Chapter 167

At this moment, Gu Chuxia was standing in front of Ben, looking at this short, thin foreign old man who even had a disabled left leg, she was still a little uneasy in her heart, could he really save her mother by himself?
You know, Dad called all the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular experts in the entire G city, and there are many authoritative experts who are well-known throughout the country. However, not long ago, one of the most authoritative experts told her, "You Mom was rescued temporarily, but the possibility of recovery is almost zero, so please be with her."

No one knows what kind of grief and despair she felt when she heard these words?

The fear and anxiety of losing a loved one haunted her like a shadow, making it difficult for her to even breathe.

Before Ben arrived, she felt that he was the god who could save her mother's life;

Yes, like a god!
A man who is as tall as a god and full of strength to overcome illness...

Therefore, when he saw Beth leading a limping little old man over, Gu Chuxia's heart began to feel uneasy again.

Can he really do it?
After a long journey, Ben seemed a little tired. He took off his glasses and sat down beside him without waiting for Huang Shao to speak coldly. He wiped his glasses with a glasses cloth and said, "There is a delicacy in China called dumplings."

"Can you think about it after the operation?"

Young Master Huang gave him a cold look, his brows trembling slightly, but the expression on his face was less cold and stern than usual, it was a bit more like the helpless and resentful expression of a junior when facing an unreasonable elder.

Anyone who knows the truth knows that in this world, there is no one the prince fears, but there is another person he respects besides his parents.

You are not mistaken!

That's pretty respectful!
This person is none other than a little foreign old man sitting next to him and carefully wiping his eyes thinking about Chinese gourmet dumplings.

If imperial power is the biological father who gave birth to him and raised him, then Ben is the guardian who accompanied him every minute and every second before.

Before, in Huang Shaoleng's heart, Ben was more important than imperial power.

However, after that, Ben returned to the imperial power, and at that time, he was already so strong that he no longer needed his protection.

Ben has countless scars on his body, a fatal gunshot wound and a disabled left leg...

These are all blocked by him.

In Huang Shaoleng's heart, he once stubbornly believed that his life belonged to Ben, without Ben, he would not be able to live long ago.

So, to Ben, from the bottom of his heart, he treats him like his own father.

At this moment, faced with such a simple request from a father-like elder to eat dumplings, Young Master Huang thought coldly, if it wasn't for this special moment, he would definitely go and buy them for him himself.

Upon hearing his words, the little old man who had lowered his head to wipe his glasses immediately raised his head, squinted his highly myopic eyes, and protested dissatisfiedly, "I have worked so hard, Mr.

I came all the way from Sweden, I didn’t eat dinner, I was so hungry, you know I have hypoglycemia, what if I collapsed in the middle of the operation? "

When Huang Shao heard it coldly, he immediately raised his hand to stop it, "All right, all right, I'll buy it for you right now, tell me, what's the matter?"

"What stuffing?"

The little old man looked puzzled, "Is there any filling for the dumplings?"

Even Gu Chuxia, who was full of uneasiness in his heart, was suddenly amused by the little old man's words, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Even Bess, who had always been stern and stern, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, coughed a few times, and then turned his back without a trace.

Huang Shao coldly glanced at Gu Chuxia, who was hanging his head and pursing his lips, the corners of his lips slowly raised, and when he looked at the little old man again, his expression became much happier, "I said that you, a foreign little old man, have never been Knowing that you are greedy, before you want to eat dumplings, don’t you know that you should do some science in advance, otherwise, if you want to eat without me, you will be so reckless and run to other people’s dumpling shop, wouldn’t you be ashamed and thrown to grandma’s house? gone?"

Hearing this, the little old man shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "The first time is raw and the second time is familiar."

Huang Shaoleng had no choice but to spread his hands and looked at Bei Si, "Go to 'Jiaoxiang' and pack a portion of dumplings with every kind of stuffing in their store, and let's have some supper too."

"Yes." Beth immediately turned and left, but at this moment, Gu Chuhan came over after making the phone call.

He glanced at Ben, and finally looked at Huang Shaoleng, and said, "The hospital is willing to cooperate to the greatest extent. After a while, several experts from them will come over to assist Mr. Ben in the operation."

"I don't need the assistance of those so-called experts." Ben looked up at Gu Chuhan with a serious expression, not like joking, "I only need four assistants, young assistants, preferably good-looking ones."

Gu Chuhan, "..."

Gu Chuxia, "..."

Huang Shao Leng at the side, this time, not only frowned emotionally, but trembled wildly.

He reached out and grabbed the little old man's arm, pulled it aside, suppressed his voice and roared, "Little old man, I know you usually like not only food, but also sex, but when is it now? Human life is at stake, you Still fantasizing about the beautiful little assistant, I said you did it on purpose, right?"

"Little prince, as long as I can save people, isn't it all right? Do you care about my food or beauty?"

"You..." Young Master Huang was so depressed that he died, "After the operation, I will clean you up again!"

"Yeah, little prince, you don't respect the old!"

The little old man cried out in disbelief.

