Douluo: Qian Renxue overheard at the beginning

Chapter 118; Apologizing is so difficult?

Chapter 118; Apologizing is so difficult?
Qian Daoliu was so angry that his beard almost straightened.Moreover, such a person must be unacceptable when facing this situation. The things that happened in front of him, after all, the things that happened in front of him are enough to make people feel shocked.

If it wasn't because Qian Daoliu thought too much, if it wasn't because Qian Daoliu thought too much, then how to explain the situation in front of him seems to be a very important thing as well.

If things like this can really be explained, or if they can be easily resolved.

It might actually be a very good thing.At least things like this are sure to be handled properly.

"I just want you to apologize to my granddaughter. Why is it so difficult? Is it really so difficult to ask you to apologize to my granddaughter? Why?"

Qian Daoliu directly expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart, and even directly expressed his sincere words, and even said such a guy.

Faced with this situation, I must have felt very uncomfortable. If it was because of this kind of thing, the Venerable Master felt very unhappy.

Then there is absolutely no need to use this kind of thing as an excuse.It can be said that the reason why this old man is so irritable is more because of his inner imbalance.

If it weren't for the unbalanced heart, maybe this kind of thing is more or less understandable.

Liu Bei doesn't care about this kind of thing, and Liu Bei doesn't even think about it.So if this kind of thing really needs to be paid attention to by the North District.

It's not that the situation has developed to the point where it is unacceptable.

So it is more important to unite in this kind of thing, if you are not willing to unite.Then even if the Wuhun Hall is very powerful, it will still fall apart in an instant.

"So are you willing to apologize? If you are willing to apologize, it's fine, but if you keep like this, then you know if it will make me feel very annoying. It will definitely make me feel very annoying ,OK?"

Qian Daoliu has already given in to face, and even said that he has made a lot of big steps, and if it weren't for the situation in front of him, which made him feel very embarrassed, it would not have developed to the present situation. situation.

The reason why Qian Daoliu did this is more to give each other a mutual step, but if Liu Bei is not willing to accept such a step at all, then this kind of problem is really too big.

"It doesn't mean that I can't apologize, but if I apologize like this, I will feel very shameless. After all, I am also a person with status, so this kind of thing needs to be carefully considered."

"Besides, how to imagine this kind of thing seems to be a very important thing. First of all, I also like Qian Renxue very much, and this little girl is very obedient to me. If it is not You are obstructing it, do you think Qian Renxue would have such negative emotions?"

After Liu Bei said such a sentence directly, Qian Daoliu began to doubt life directly, because once such a sentence was uttered, he would really feel what is called real embarrassment, or even what is called real shock.

Even this old guy who was a little incoherent couldn't say a word directly, after all, this kind of thing was really depressing.

On the one hand, it is the interests of Wuhundian, and on the other hand, it is his own business. If this kind of thing can really be solved, it's fine, it can't be solved.This kind of thing really needs to be serious.

Or because I think too much, so when I actually encounter this kind of thing, I feel what is called real embarrassment, or even what is called real embarrassment.

When did Qian Daoliu, a peerless douluo, experience such a life, or even experience such a feeling of despair.

It is such a very powerful old man, but now he can only keep silent. Is it a very ironic thing? Obviously, it is definitely a very cruel thing.

Qian Daoliu has never experienced this kind of thing, because such a thing, even for people who can't experience it at all, if it wasn't for this kind of thing, it would be too sudden.

Qian Daoliu can use his personal connections directly to mobilize more superpowers to solve the troubles in front of him.

"Could it be that a super strong like me can no longer gain my own dignity? It may even mean that I can't belong to my own charm."

"Why do I accept this kind of thing? I can't accept it at all, okay? And if I really want to, I would even say that you people are pretty good. After all, you really make me feel very annoying. "

Qian Daoliu compromised, because when he uttered such a sentence, a guy like him had completely lost the dignity of being a human being, and a person like him, after uttering such a sentence, was even more incapable of Let people feel what is really worth it.

Since this guy has completely chosen to give up his own dignity, it is also more representative of whether such a person will be respected by others again from now on.

The respect that may belong to Qian Daoliu has completely disappeared, after all, such a guy.In any case, it is impossible to show such a behavioral norm.

"You have said so many things in a beggarly manner, but you just want me to know that when you say these words, you are actually quite serious."

"Although your behavior surprised me, it is undeniable that your behavior is worth mentioning, because when a person like you really does something like this."

"Although it makes people feel cold, but if you are really willing to do such a thing for your granddaughter, I still feel that you may really be an old man worth mentioning."

After Liu Bei uttered such a sentence, he had completely given this guy face. If it wasn't for this, the old guy would have felt what real pain is.Then how come it is still unacceptable when this kind of thing is really encountered?

Qian Daoliu shed tears of regret, and even the tears shed were extremely real.After all, the scene in front of me is not like this at all, and one person can accept it.

And even if it wasn't for the scene in front of me, it would have happened too suddenly.So, can such a person truly understand when encountering such a thing?

