Chapter 120;

Qian Renxue must be very unwilling to accept these things that happened before her, if she is willing to accept such things.

So how can such a scene in front of me be explained normally?

And whether this kind of thing can really be imagined.

Or if you don't like each other very much, how can you explain this kind of thing seriously, or can you seriously think about it?It seems to be a very important thing.

Qian Renxue quietly looked at the only man in front of her. Even for some money, when such a man said these words, his whole body was trembling.If it wasn't for the trembling all over her body, how would Qian Renxue deal with this kind of thing?

"I really didn't expect you to be able to say such a sentence, and when you said such a sentence, it made me feel quite serious, you know? After all, I also met someone. What do you think? .”

"If you really like me, you shouldn't lie to me, or you shouldn't lie to my feelings at all. But I can see from your words and deeds that you are actually lying to me, right? ?”

Qian Renxue must have discovered something.If it wasn't for discovering something, how could Qian Renxue say these words at this time?And when she said these words, Qian Renxue acted as if she was very calm.

Maybe Qian Renxue pretended to be like this because she didn't want others to see her most vulnerable side, but if it was often the case, the most unacceptable thing was to think that this kind of thing was too abrupt.

"How can you imagine me like this? Could it be that I'm really so unsightly in your eyes? Or is it really so unworthy in your eyes?"

"You know, even when Bibi Dong sees me again, she still feels that I am sincere to her, so how can you think of me like this? I am absolutely sincere to you, and I even hope to marry To you, marry you home, after all, when a woman like you hugs and sleeps together at night, that is such a happy thing."

There is no need for Liu Bei to lie, or even to deceive the girl in front of him, because cheating is really too annoying.

Perhaps Qian Renxue was still in a very scalp-numbing state about this kind of thing.If it wasn't for being in a state of scalp numbness, then how could this kind of thing be explained seriously.

Although such a scene is simply not acceptable to such a little girl.But if it weren't for the fact that such a thing happened is too special, there are few people who are willing to accept it, and such a situation will happen in front of their own eyes.

Qian Renxue's grandfather had already come forward to explain such things, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all.So Qian Renxue, no matter how much dissatisfaction she had in her heart, it seemed to have no effect at all.

If it wasn't for this kind of thing, it would have been too sudden.So whether these things in front of me can be really imagined, it is not because it is too painful.

It is even unacceptable at all that such things happen.Then it led to this kind of thing, such a very bad direction of development.

And this kind of thing is bound to give people a very depressing feeling.Or maybe this feeling was simply not acceptable to Qian Renxue.

"Ah. Then you say these words now, the more reason is to let me understand, in fact, if you can be with me, it is very worthwhile, isn't it? If you really think so."

"Then you may be disappointed. After all, this kind of thing is quite surprising, right? So why do you keep thinking like this? Is it because when you face this kind of thing, you feel that I I really like you very much, don't I?"

Qian Renxue's sudden words directly caused the young man to maintain a deep self-doubt, as if he didn't know what to say when faced with such a thing.

Because when such a girl utters such a sentence, it is quite surprising, even surprising. Isn't it because when this girl utters such a sentence again, people are completely surprised? I know how to accept it.

Of course Qian Renxue knew what kind of impact she would have when she said such a sentence.And what kind of price will there be? After all, such a thing is really difficult for people to accept normally, and even talking about such a thing seems to really make people feel quite angry.

"That's right, that's what I thought. What's the matter? And when I said these words, I really thought about it seriously. If it wasn't because of my brain's understanding and thinking, I wouldn't say such things. Just a word."

"So I am such a person. If you are willing to leave me, you can leave me. If you are willing to stay, then you can stay. After all, it is undeniable."

"I really like you, but I also hate you very much. Because you gave me hope and made me see no hope again."

Qian Renxue can tell how desperate, or how uneasy she is in such words, and whether such a thing can really make a beauty like me feel what is called real pain, After all, the undeniable impact of this kind of thing must be very bad.

Liu Bei remained silent directly, or he didn't know what to say when faced with such a sentence, because such a thing was still surprising.Or to put it this way, it makes people feel speechless.

"How about it, do you feel speechless now, or when you face this kind of thing, you don't know what to say, do you?"

"Actually, I'm quite curious, what kind of feeling is called support for you, or what makes you feel a real sense of security."

"Isn't it because I gave you to rely on, so you feel that a little girl like me is very easy to deceive, right?"

For Qian Renxue to have such thoughts, it can be seen that such a person is still very strange, and can have such unimaginable statements.

It's also quite surprising. If it weren't for the fact that this little girl looks like a girl, some people might really doubt how such a girl can say such a shocking sentence. .

So if this kind of thing can really be seriously developed, or even seriously considered, maybe it's really good.

(End of this chapter)

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