Chapter 138;

Liu Bei probably didn't know how much influence he had on others when he did these things.And how many people would trouble him for such an excellent person?It's all a very serious matter.

If it weren't for the fact that he is such an excellent person, maybe how this kind of thing should develop, maybe it is really enough to make others feel speechless.

After all, the impact that such a person can often bring is absolutely terrifying.Or in other words, when these people face this kind of thing, they really make others feel more angry.

Liu Bei is such an excellent person.It must be very scary how many people can be pressured, and such a person can definitely bring an invisible sense of oppression to more people.

"I never thought that people like you are really enough to make me feel. I like it very much. At least you people can make me feel what is called security. You can even make me feel what is called relying on, and You people are still very good."

"I, Liu Bei, have just arrived here. I need a lot of advice. It seems that you need to understand what care is very seriously. After all, without you people, I might not be late. How will I go in the future, so I still hope You can remember this sentence, okay?"

Liu Bei was not lying, because whether he came out to find such a thing was a very important matter.And what kind of person he is is also very aware of how many people these things have caused doubts at the same time.

Those beauties are very anxious, or they are very clear in their hearts, such an excellent talent.Maybe the feeling of life brought in the future seems to be enough to make others feel speechless!

However, these women are destined to be nonsense women, so when facing this kind of thing, they all maintain their own opinions, because they are very clear about this kind of thing, so everyone is very clear about it.In any case, you can't take this kind of thing too seriously.

Originally, this kind of thing is something you love and I wish. If you really want to involve feelings, this kind of thing is often unclear. After all, no one will joke about their own future, and no one will take it Make a bet on your own life, because if you lose, you really can't afford to lose.

When Liu Bei and these beauties said these words seriously, of course it was very clear that this kind of thing would bring infinite troubles to so many people at the same time.And when those people face this kind of thing, they are also very clear.Is this kind of thing really worth it?

Those people who disappeared into the invisible, everyone is very evil, or the reason why these people are evil.The more reason is that they all rely on the old man, who has the Wuhun Temple behind him.

So if it weren't for such a person with the Wuhun Temple behind him, more people should not keep silent about this kind of thing when facing this kind of thing, at least it is not necessary at all.

The old man was of course very speechless when he heard such words, because such a topic really made more people feel what is called ridicule.

"Aren't you joking? If this is the case, how could such a person appear here casually, and such a person doesn't need to think about things at all? Or such a person, Don't you need to think about the consequences at all?"

"Don't you people know much about Wuhundian? If you really don't know about Wuhundian, I can tell you now that Wuhundian is a sect with very strict rules, do you know? So you people Always remember one sentence for me. Don't easily forget about things like dignity."

The old man seemed to be very serious when he said these words, and he didn't think about the consequences at all when he said these words, but it is undeniable that such an old man.

In fact, he still considered the consequences, so when the old man said such a sentence, he was already wicked, and this kind of thing was already developing in a more and more bad direction.

It's just that the old man is still very unwilling to accept this kind of thing. If the old man is really willing to accept this kind of thing, it is impossible for him to say such a crazy sentence at this time.

This old man is really rampant, and his wife, or such an old man, is simply extraordinary.I don't know what it means to be arrogant.

No one would really take such a guy seriously, or no one would really take such a person seriously.Then, after this kind of thing actually happened, more people should consider whether this old man is worth continuing to follow.

Some investigations revealed that the person with the background of the youth's life was already trembling with fear. After all, how could a person who can reach this status be easily offended by these cats and dogs.

"If you want to go crazy, go crazy by yourself. We people won't accompany you to go crazy, so you should think about this kind of thing yourself? We people don't plan to follow you to continue messing around!"

"Life is absolutely not a joke. If someone wants to joke about this kind of thing, they simply don't take themselves seriously, you know?"

"Listening to what you said, I feel that this kind of thing seems to be quite serious. Well, I don't plan to go, so you can do things yourself."

Now they are all talking very seriously, and they all know how to solve this kind of thing. After all, these people are very angry.Because they don't want their names to be lost for no reason, because of the persistence of an old man.

Although the old man said that he didn't show any emotions on the surface, his heart had already been revealed by all of these people, and he felt what it meant to be truly bored.

Probably because this kind of thing developed to the current situation too suddenly, so after this kind of thing actually happened, many people felt even more speechless.

