Chapter 187

Gu Chuxia immediately made a pitiful expression, causing Tangdou to leave home and shout, "Mom is not sad, Tangdou also wants a mother."

"But, you just said clearly that you want to find your father."

The jelly beans are tangled!
The little brows were frowning, and he looked very embarrassed, which made people feel distressed.

She thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a good solution, so she had to ask Gu Chuxia for help, and asked in a weak voice, "I want both mom and dad, but if I had to choose, I would choose mom."

In a word, the audience burst into tears.

Especially Gu Chuxia, who hugged Tangdou into her arms, "Hey, the reason why mom didn't tell your dad about it is because mom didn't want to embarrass you; look,

Now dad is here, are you happy? "

Tangdou nodded, "Happy."

"Just be happy." Gu Chuxia let go of her, and looked at her with deep maternal love in her eyes, "Mom's biggest wish in this life is that you can be healthy and happy."

"thanks Mom!"

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

Tangdou shook his head, "Don't be angry, how can I be willing to be angry with my mother."

The audience burst into tears again.

How sensible and foolish baby!

Looking at the mother and child in front of her, Si Huan realized for the first time that she might have really done a lot wrong when her son was young.

Bai Mo heaved a sigh of relief, Long Zhixi's expression did not change, he had facial paralysis at a young age, in Bai Mo's words, "Men with black belly usually have facial paralysis!"

Huang Shaoleng has been sitting there quietly, his blue eyes are looking at the mother and daughter beside him without blinking, very deep and deep; suddenly, he stretched out his big hand, and directly hugged Tangdou from the dining chair, Let her step on his legs with her shoes on.

The obsession with cleanliness was gone, he looked at her deeply, and said, although his voice was deep, it was full of pampering that could not be concealed, "Dad has been waiting for you, waiting for you and mom to come back!"


"Of course!"

Tangdou grinned, smiling happily, stretched out her small hand, held Huang Shao's cold face, put her mouth together, and said "ba ha ha ha" countless times, her immature voice filled with infinite joy, "Dad, I I love you too!"

These words made Young Master Huang narrow his blue eyes slightly. He hugged Tangdou in his arms, buried his face deeply in her shoulder, and didn't raise his head for a long time...

Except for the paralyzed Long Zhixi, everyone else's eyes were red.

In the middle of the night, Gu Chuxia coaxed Tangdou to sleep and washed a bucket of clothes. She had just finished drying and was about to go back to the bedroom to take a shower and sleep when she heard a knock on the door downstairs, followed by Papa Gu going to open the door, "Mr. It's cold, why are you here so late?"

"Dad, I'll go back to Switzerland in a while. Something happened to the group. Before I leave, I want to see Xia Xia."

Huang Shaohan's voice came in a low voice.

Gu Chuxia was standing in the corridor on the second floor. When she heard Huang Shaoleng say that something happened to the group, she panicked for no reason, and immediately ran down the stairs. Huang Shaoleng, who was standing in the living room, was watching The moment he arrived at her, before she could speak, he strode over immediately, stretched out his arm, held her hand directly, and then said to Gu's father beside him, "Dad, let's go up first."


Gu's father stood in place, watching the two go upstairs quickly, and then entered the bedroom with a worried face. When Gu's mother saw him coming in, she immediately asked, "I heard that Shao Leng is here. It's so late, is it so late?" Is something wrong?"

Gu's father sat by the bed, his eyes were full of worry, "It is said that something happened to the group, and I came to see Xia Xia before I left."

When Gu's mother heard that something happened to the group, she immediately became anxious. She sat up from the bed and asked anxiously, "What's going on? Is it serious?"

"He said it was a trivial matter." Papa Gu looked serious, "But I think it should be serious, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry to go back."

"Then what should we do?"

"Go to sleep, it's useless for us to be anxious here." Papa Gu went to bed, "I believe Shao Leng!"

Gu Chuxia was brought all the way back to the bedroom by Huang Shaoleng. As soon as she entered the bedroom and just closed the door, Gu Chuxia only felt a burst of force. The next second, she was pressed against the door by the man, and her slightly parted lips were crushed. It was blocked hard.

After a moment of stupefaction, Gu Chuxia realized that instead of resisting, she stretched out her arms to wrap around his neck, actively deepening their kiss.

His madness and her passion are like dry wood and fire, ready to explode at the touch of a button.

After a while, he hugged her to the bed and pressed her directly on top of her, but he didn't make another move. He just raised his head slightly and stared at her deeply with those deep blue eyes, without blinking for a long time.

Gu Chuxia was a little embarrassed by him, and his ears felt hot.

So, he couldn't help but ask, "What happened to the group?"

"Small things."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her bright red lips vigorously; after the kiss, he seemed to feel unsatisfied, so he kissed her hard a few more times until Gu Chuxia's little mouth was red, and then he let her go.

Of course Gu Chuxia didn't believe what he said, and asked worriedly, "Huang Shaoleng, if you dare to lie to me, I will..."

"So what?"

"I won't let Tangdou recognize you as a father!"

Gu Chuxia threatened angrily.

The man on top of her hooked his lips and smiled, "It's too late, I've already admitted it!"

