Chapter 166

"Go back to your residence first."

Pulling Gu Chuxia to the side of the car and stuffing her into the car, he also got into the car. When starting the car, he turned on the earphones and ordered in a cold voice, "I need a helicopter, now Now, I don't care what method you use."

The car sped all the way back to the hotel, Gu Chuxia had no intention of packing her luggage, she just sat on the sofa in a daze.

After tidying everything up quickly, Huang Shaoleng's phone rang, "Prince, are you ready, let's go now?"


After hanging up the phone, he carried the suitcase in one hand, took Gu Chuxia's hand in the other, and strode out.

Uneasy all the way, uneasy all the way, finally at four o'clock in the afternoon, Huang Shaoleng's car stopped in front of the hospital gate, Gu Chuxia had no time to say goodbye, so she immediately opened the car door and ran out, running wildly all the way, when she When he saw Gu Chuhan sitting in the rest area, he suddenly stopped running, his hands and feet trembling at the same time.

she is afraid...

"elder brother……"

Gu Chuhan kept his head down, and did not see Gu Chuxia appear. When he heard her voice, he thought it was an auditory hallucination.

Looking up, when he saw her standing in front of him, he opened his mouth, "Why so fast?"



Gu Chuhan raised his finger and pointed to the intensive care unit.

Gu Chuxia looked in the direction he was pointing at, and when the words 'intensive care unit' came into her sight, her mind froze, her legs softened, and she was about to collapse on the ground, when suddenly a big hand stretched out, He hugged her limp body, "Don't be afraid."

Gu Chuxia raised her head, looked at the man who appeared suddenly, and subconsciously looked at Gu Chuhan. When she saw Gu Chuhan's face darken instantly, she quickly pushed Huang Shaoleng away, not daring to look up at him, her mouth was uneasy urged, "Let's go."

Huang Shao gave her a cold look, didn't speak, but raised his eyes to Gu Chuhan, ignoring his undepressed expression, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the situation?"

Although Gu Chuhan's expression was still not gloomy, the good self-cultivation he had cultivated since childhood made him speak, "Heart attack, sudden, I have been rescued once before, this is the second time, this hospital is G The best cardiovascular and cerebrovascular hospital in the city, and the experts are also the best, but they still issued a critical illness notice..."

After Gu Chuhan finished speaking, he inserted his hands into Jin's thick hair vigorously. His originally handsome face became more and more haggard and tired, and there was an air of uneasiness all over his body.

"Notice of Critical Illness..." Gu Chuxia's face, which had already lost all color, suddenly turned white with Gu Chuhan's words, and she felt a burst of thunder thundering above her head, and her legs went limp while she murmured.

An arm caught her slipping body in time, and then she was lifted up horizontally, and walked to the chair in the rest area before Huang Shaoleng put her down.

He half-kneeled in front of her, his blue eyes saw all her fear and anxiety, reached out, held her trembling hands that were already as cold as ice, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I'll figure it out."

Huang Shaoleng's words seemed to give Gu Chuxia all hope. She raised her dull and empty eyes, and the moment she looked at him, she was excited, "Yes, you have a way, you must have a way, you save me!" My mother, save my mother..."

"Okay, don't get excited, I'll arrange it!"

Huang Shaoleng gave her a comforting look, then got up, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number while walking aside, when the connection was connected, his voice immediately became cold and serious, "Ben, take a special plane to City G immediately."

"Excuse me, prince, is it the master's order?"

In the microphone, there was a man's voice speaking jerky Chinese.

"What is my order? No?" The expression on Huang Shaoleng's face suddenly darkened, and his blue eyes were stern.

"Sorry, I only follow the master's orders!"


Young Master Huang felt cold.

As for the old wooden man on the other end of the phone who was so stubborn that several cows couldn't move him, he wished he could just throw him into the deep mountains and old forests to feed the wolves.

However, he can only think about it, if he really wants to do it...

Probably before the old man fed the wolf, he was thrown into the sea by his father to feed the sharks.

He hung up the phone, hesitated for less than a second, and dialed another number...

When Bai Mo received Huang Shaohan's phone call, she was just getting up from her afternoon nap. When she heard that Gu Chuxia's mother was dying, she was so panicked that she didn't even put on her shoes, and went straight to her bare feet, as if she had forgotten that she still had a big belly , rushed downstairs, and broke into Si Huan's room without even knocking on the door.

As soon as Si Huan came out of the bathroom, she saw Bai Mo rushing into the room in a panic, and immediately asked nervously, "Nuan, what's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Bai Mo grabbed her hand, and before he finished speaking, tears flowed down his face, "Mom, please save Xia Xia's mother, she is about to die..."

Si Huan was taken aback for a moment, then helped the emotional Bai Mo to the side and sat down, and asked patiently, "Tell me slowly, what's going on?"

At this moment, Bai Mo didn't care about crying, and quickly explained, "Xia Xia just called and said that her mother was in the hospital for emergency treatment. It was a heart attack, and she collapsed without any warning. Moreover, this is already The second rescue, the doctor issued a critical illness notice..."

