Chapter 162

Such consolation made Bai Mo want to laugh.

If that man was any man other than Huang Shaoleng, Bai Mo would wish to kill him for Gu Chuxia, but that man happened to be Huang Shaoleng, which made her...

How should I put it, it just feels unreal.

Thinking about the desolate and noble demeanor every time she saw Huang Shaoleng, and Gu Chuxia's usual unreliable madness, she was still wondering who was stronger than whom?
Her consolation immediately caused Gu Chuxia to shudder, "Xiaobai, you are angry with me, right? Why are you crying, crying for a little girl, I'm not that hypocritical."

Bai Mo rubbed her forehead that was knocked, and followed her words with bared teeth and said without thinking, "That's right, not all women can encounter such good things."

As soon as the words came out, she immediately regretted it again!
Oh my goodness.

Her brain is definitely pumped today!
Looking at Gu Chuxia's angry eyes, before she raised her hand, she immediately jumped far away, "Xia Xia, I was wrong..."

"I'm so mad..." Gu Chuxia gasped for breath, pulled the pillow behind her and threw it at Baimo, "I was a living victim, how come I became a great beneficiary when I came to you , you idiot."

"Yes, I'm an idiot, I have a convulsion."

Gu Chuxia stared at her angrily for a long time, then suddenly plunged into the sofa, and said in a faint voice, "It hurts so much, what should I do?"

Bai Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "I'm going to buy medicine for you now."

"Do you know what medicine to apply?"

One sentence made Baimo's cheeks turn red for no reason, "Well, Long Haotian bought it for me..."

Gu Chuxia looked at her, and suddenly sighed deeply, "Xiaobai, you are the one who is truly enviable."

In a word, Bai Mo felt distressed.

She walked over, raised her hand and gently stroked her forehead, "Fool."


"Well, what else do you want to eat? Go to the supermarket."

"Pickled pepper chicken feet, the extra spicy kind."

"……All right."

When Bai Mo went out, Gu Chuxia was still lying on the sofa with a blank expression on his face. If you look carefully, you will find that the pair of eyes that are usually lively have also lost their luster.

Suddenly remembering that the dirty clothes accumulated for a few days have not been washed, and looking at the nightdress she has been wearing for nearly a week, she slowly turned over from the sofa, went into the bedroom and changed into a set of summer pajamas, and then walked to the bathroom , Just put the clothes in the washing machine to wash, the door rang.

"Didn't bring the key?" Gu Chuxia opened the door unsuspectingly while muttering.

She thought it was foam.

The door of the apartment was wide open, and when she saw the man standing outside the door, she was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly changed color.

Without saying a word, she wanted to close the door; but, the man was faster than her, and entered the room with a dodge.

"go out!"

Raising her finger to point out the door, Gu Chuxia was not angry at the moment, only calm, with a calm expression on her face.

Except for the first glance, from the beginning to the end, she never raised her eyes to look at Huang Shaoleng.

However, it was easy for people to feel her disgust towards men from the bottom of her bones.

Facing her indifference, Huang Shaoleng just glanced at her, as if he didn't feel her obvious unwelcome, and walked towards the sofa on his own.

Hearing the sound of footsteps walking in, Gu Chuxia only felt that the anger suppressed in his heart was getting hotter and hotter, and there was an urge to explode immediately and never want to bear it anymore.

However, she finally pressed down.

Some people, the more angry you are, the more proud they are.

She will never make him happy.

Gu Chuxia looked at the apartment door that was still open, when the sound of the door opening came from the opposite resident, Gu Chuxia was startled, and immediately closed the apartment door.

The person living across the street is a distant relative of hers who can't be reached at all. Although they don't have much contact with each other, if they see the man in her house...

Some unnecessary troubles can be saved if possible.

After closing the door of the apartment, she turned around and turned around, still standing there without moving, looking at the man who was sitting on the sofa and looking at her with her indifferent eyes, before she could speak, his voice came, "It still hurts." ?”

Gu Chuxia was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that her face, which was originally as cold as ice, was suddenly dyed, and the roots of her ears were extremely hot.

She is not a fool, his seemingly calm but vaguely hot eyes glanced at a certain part of her lower body inadvertently, and combined with his questioning, Gu Chuxia would be a complete fool if he didn't understand.

The anger in her heart turned into embarrassment in an instant. Gu Chuxia rushed to him directly, picked up the pillow beside her and threw it at his head. The ruthlessness was definitely not acting like a baby, but that she was really Get angry and get angry.

Huang Shaoleng didn't move, and let her hit the pillow randomly, and even reached out to help her when she saw that she was a little unstable due to too much force, but Gu Chuxia slapped her open immediately.

It went on like this for nearly 10 minutes, maybe because she was tired, Gu Chuxia shook off the pillow, turned around and entered the bedroom.

This time, she didn't even close the door, and sat directly in front of the bay window, burying her head between her knees, listening to the steady footsteps approaching.

As soon as Huang Shaoleng walked in, he saw that petite group sitting alone in front of the bay window, with her face deeply buried in front of her knees. At this moment, he couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but the faint breath emanating from her, But it made his cold heart throb inexplicably.

He stood beside her, staring at her quietly for a long time, then suddenly bent down, stretched out his arms, directly hugged the petite ball, turned around and strode towards the big bed.

