Chapter 119;
For a beautiful woman like Qian Renxue, when faced with this kind of thing, she probably just chose to remain silent.

But such beauties are often quite surprising. After all, when such beauties are thinking about many things, they are unwilling to accept such things happening to themselves.

Qian Renxue was very sad.Because the impact of this kind of thing must be more or less very bad, and it even means that such a little beauty feels what is called depression.

If this kind of thing cannot be described as depression, what kind of words should be used?It is more appropriate to describe.

Qian Renxue probably has a lot of things in mind, maybe it's because such a beautiful woman has a lot of things in mind.So it will be very embarrassing.

"I didn't expect that the man said he liked me, but he was actually greedy for my body. Even when he said those words, he seemed to be joking."

"Actually, I don't want to accept such a thing. After all, this feeling is really depressing."

Qian Renxue stood under the moon and said such a sentence, and being able to say such a sentence, it means that what is going on in her heart, she has considered too much, and the natural influence must be more.

It's not because the more you think, the more you hurt. If such a beauty can really keep calm about what you do, maybe it is really something that is easy to understand.

Such a beautiful little girl, standing under the moon, looking at the shining moon, seems to have her own thoughts in her heart.If it wasn't for thinking too much, then how could such a little beauty be sentimental at this moment.

Qian Renxue's grandfather, Qian Daoliu, had already gone to look for Liu Bei at this time, and Qian Renxue knew very well what the purpose of looking for Liu Bei was, of course, if Qian Daoliu was not for helping Qian Renxue find him As far as the situation is concerned, she should continue to comfort Qian Renxue at this time.

So if such a thing really cannot be understood normally, then if this kind of thing is allowed to develop, it may really make people feel enough headaches.After all, this kind of thing has never been just talk.

Or in other words, it’s fine if this kind of thing can happen, but if it can’t keep up with people’s normal understanding, then isn’t this kind of thing a very painful thing?
As a proud girl of heaven, Qian Renxue often thinks about things more than others, and such a proud girl of heaven is originally a talented and intelligent beauty.

"Why does this kind of thing happen to me? Is it because I am cuter than others? If this is the case, I may really not accept it. After all, this feeling is too expensive and surprising. gone."

"If Grandpa didn't solve this kind of thing at all, then what direction will this kind of thing develop? It must be very important."

It must be very valuable for Qian Renxue to have such thoughts, because it is really exciting for such a little girl to say such a sentence.

But when such a little girl utters such a sentence, no one will really take her seriously.

Those people around are destined to be a group of passers-by, a group of passers-by, when faced with such a thing, how could they really put this kind of thing in their hearts?
Under such white moonlight, Xia Qianrenxue stood gracefully in the garden, looking at the moon in the sky and admiring the distant scenery, as if she was in an extremely beautiful mood.

But in fact, only Qian Renxue knows the real pain best, after all, such things are never jokes.And what impact this kind of thing will have is even more unquestionable.

Looking at that little girl, looking at the expression of that little girl standing under the white moonlight, although I said that I didn't witness what the expression of that little girl was like with my own eyes, but in fact, when this situation really happened, Liu Bei's expression The mood is also full.

At least he is so complicated, it is a very easy to understand thing.If it wasn't for thinking too much, it wouldn't be so depressing at this time.

"Although I don't know what to say, but seeing you showing such emotions, maybe you should be very depressed now. After all, this feeling is really beyond what ordinary people can bear."

"Actually, I still like you very much. At least I don't need to lie to you at all. It seems that I really don't need to. After all, I like you so much, and if you are really willing to give me a chance, it is not a very important thing. What about happy things?"

Liu Bei said these words with a serious face, and when he said these words, there was no intention of deceit at all, mixed in.

If it wasn't for Liu Bei's sudden appearance of Qian Renxue at this time, would he be able to truly control the complexity in his heart when faced with this kind of thing?

Qian Renxue looked at the young man in front of her. Although she didn't speak, she really loved and hated the young man in front of her. If it wasn't for the young man showing such an incomprehensible state.

Then when this beautiful woman actually encounters such a thing, I'm afraid she won't show her current face.

Qian Renxue definitely couldn't understand this kind of thing, after all, this kind of thing had already happened to her before that.And even saying that this kind of thing, if it can really be properly resolved, wouldn't it be a very happy thing.

Qian Renxue just quietly watched this kind of thing happen in front of her, and even when she was really facing this kind of thing, she didn't really think about the consequences at all, what kind of consequences it would be.

Because such a person didn't really encounter such a thing, maybe Qian Renxue didn't need to think so much at all.

When Liu Bei saw such a little beauty, he didn't intend to comfort him. In fact, when facing this situation, he was also full of doubts.

And this kind of thing is definitely not something worth advocating, and even such a thing must make people feel extremely depressed, even extremely embarrassing. After all, this kind of feeling is really annoying, and even makes people feel To quite speechless.

If it hadn't all happened so suddenly.So, will such an outstanding talent really appear here? The reason why such an outstanding talent can appear here?Not out of guilt.

