Chapter 188

Si Huan didn't say anything, but hugged her even tighter...

Unprecedented panic permeated every part of Gu Chuxia's body, she couldn't find a word to describe the feeling in her heart at this moment, the only thought was that she was going to find him!
It seemed that he couldn't wait for even a second, and wished he could fly to him right away with a pair of wings!

"I knew it... I knew it would be serious..." Gu Chuxia hung up the phone without saying goodbye while muttering to herself.

After getting up quickly, after a simple wash, he packed his luggage and went downstairs. Mama Gu was preparing lunch in the kitchen. When she heard the sound of her going downstairs, she immediately came out of the kitchen.

When he saw the luggage in her hand, he quickly asked, "Xia Xia, where are you going?"

Gu Chuxia put the suitcase aside, walked to Gu's mother, reached out and hugged her in her arms, and cried before she could say anything, "Mom, I'm going to Switzerland, don't worry, something happened."

"What happened?" Gu's mother was taken aback, "What happened to Shao Leng? You just left, why did something happen?"

"I don't know the details." Gu Chuxia let go of Gu's mother, "In short, I must go to him right now, otherwise I won't be relieved."

Mother Gu looked worried, "But Xia Xia, can you go alone?"

"Mom, don't worry, someone will pick me up over there." Gu Chuxia continued, "I'll leave Tangdou to you and my dad, and I'll report you safe when we arrive."

"Then you must be careful."

Mother Gu told me worriedly.

"Understood, let my dad rest assured that I will be fine." Gu Chuxia turned around and left the house with the suitcase in hand, hailed a taxi at the door and went to the airport.


After walking for more than ten minutes, Gu Chuxia felt that something was wrong. This is not the way to the airport, it is clearly a circle in the city.

Gu Chuxia immediately became vigilant, reached out and patted the driver's seat, and asked angrily, "Master, what's going on with you? Why are you always in the city when I go to the airport?"

The 'driver' in front who had been wearing a peaked cap and didn't show his face suddenly turned around and grinned at Gu Chuxia, "Hey, sister Xia Xia, it's me."

Gu Chuxia took a look, that palm-sized face looked very familiar, if it wasn't ginkgo, which one was it?

"you you……"

Gu Chuxia blew his beard and stared at Bai Guo, "Gingo, what are you doing?"

Bai Guo looked aggrieved, "Sister Xia Xia, you can't blame me, the boss asked me to do this, you know, no one dares to disobey his orders, I have to obey."

"Then what does he mean?"

No matter how dull Gu Chuxia is at this moment, she seems to understand something.

Long Haotian specially sent someone to guard the door of her house, the purpose is actually very obvious, that is to prevent her from leaving G city.

But why didn't Long Haotian let her leave G City?
Facing her questioning, Bai Guo couldn't give her the answer she wanted, and just said, "The boss said, if you have any questions, you can go to him."

Gu Chuxia was anxious and angry, "Take me to him!"

"Okay." Bai Guo immediately turned the car around and drove in the opposite direction.

Half an hour later, in the basement of Heiying's bar, Gu Chuxia looked at the man with a stern face sitting there, and said anxiously, "Brother Haotian, why did you send someone to watch me?"

She, a good citizen who doesn't even dare to kill a chicken, will let the majestic ruler send someone to watch secretly?
There must be something strange about this.

Long Haotian put down the document in his hand, looked up at Gu Chuxia, and said lightly, "Don't ask so many why, this is all for your own good."

When Gu Chuxia heard this, she became furious, "Long Haotian, are you still fooling me by thinking I'm a three-year-old kid? If you really want to do it for my own good, then let me leave City G immediately."

Long Haotian looked up at her, and asked coldly, "Go to Switzerland?"

"Yeah." Gu Chuxia nodded, "I can't worry about him, I have to go there immediately!"

"Very good, have courage!" Long Haotian leaned back slightly, mocking on his stern face, "Xia Xia, do you have to go?"

"I must go!"

The expression on Gu Chuxia's face was firm.

"Very good." Long Haotian stood up abruptly, walked to stand in front of her, stared at her for a long time with a pair of sharp eyes, and then asked suddenly, "Then tell me, what are you doing there?"

"I...Of course I'm looking for Huang Shaoleng."

Gu Chuxia was obviously taken aback by Long Haotian's question.

The obvious answer, is it necessary to answer?
"What do you want him to do?"

"Look for him..." This time Gu Chuxia was really caught up in the question, and she didn't answer for a long time, and finally had to reluctantly answer, "He is in danger now, I want to go and help him."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a sneer, she looked at Long Haotian puzzled, and asked dissatisfiedly, "Why are you sneering? Does it sound like a joke to you?"

"It's indeed a joke, and it's still a cold joke!"

Long Haotian looked cold and serious, "Gu Chuxia, if you really want to help him, then stay in City G, take care of yourself and Tangdou, and don't go anywhere!"

Gu Chuxia's face turned pale, and the originally angry arrogance instantly cooled down, and she fell powerlessly on the chair beside her, flustered and at a loss.