Therefore, the reason why Qian Daoliu was able to shed tears of remorse is not because his mood is not very beautiful. If this guy's mood is beautiful, then when he really encounters such a thing, he will not show it. What is embarrassment when it comes out, at least it will not show such behavior at all.

"You can say these words, which shows that you have at least a bit of conscience, because when a person without conscience says these words, I feel quite annoying."

"To be honest, I am very satisfied that you can say these words. After all, you can say such a sentence, at least it proves that you still have a little conscience, so I don't intend to continue to trouble you That's it, that's it."

As Qian Daoliu chose to compromise, the reason why Qian Daoliu did this was because he didn't want to make things big at all, and the reason why he did this was that he had already figured it out thoroughly, if it wasn't for If you want to understand.So how far this kind of thing will develop is even more conceivable.

Bibi Dong was also full of doubts, but although Bibi Dong said that she was full of these words, she still knew what it meant to be truly desperate when she encountered a real problem, and the calmer Qian Daoliu showed, In fact, the heart is more complicated.

It's just that Bibi Dong didn't want to dismantle the stage at all, because if he did, it would appear that such a beautiful woman like him didn't understand at all.

"I know, I know, I know, so when you say these words, I can understand. We are very good friends with each other, right?"

"Moreover, we all have our own ideas. We even say that we are unwilling to force this matter on ourselves, which leads to the development of this kind of thing, which makes people feel very embarrassing."

"What's more, if it's not because all of us are friends, then how can we explain clearly how we should take revenge for such a thing in front of us?"

Liu Bei spoke directly, even when he said these words, of course it was full of reason, because a person like Liu Bei knew very well whether such a thing really had a very bad influence.

The reason is because of too many considerations, so of course, when making this kind of choice, of course, it is very clear what kind of consequences this kind of thing will have.

Rather than saying that he doesn't want to bear the consequences, it's more appropriate to say that this kind of thing is simply unacceptable.

If this kind of thing is really acceptable to people, then it will not develop into the current situation.

Nowadays, no one is willing to accept this situation. After all, this kind of thing feels too depressing.

And this guy Qian Daoliu has chosen to take a step back. If Liu Bei continues to threaten, this kind of thing will need to be changed normally.

Probably after a while, whether this kind of thing can be truly understood or not depends on Qian Daoliu's own experience.

If you can't get rid of this knot in your heart, it's useless even if you talk about it.

Of course Qian Daoliu's choice was correct, it's just that a person like Qian Daoliu encountered a mistake, and a person like him was originally very good.It's just that I met people who shouldn't have met, so it led to such a very embarrassing situation today.

Qian Daoliu didn't want to really take this kind of thing to heart at all, but judging from the current situation.Now that this kind of thing has already happened, there is no need to continue to think about the consequences, because if you continue to think about the consequences, you may still be the one who is sad.

Then after the matter has reached such a stage, there is no need to continue, because if it continues, it will only increase troubles. Why do you have to let yourself experience this kind of torture yourself?
"So if you two can unite and love each other, this kind of thing is a very easy to understand."

Qian Daoliu was probably silent, because when faced with such a topic reminder, he didn't even know what to say, or even didn't know what to understand at all.More children can only really keep silent because of embarrassment, because the embarrassment in their hearts has completely occupied everything.

Looking at the appearance of a man and a woman in front of me, Qingqing and me, to be honest, such a person is definitely not acceptable, because Bibidong Pharmaceutical is a very good person, and such a person is even more worthy of being liked by others people.

What's more, it is because when facing this kind of thing, they keep very silent, even keep very painful, so it is easier to understand why this kind of thing can develop into such a situation.

"I don't want to talk now, or even say that I don't want to understand such a thing at all. If this kind of thing can really be understood, then why can this kind of thing develop into such a difference?"

"I'm still here to wish you very sincerely, because only by blessing you can this kind of thing produce a very good effect."

Bibidong suddenly heard Qian Daoliu say such a sentence, and even felt as if he heard it wrong, because such a sentence really made people feel quite surprised, and even made people feel quite surprised.

If it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, then why was Qian Daoliu able to maintain his true composure?
In fact, Qian Daoliu didn't keep his real composure at all, it was just because this kind of thing made her feel really embarrassed. Rather than letting herself spend her old age in embarrassment, it would be more appropriate to really keep silent.

Because if you understand this truth, you will understand even more whether this kind of thing will really make people feel painful.And if such a thing cannot be explained, then the influence of this kind of thing must be very bad.

After the old guy finished saying these words, he turned his head and chose to leave. Seeing the old man's decadent look and the old man's sad expression, it is conceivable that such an old man is doing such a thing. When making a decision, have you really made up your mind?

"I think this old man will never trouble us again from now on, because this old man has already figured it out thoroughly with this kind of thing. Instead of continuing to be sad, it is better to choose to compromise and let the two of us be together. Together."

Liu Bei's sudden words reminded such a beautiful woman, so when such a beautiful woman heard Liu Bei's words, could she really feel a kind of confusion?

"I hope that what you said is true. After all, it is a very happy thing for the two of us to be together."

Bibi Dong once again showed a smile on his face, because when encountering such a thing, everyone hopes that good things will happen to them.

(End of this chapter)

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