"Actually, you don't need to make such a big fuss. After all, no one wants to watch this kind of thing happen. If someone really wants to see it happen, how could this kind of thing end up in the current situation?"

"You know, I really like you, and I still like you from the bottom of my heart. If there is a little chip, then I will die. After all, there is really no need to joke about this kind of thing."

Liu Bei once again gave up the promise, and the promise initiated this time has obviously been sworn, because as long as one party is, it means this kind of thing, it is indeed an understandable thing, after all, although this kind of thing is said It can't make people normal and understandable, but such a thing doesn't make people feel what it means to be truly speechless.

Be it Qian Renxue or Bibi Dong.

The two women just want to get their own love, but judging from the current situation, not only did the two parties fail to break through to their own love, but they also involved themselves in it. It's really ironic enough, even enough to make people feel speechless.

Qian Renxue is no longer a little girl, so when she actually encountered this kind of thing, she had to think a lot.If it wasn't because of the effect of Qian Renxue, who had thought a lot, why didn't the little girl feel a little bit excited when the young man in front of him was standing here?

Wasn't it because Qian Renxue, a little girl, really considered a lot when she encountered this kind of thing.Although the young man in front of him really made him feel very fond of the visa.But it doesn't mean that you can truly paralyze yourself for love, or even sell your true side for love.

Just watching this man quietly expressing his words and deeds here is a personal opinion.

Perhaps when this man said these words, he might really be expressing his own emotions.But it doesn't mean that such a man must be very real when he really says this sentence.

Moreover, a little girl like Qian Renxue already belonged to a woman who had sacrificed too much for love.

So such a woman has reached bruises.

Then how could it be possible to truly maintain reason when encountering such a thing.

If it wasn't for the little liking left in her heart, how could Qian Renxue really accept it.

So Qian Renxue could really watch this kind of thing and let it happen in front of her.

It's not because of such things, it's not Qian Renxue at all, such a beauty can really accept it.

It's just more reasons, I still don't want this kind of thing to happen in front of me.

Now it has happened in front of me, so it is more understandable, this kind of thing is not a very painful thing.

A girl like Qian Renxue must be very good, and this kind of thing makes people feel even more shocked.

"Is it useful for you to come and tell me now? If it is really useful, it won't be. It makes people feel embarrassed."

"Although this kind of thing is indeed embarrassing, or this kind of thing is really surprising. But it is undeniable that such a thing seems to be really interesting. Because this kind of thing It’s not something that people can understand normally.”

"You say you like me, but I know very well whether you really like me or not. And or if you really like me very much, then why do you not I didn’t express any liking.”

"Isn't it because a person like you doesn't want to be responsible at all when faced with this situation? Do you think I don't know what you think?"

Qian Renxue saw it very clearly, because when faced with this situation, of course, she was also very clear about why this kind of thing had developed into such an embarrassing situation.

What's more, if you judge seriously according to the current situation, the situation in front of you is really surprising.

In fact, when Qian Renxue said these words, it already made people feel what it means to be truly sad. After all, how could a normal person say such a sentence because of such a thing.It makes people feel unbelievable.

"If you really think of me like this, then I really can't do anything about it. After all, when you said these words, I really felt offended, and even said that you said such a sentence When I spoke, I directly felt that you seemed to be targeting me."

"Actually, you also know that, in fact, I still like you very much. If it's not because I like you very much, then can such a thing really give people a very calm feeling?"

"It's not because of this kind of thing. It's beyond the imagination of people, so if this kind of thing happened, I'm afraid few people would really be willing to accept it."

Liu Bei spoke again, and this time he really thought about it a lot.Because such an excellent man, when he really thought about this kind of thing, he had already put this kind of thing behind him.

If it weren't for putting this kind of thing deep inside.So how could such an excellent man not know how to answer when encountering such a thing?

Although Qian Renxue said that she also likes colors very much.But if it is really acceptable, this seems to be enough to make others feel speechless.

"Your behavior is simply scumbag behavior, and when you say these words, you feel so relaxed. Could it be that you really didn't seriously consider my feelings when you said these words? Do you feel it?"

"What else? If you think so, I can't help it. My God, if you really don't like me, you don't have to come to me. At least I won't force you, don't you?"

Qian Renxue uttered such a sentence again, and after uttering such a sentence, it even more represented whether such a beautiful woman could really accept this kind of thing.

Such a beautiful woman must be very outstanding.After all, this feeling is really enough, and it makes people feel what is called depression.

"Actually, if you really say that about me, I'm not saying that there is no room for rebuttal, although I admit that I may really have a large part of the responsibility for this kind of thing."

"Although I'm serious about flirting with you, I'm also serious about liking you. If you are really willing to give me a chance, it would be a very worthwhile thing."

Liu Bei's words mean both inside and outside the words, and he doesn't want this kind of thing to disappear completely in front of him.

Or in other words, they are not willing to accept such a thing at all, resulting in a very embarrassing mental state.So it was possible to maintain a certain level of peace.

(End of this chapter)

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