Young Master Huang frowned coldly, just as he was about to fight back, Gu Chuxia immediately walked away from Gulai, grabbed his arm, and persuaded, "I was quarreled. He is an elder after all, so he can't do this."


"I'm most willing to listen to what this girl says, hum, I'm an elder, you have to respect me!"

"All right, all right, I respect you, I will arrange a beautiful little assistant for you," Huang Shaoleng finally compromised, "But, if you...

"No ifs!"

The little old man suddenly had a serious face, his expression was very serious.

"Okay, we all believe in you." Seeing that the war was about to break out, Gu Chuxia hurriedly comforted the little old man, "Take a break first, and I'll get you a glass of water."


So, just like that, the little old man was dragged back to the rest area by Gu Chuxia's support, and then he brought warm water, as if he was serving the old man, so that the young master Huang's lungs ached from the cold.

"Damn, this damn old man..."

Dumplings came soon, and after Ben tasted one of each, he exclaimed 'ah, the most delicious thing in the world is not steak but dumplings'.

After eating the dumplings, it was already 10:30 in the middle of the night. The dean and several experts had been waiting for a long time. After listening to the little old man evaluate the dumplings with each filling, he finally came to a conclusion, "I think, The ones stuffed with three delicacies are better than the pork ones, the pork ones are better than the vegetarian cabbage ones, the vegetarian cabbage ones are better than the lamb ones, oops, I don’t like that lamb meat.”

"You can start!"

Huang Shao Leng sat aside, cast a sideways glance at him, and said what everyone present had wanted to say but dared not.

"Where is the assistant I want?"

The little old man glanced at several middle-aged men standing in the unwilling place, all of them were bald and beer belly, not pleasing to the eye at all.

Gu Chuhan immediately said, "They are already in the operating room."

"Okay." The little old man finally stood up, first stretched his waist, and then took the worn-out medical kit that he put aside like a baby, which was so dark that he couldn't see a little color, and strode towards the operating room .

The dean immediately led several experts to follow, but who knows, he was stopped by the little old man before entering the operating room, "What are you following?"

"Assist in your operation."

"Assist?" The little old man stared, "I think you all want to steal my medical skills!"


The dean and all the experts who were punctured by the little old man's words suddenly changed their faces. They wanted to get angry but they didn't know whether they were guessing Gu Chuhan's identity or caring about other things. In the end, they just stared and watched the little old man walk away. Go in, the operating door is closed.

Gu’s mother’s operation was very successful. When B came out, the dean immediately took several other experts in to give her a careful examination. Finally, when they came out, everyone’s faces were full of fear. Confident shock.

"Sir, if you are willing to stay in my hospital, you can ask for any conditions, and I will agree to them all."

The dean stood in front of Ben and asked expectantly.

After Ben put the cleaned glasses back on, he looked at him and said, "Then you can give me the dean."


"What? Don't want to?" Ben picked up the medical kit and walked away, "If you don't want to, forget it."

When the dean saw that he was going to leave, he became anxious and couldn't control so much, "I am willing, willing, and you will be the dean."

Ben stopped in his tracks, turned around, looked at the dean who was helpless, distressed and looking forward, and suddenly smiled "hee hee", "Oh, don't be so nervous, I'm just kidding you."

"This... old sir, what do you mean?"

The dean was a little confused by the little old man.

"Oh, you're really annoying. What I mean is, what's so rare about a poor dean? You can keep doing it. As for should be self-taught."

As Ben said, he swaggered away, that posture, that is called an 'arrogance'.

Leaving a large group of people standing there, looking at each other in blank dismay, not only hating the little old man's arrogance and dismissing it, but also regretting that he just missed a perfect heart reconstruction operation...

If you can learn... no, it should be said, even if you just glance at it, it will benefit you for a lifetime.

On the second morning after the operation, Mother Gu woke up. When she saw Gu Chuxia sleeping beside her hospital bed, she raised her hand and gently stroked the top of her hair.

Gu Chuxia was startled and immediately woke up.

When he saw his mother who had woken up, he opened his mouth and yelled, "Mom...", his eyes were red.

"Xia Xia, don't cry, mom is fine."

Your body knows best.

Although I feel that my body is relatively weak, but my chest is no longer breathless and stuffy, and I feel very comfortable.

She knew that this time, there should be no danger.

It's okay if Gu's mother didn't say anything, but when she said it, Gu Chuxia's tears burst out like a dam that opened the gate.

She cried and said, "Mom, don't scare Xiaxia anymore, I'm almost scared to death by you."

The fear of losing a loved one in the next second is still lingering in my heart and cannot be shaken away.

"No, in the future, Mom will definitely pay attention."


Gu Chuxia raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, "I called my brother, he just left, I drove him back to rest for a while, he was too tired."

"Well, go, let him have a good rest, don't worry about me."


Gu Chuxia walked into the family room next to her with her mobile phone, dialed Gu Chuhan's mobile phone, and it was quickly connected there. Gu Chuhan's voice was full of exhaustion, "Xia Xia, are you awake?" gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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