Gu Chuxia was startled suddenly, and began to struggle vigorously in his arms, "Huang Shaoleng, what else are you doing?"

In a word, it was roared out.

With resentment and a hint of panic.

The man didn't answer her at all, but strode over to the bed, placed her struggling on the bed carefully, and then said, "I'll apply the medicine to you."

Apply medicine?

Wipe there?
Gu Chuxia only felt a ball of fire burning on her face. At this moment, her shyness had overwhelmed her anger. Distraught, she raised her foot and kicked at the man, "Get out, I don't need your hypocrisy."

The ankle was grabbed. This time, Huang Shaohan didn't care about her rude words; a pair of blue eyes looked at her flushed face, and the corners of her sexy lips were slightly raised, "Excuse me, huh?"

"You..." Both feet were grabbed, and Gu Chuxia was so weak that he went crazy, "Can you stop me from seeing you?"



He didn't have time to argue with her so much, he directly grabbed her ankles with one big hand, and then quickly took off the pajama pants she was wearing with the other hand...

"Ah..." Gu Chuxia yelled, then grabbed the quilt beside her and covered her face completely.

At this moment, she was so ashamed that she wanted to die!

This smelly man, damn man...

Gu Chuxia couldn't describe the feeling in her heart at this moment, it was very weird.

Knowing that struggling is futile, Gu Chuxia stopped resisting and felt that he took off her underwear, and then slowly opened her closed legs...

A touch of coolness slowly fainted there, and the original discomfort was gradually relieved, until the man's voice sounded again, Gu Chuxia was still huddled under the quilt, unwilling to come out.

"Don't take a shower today, eh?"

Gu Chuxia didn't make a sound, felt that he was dressing her, and cooperated with his movements very well, but as soon as the pants were put on, she shrank into the quilt with her whole body, making up her mind that if the sky fell and the earth fell, she would Will not go out again.

Huang Shaoleng put away the ointment and put it aside, then got up and glanced at the ball huddled under the quilt, the corners of his lips raised slightly, then turned and went into the bathroom, washed his hands before coming out, the ball on the bed remained unchanged.

"I'm leaving, I'll be a little busy recently."

Gu Chuxia still didn't make a sound.

Huang Shaoleng stood for a while, then turned around and strode away.

On the day of June, the face of the child changes as soon as it is said.

While having lunch, Gu Chuxia still looked at the big fireball emitting scorching heat with a sad face, and said to herself, "Should I call it unpalatable outside or drive out to eat delicious food?"

Bai Mo stood beside her, took a look at the scorching sun, then turned and walked towards the lounge, "I'll order some cold noodles to make do with it. If you go out at such a temperature, you'll be grilled into skewers."

Gu Chuxia turned her head and followed, "I want fried rice noodles, plus a mango ice cream."

Bai Mo dialed the number of the takeaway shop and said, "Your aunt is here and still eats ice cream?"

"Oh, just eat one box." Gu Chuxia hooked Baimo's arm coquettishly, "Besides, my aunt is almost finished, so it doesn't matter."

Bai Mo gave her a blank look, and when the phone was connected, he said directly to the boss over there, "I'm Bai Mo, I don't add spicy food to a serving of cold noodles, and don't add spicy food to a serving of fried rice noodles, thank you.

"After finishing speaking, he put the phone away, and it was too late for Gu Chuxia to grab it.

Gu Chuxia threw away the hand that was holding her arm angrily, and sat on a chair beside her, "It's fine if you don't let ice cream eat, and you don't even let chili pepper eat, will you let me live?"

Bai Mo sat down opposite her, "I'm here to make you live a long life."

"Thank you." Gu Chuxia joked.

"You're welcome." Bai Mo giggled.

The two were playing around when a colleague walked in from the outside, looked at Gu Chuxia and said, "Xiao Gu, there is a man looking for you outside."

"my brother?"

Usually if a man looks for her, it will only be Gu Chuhan.

The colleague shook his head, "No, I know your brother."

Hearing what my colleague said, Gu Chuxia stood up and walked outside.

As soon as he walked out, Gu Chuxia was slightly taken aback when he saw the man standing outside the door, "You came to see me for something?"

Bin strode over, and handed over the thermos in his hand, with a very respectful attitude, "The crown prince asked me to bring it to you."

Before Gu Chuxia could speak, Bin had already stuffed the thermos bucket into her hand, then bowed slightly to her, and strode away.

"Hey..." When Gu Chuxia came back to his senses, Bin had already sped away in the car.

Standing where he was, looking at the thermos in his hand, Gu Chuxia hesitated for a few seconds, then turned and walked into the hall.

A colleague came over, looked at the thermos in her hand, and asked enviously, "Xia Xia, that man was your boyfriend just now? I think he looks good, and he's driving a big car. money?"

Gu Chuxia didn't bother to explain, so she just found a reason to prevaricate, "No, my cousin just had dinner nearby, and he called to ask me to come over. I think it's too hot, so I won't bring it here."

"Oh, you girl is really blessed, it's nothing more than my brother, my cousin is also so kind to you."

"That is, who made me look so cute that everyone loves flowers to bloom."

(End of this chapter)

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