Gu Chuxia was so angry that she pinched his ears tightly, "Tell me the truth, or I will twist your ears off!" That look was very fierce.

Facing the tigress at home, not only did Huang Shaoleng not find her ugly, but he thought his little daughter-in-law was so cute, so he bowed his head and kissed again.

This time, they kissed each other and never let go of each other. After a while, the clothes were messed up on the floor. On the big bed, men and women were entangled to death, and the spring was beautiful.It didn't calm down until the early hours of the morning.

Gu Chuxia, who was exhausted from torment, fell asleep as soon as she turned over, while the man lying next to her turned over and got out of bed, quickly got dressed, stood by the bed, and looked at the little girl on the bed with deep eyes. Woman, I was reluctant to move away for a long time.

Until the phone rang in his pocket, "Prince, time is running out, we have to go!"

Putting the phone away, he bent down, and gently placed a kiss on Gu Chuxia's Guangjie forehead, "This time, don't be self-willed anymore, just wait for me obediently."

Turned around and strode out of the bedroom, but did not leave immediately, but gently pushed open the door next door, walked lightly to the side of the small bed, looked at it quietly for a while, then bent down, and looked at Tangdoubainen Kissed her little cheek, raised her head, the corners of her lips were full of affection, "Daddy will be back soon!"

In the parking lot, Bess had already been waiting by the car. Seeing him coming, he immediately went up to meet him, and said in a deep voice, "I have ordered everyone to stand by at the station, and they will attack immediately as soon as your order arrives. "

Huang Shaoleng stood there, in the dark night, he was like a dark night Shura who came out of hell, exuding a bloodthirsty smell all over his body.

Opening his mouth, his voice was as cold as ice, "Lore!"

When Bei Si heard this, his face changed drastically, "Prince..."



Before getting into the car, Huang Shaoleng looked back at the small building behind him, his bloodthirsty blue eyes warmed up slightly, at this moment, another car drove in.

The familiar horseman, Long Haotian got out of the car.

In such a late night, two men with equally powerful auras stood together, making people feel that even breathing became cautious.

Huang Shaoleng spoke first, "Here, I'll leave it to you!"

"Return safely!"

The palms of the two men were tightly intertwined, and the coming bloody storm made people excited and terrified.

The madness of last night made Gu Chuxia wake up already in the sun, sitting on the bed, rubbing her drowsy head, she was so annoyed that she wished she could bite her tongue and kill herself.

Bad man, really bad!
He didn't want her to know what happened to the group, so he went so hard that he passed out from exhaustion, and fell asleep so badly that he didn't even know when he would leave.

While annoyed, Gu Chuxia's worry grew stronger.

Something big must have happened in Switzerland, if not, he definitely wouldn't have rushed back overnight.

She has always known that he has a calmness and stability that ordinary people cannot match. As long as it is not an earth-shaking event, he is absolutely stable; as long as it is tens of thousands of miles away, the remote command is enough.

However, he went back in person!
And he rushed back overnight, even unwilling to tell her the truth.

Thinking of this, Gu Chuxia couldn't calm down and became uneasy.

She took the mobile phone aside and quickly dialed Huang Shaoleng's number, but there was a reminder that the other party's mobile phone was not in the service area, and Gu Chuxia panicked even more when she heard it.

Not in service area!
He must carry his mobile phone with him. If the mobile phone is not in the service area, it means that other people are not within the coverage of the signal.

In modern China, places that are not covered by signals, except for deserts, are probably virgin forests.

Did he...

Since something happened to the group, why not in Switzerland, but go to a place where there is no signal?

What exactly happened?

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy Gu Chuxia felt in her heart. She could no longer calm down and called Baimo.

Bai Mo quickly answered the phone, and without waiting for her to speak, she said anxiously, "Xiao Bai, has your mother returned to Switzerland?"

"I'm back." Bai Mo's voice sounded a little tired, "I left yesterday afternoon."

Bai Mo's strange voice made Gu Chuxia's heart skip a beat, "Xiaobai, tell me, is something wrong with the royal family or the group?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Xia Xia, don't worry..." Before Bai Mo finished speaking, Gu Chuxia interrupted with an anxious growl, "Bai Mo, I want to be honest, don't fool me!"

There was silence in the microphone for a long time, and Bai Mo struggled to speak, his voice was dry and weak, "Something happened, I don't know how to describe the crisis and seriousness of this time..."

"Perhaps, the royal family, which is well-known both at home and abroad, will go into decline from now on, and the royal family group will fall apart overnight and fall into the hands of others."

"Xia Xia, not only my brother is in danger, but my father and mother..." Bai Mo's voice was choked up, the feeling of helplessness and panic came through the microphone, and Gu Chuxia's hand holding the phone kept shaking.

"If I had known this, I would never have let my mother leave!"

Having said this, Bai Mo was already sobbing on the other side.

Before leaving, when Si Huan hugged her and kept crying, she was still laughing at her, "Oh, my Ms. Si, why are you still living so pretentiously? It's not that we don't see each other anymore, but we just go back It’s just a trip, and I’ll be back in a few days.”

(End of this chapter)

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