She is not stupid, how could she not understand what Long Haotian said?
She doesn't have any skills, she just wants to go to Switzerland to help him under the banner, but actually she just wants to know what is going on with Huang Shaoleng now?

She was so worried about him!
Knowing that he was in the past, not only would he not be able to help him, but it would also become a burden for him...

As Long Haotian said, the greatest help she can do to him is to stay here well, take care of herself and Tangdou, and then wait for him to return safely.

However, the growing uneasiness in her heart made her just want to rush to his side desperately, even if she was a burden, even if she could do nothing to help him.

She really just wanted to be by his side!

She raised her head and looked at Long Haotian, with a calm expression on her face, and the panic and confusion in Rushui's eyes were a little less than before, and she spoke, still firm, "Brother Haotian, I want to ask you a question."


"If one day, you are in the same dangerous situation as Huang Shaoleng," Gu Chuxia looked into Long Haotian's deep eyes, "tell me the truth, will Xiaobai go to you desperately, even if she knows I can't help you with anything, and even become your burden?"

Long Haotian didn't expect her to ask this, his expression froze slightly, but then he replied without hesitation, "She will!"

Gu Chuxia laughed when she heard that, "Xiaobai loves you, so she will; I love Huang Shaoleng, so I will too!"

Long Haotian sat back in his seat, lowered his head slightly, the expression on his face was a little unpredictable and profound, and his brows were slightly furrowed, as if he was struggling.

"Brother Haotian, let me go, I just want to be by his side."

Gu Chuxia begged, her eyes were slightly red.

Maybe he was really moved by her, Long Haotian raised his head, looked directly at her, and said seriously, "Have you figured it out?"

When Gu Chuxia heard this, she was so happy that she shed tears and nodded fiercely, "I've made up my mind, I really want to rush to him right away; instead of worrying here, it's better to face all the dangers with him."

Island C, a desolate and isolated island, exudes a rotten atmosphere everywhere, and there is a breath of death in the silence.

On a rainy day, in the dark night sky, even the moon has disappeared. Everything on the island is shrouded in a dark night, depressing and exuding the fear of the night.

In the sturdy underground castle, the largest room is brightly lit at the moment. There are several people sitting at the table in the center of the room. Huang Shaoleng is sitting at the first place in a black dress, his almost perfect face is cloudy, blue His eyes were even more bloodthirsty.

Opening his mouth, his voice was extremely cold, "The last one, I want to live!"

Bess said, "Uncle Six..."

The corners of Huang Shaoleng's tightly pursed lips suddenly curled up, showing a cruel arc, "Whether you tell me, as a man, what is the most unbearable thing?"

Dongxinanbei grew up with Huang Shaoleng since childhood. In the days before, the four of them ate, drank, lived and trained with him; when they grew up, they lived up to the cultivation of the imperial power, and each of them became the world's top guards.

Later, Huang Shaoleng established 'Lore', and Lore developed rapidly. In just five years, it directly became the world's top-level Dark Night Empire.

And East, West, North, and South have also become the top leaders of the "lore". Because of the vicious methods, the Dark Night Empire is rumored that once the East, West, North, and South are dispatched, it will be death. If you are the target of his hunting, there will only be one result: death !
Over time, the title of 'East Jue Xi Jue South Jue Bei Jue' came out, and the four of them had no objection after hearing it. Therefore, the name of Si Jue became more and more famous in the empire, and those who were afraid of them would also more and more.

Among the four Jue, Dong Jue is a boring gourd, he doesn't like to talk, he only knows how to kill, and his method is the most agile among the four. As long as he appears, generally speaking, the target will be settled in seconds, quietly. sound.

Xijue, the only woman among the Four Jue.

If you have seen Xijue, your first impression must be: goblin!
She has a beautiful face, a super hot figure, and the most unbearable thing is that she has a natural charm.

If you can't imagine, then imagine the seductive vixen in Liaozhai at eight o'clock at night.

Yes, just like that, with a natural alluring attitude, a man will be seduced by just looking at her, and he can't wait to stay with her forever.

Xijue has two nirvana skills, one is bewitching by beauty and the other is vicious means.

She also has another good name: Beauty Snake!
It's just that she prefers the former name to Xijue.

West is not just a name, East, West, North and South have always been one and will not be separated.

She also has a man she likes, Dong Jue; she has confessed countless times and been rejected countless times, and being rejected has become a habit, and her loving him is also a habit, which goes deep into her bones.

Bei Jue once asked her, "Why do you like that boring gourd? A man who can't beat a fart doesn't know what 'love' is at all."

She remained silent, not because she didn't want to explain, but because she couldn't explain.

The first time her confession was rejected, she asked herself, what exactly does she like about Dongjue?
Obsessed with his looks?

Absolutely not!

If she was only obsessed with good-looking men, then she would definitely choose Nanjue without hesitation. Nanjue is born with a good skin, which fascinates all boys and girls in the world.

Like his maturity and stability?

Among the Four Absolutes, Dongjue is the oldest, five years older than her. It is undeniable that he is the most mature among the Four Absolutes. He is naturally dull and doesn't like to talk, but he is unambiguous in making decisions and giving orders.

(End of this chapter)

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