowl, said, "I'd better eat more noodles in the future, don't buy so many instant noodles, it's not nutritious."

"Instant noodles are better than noodles." When Gu Chuxia said this, he suddenly remembered that bowl of spinach egg noodles last night...

Bai Mo gave her a blank look, "It's delicious but not nutritious. I'll take those packets away later and buy you some noodles."

Gu Chuxia protested while eating noodles, "No!"

"Protest is ineffective!"

"Xiaobai, you are not my real mother!"

"Pfft..." Bai Mo almost avoided spraying directly, "If I were your own mother, I would really ignore you, how could there be such a disobedient girl."

A sentence that was meant to be teased unintentionally, but for some reason, Gu Chuxia, who was still smiling just a moment ago, suddenly fell silent.

Bai Mo thought that he had made a mistake, looked carefully at Gu Chuxia who had been eating happily and suddenly stopped, and asked weakly, "Xia Xia, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Chuxia remained silent, did not answer her words, Bai Mo saw it and felt anxious.

Today's Gu Chuxia is really abnormal, must something happened after they separated last night?

Suddenly, Bai Mo seemed to remember something, "Did he come to see you last night?"

Gu Chuxia still didn't answer her question, but picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat.

This time she ate in a hurry, feeling like she was gobbling.

After a while of 'hula la', she threw the bowl away, got up and walked towards the sofa.

Although Bai Mo was very hungry at the moment, how could he have the heart to eat, so he immediately dropped his chopsticks and followed.

Gu Chuxia was sitting, she was standing in front of her, and she lost her temper for the first time.

"Gu Chuxia, are you dumb, aren't you?" Bai Mo was a little agitated, and the small flames in his heart rushed up his head because of anxiety, "From morning until now, do you know how worried I am? You? You know that I never ask for leave at work unless there is an urgent matter. Today, because of you, I rushed over after get off work in the morning before I even had time to drink. , but didn’t say anything, you want to kill me, don’t you?”

Having been with Bai Mo for so long, I have never seen her lose her temper so much. To be honest, Gu Chuxia suddenly became scared.

Bai Mo is like a little rabbit, usually docile and well-behaved; but once he gets angry, it is definitely a rabbit with fangs, fierce.

"Xiaobai, don't get excited, I'll just tell you."

As Gu Chuxia said that, she stretched out her hand and pulled Bai Mo's hands on her waist.

Bai Mo mercilessly shook off her hand, and directly threw a word, "Say."

"Sit there." Gu Chuxia pointed to the single sofa opposite, "You stand like this, I have a feeling of indigestion."

The corner of Bai Mo's mouth twitched, and then he gave her a blank stare, and sat on the sofa.

She looked at her, and she also looked at her. After they looked at each other for a long time, Gu Chuxia suddenly laughed, "Xiaobai, I was raped."

"What?" Gu Chuxia's words were like a burst of thunder sweeping across Baimo's head.

She stared at her in a daze for a long time, and it took a long time to react. She threw herself in front of Gu Chuxia, her eyes full of anxiety and disbelief, "Are you scaring me? How could such a thing happen?"

At this moment, Gu Chuxia calmed down instead, and her restless heart gradually calmed down, "It's Huang Shaoleng."

Huang Shao Leng...


This time, Bai Mo was shocked.

Huang Shao coldly raped Gu Chuxia?

This is this...

Why did she suddenly feel like the world was in chaos?

She looked at the calm expression on Gu Chuxia's face, and asked cautiously, "Xia Xia, are you sure... strong?"


This time, Bai Mo was shocked.

Huang Shao coldly raped Gu Chuxia?

This is this...

Why did she suddenly feel like the world was in chaos?

She looked at the calm expression on Gu Chuxia's face, and asked cautiously, "Xia Xia, are you sure... strong?"

Gu Chuxia looked at her, looked at her with the weird calm eyes before the storm, and Baimo's heart was frightened, and she quickly changed her mouth and said softly, "Xiaxia, what happened like this... just cry if you want to cry." cry."

(End of this chapter)

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