"But why are you looking for me?" Si Huan asked in confusion, "Mom is not a doctor."

"Didn't Dad have a doctor who is very good at heart? Can you let him come over..." As soon as Bai Mo finished speaking, he immediately covered his mouth, and then immediately let go, before Si Huan could speak. She begged softly, "Good mother, I beg you, save Xia Xia's mother."

"Your brother told you, right?"


Si Huan looked at her, and after a deep sigh, picked up the mobile phone at the side and dialed the exclusive number of the imperial power abroad.

The phone rang several times before it was picked up, and Huang Quan's slightly tired voice came from the receiver, "Xiao Huan, I was in a meeting just now."

"I know." Si Huan pressed the phone to her ear, with a gentle smile on her beautiful face, "Tired, aren't you? Let Leng go back in a few days."

"Well, that's exactly what I mean." Huang Quan paused for a moment, and then asked, "Xiao Huan, is it necessary to make a call at this time?"

Si Huan raised her lips and smiled, her voice was a bit coquettish, "Old man, I can't hide anything from you."

"How many years have we been as husband and wife, I don't know you yet, tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. Nuan has a good friend. Their family took good care of Nuan before. Now the girl's mother has a sudden heart attack. The situation is a bit critical. You know the experts in China. They are all idiots. How could they Treatment; I thought, let Ben come over and check me up, I haven't checked carefully for a long time."

"Well, well, since the situation is urgent, I'll send a special plane to take him there right away."

"Well, I will send someone to pick him up immediately."

"Okay, that's it. I still have a few guests waiting, so I'm going."

"Pay attention to your body and rest."


After hanging up the phone, Si Huan turned her head to look at the white foam on her nervous face, raised her hand and scraped her nose, and said, "Send someone to pick him up at the airport and take him directly to the hospital."

When Bai Mo heard this, she immediately jumped up excitedly, "Thank you mom, I love you, love you, love you so much."

"Okay, give Xia Xia a call."


Bai Mo turned around and wanted to rush out, but was stopped by Si Huan, "Be careful, how can someone jump around with a big belly?"

Bai Mo sticks out her tongue guiltily, quickly slows down, and walks out slowly.

When the door was closed, Si Huan shook her head and smiled helplessly, "This naughty child..." But as soon as the words fell, the doting expression on her face slowly disappeared, replaced by a thoughtful coldness.

"Continuing like this is not an option. I have to send Shao Leng back to Switzerland myself."

As soon as Bai Mo went upstairs, he immediately picked up the mobile phone that had just been thrown aside, and quickly dialed Huang Shaoleng's number, and the connection was quickly connected there, "Nuan, how is it?"

"Brother, it's done. You can now send someone to pick up Ben at the airport in advance. Once he arrives, go directly to the hospital."

"Well, I'll arrange it now."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Shaoleng walked into the lounge again.

As soon as he walked in, he met Gu Chuxia's expectant eyes.

She was sitting there, her body trembling slightly because of panic, but the moment she saw him appear, the hope in her eyes was so obvious.

It seemed that he was her sky, her land, her light, and her whole world.

"How about it?"

Gu Chuxia was restless, when she saw Huang Shaoleng coming in, she stood up from her seat and asked nervously.

"My family doctor, the world's top cardiologist, will come over by special plane in a while, but it will take three hours."

Hearing Huang Shaoleng's words, Gu Chuxia had mixed feelings.

The good news is that if my mother survives these three hours, she will definitely get better; but if, if she can't survive these three hours...

Huang Shao Leng seemed to see her worry, and comforted her, "Don't worry, Auntie will be fine."

Gu Chuhan, who was sitting by the side, also heard Huang Shaoleng's words. At this moment, he got up and walked over, and stood in front of him. For the first time, when facing him, the unsullied expression on his face disappeared, replaced by a touch of Sincerely, "Thank you."

Huang Shaoleng nodded at him, then looked at Gu Chuxia, "I'll make arrangements and be right back."

"where are you going?"

When Gu Chuxia heard that he was leaving, she suddenly panicked and grabbed his arm, "Don't leave, I'm afraid..."

"Xia Xia, there is a brother here."

"Brother, I'm afraid." Gu Chuxia couldn't hold on any longer, she threw herself into Gu Chuhan's arms and started crying, "How could this happen, she was fine when she left..."

"Don't be afraid, our mother will be fine."

Fortunately, when Ben rushed to G City in a hurry, good news came from the hospital. Mother Gu was rescued again, and her life was not in danger for the time being.

At eight o'clock that night, Beth took Ben to the hospital. After a series of examinations, he strode out and walked directly in front of Huang Shaoleng who was sitting in the rest area. He spoke in a slightly blunt Chinese, " Prince, the patient is in an emergency, and I need to operate on her immediately."

Huang Shaoleng looked at Gu Chuhan who had already stood aside with an anxious face, and before he could speak, Gu Chuhan immediately said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements for the hospital."

"The sooner the time, the better."

"Okay." Gu Chuhan took out his mobile phone from his pocket while speaking, and dialed the Dean's number...

(End of this chapter)

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