After a while, if it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, how could there be an explanation for this kind of thing?
Of all the people present, no one is kind, and even no one really understands what kindness is.It's not because these people are too evil, or even some people's style of doing things is too reckless, which caused this kind of thing to happen.

"If you don't go, I will go by myself, but before that, I have to tell you a truth."

The old man said such a sentence, and immediately after that, the old man seemed to be full of strength.Moreover, this invisible sense of oppression erupted instantly, such a terrifying power, as if it wanted to destroy this place.

This invisible sense of oppression swept over in an instant, like the waves of the Yellow River.It makes people feel what real despair is. Those people have barely reacted, but when those people react, it only takes a moment, and these people start to fall apart as if falling apart.

Everyone must be very desperate, but in the face of real power, these people can do anything, except for choosing to die, it seems that they really can't do anything.

At this moment, these people finally realized their inferiority complex, and even finally realized that this kind of thing really seemed unsolvable, it was undeniable.These people will completely say goodbye to this world from now on.

If these people still have doubts, they will not be able to continue to maintain it when facing this kind of thing.I can't believe that this old man will really attack them.

After all, this kind of feeling is really very hurtful, and I feel speechless. After all, such a thing really makes people feel very angry.So such a thing is really not worth it.

People who were still alive before were dead, because when these people faced this matter, they might not really know whether they were really stupid when they did such a thing.

He watched these people die in front of him like this, and watched his former partners die tragically on the street like this.Everyone is very unacceptable, but even so, so what?
That old man is very arrogant, even what his name is, from now on no one is willing to really reveal it.And this old man directly led everyone to a place, because they all know very well that if these people can't solve it, it may really affect the progress of this world.

After a while, the old man led a large group of people to find trouble, because they all knew very well that if the young man was not dealt with, they would definitely be the same as those who had died. It came to a very miserable end.

Under this very crisis feeling, everyone knows exactly what to do, and everyone knows how to solve this kind of thing, so after everyone makes such a decision, it will be even more difficult. It is clear that this kind of matter must be seriously resolved in order to resolve the immediate crisis.

The hotel owner saw a group of people far away, but he didn't speak, because he knew very well that if he spoke at this time, it might directly affect his status in this world .

He screamed in fright, because it was very clear that this kind of thing would definitely make people feel speechless, and he must also be very clear about what kind of direction this kind of thing would develop.In other words, these people had no choice but to do this. After all, they had no choice but to do so.

"I just want to say one thing now. In fact, this kind of thing is really confusing. Do you know? You people have to remember one thing for me. If you don't solve this kind of thing seriously , Maybe you people are really very arrogant."

The old man continued to utter such a sentence, and the utterance of such a sentence is even more obvious, which means that a person like him may of course understand it.

Then nod repeatedly now, because it is undeniable that the matter has reached such a point, do you really want to continue to solve this kind of matter?It seems impossible to solve it. After all, if it is solved, how could this kind of thing happen?

It won't be long. The reason why this kind of thing will happen in the future is not because everyone is unwilling to choose to resist. If these people are willing to choose to resist, then this kind of thing will not develop to the current situation.

"The big thing is bad, honored guest, someone is coming to trouble you, don't you plan to run away? If you choose to run away now, you can still run away."

"I told you that this kind of thing is really very important, so you should run away quickly, because if you don't run away, you may be really speechless."

The hotel owner spoke very seriously, and it was very worthwhile. When he said these words, was it really very important?
Liu Bei was enjoying life happily with those people, but when he heard the hotel owner's urgent voice, he felt a little confused.

It's as if this kind of voice shouldn't be made at this time, as if that guy is warning that he shouldn't appear at this time.

"This uncle seems to have some problems outside. Don't tell me you really don't plan to leave? If he can make the hotel owner so anxious, he is definitely a very powerful person, and if you really plan to do so, It seems that the consequences will be really serious at that time, right?"

A beautiful woman spoke directly, and said such a sentence, it is very clear whether this kind of thing is really very important, after all, it is not easy for everyone to be able to do this.

Those beauties are also very puzzled, or every beauties are also very clear when facing this kind of thing, if this kind of thing really can't be solved, it may really make people feel very speechless Bar.

Liu Bei looked at these people, and of course he knew very well that this kind of thing might really be enough to make people feel speechless. After all, if this kind of thing is often unacceptable, how should we solve it?It is also a very important thing.

"I don't care about the things outside the door at all. After all, judging from the current situation, as the saying goes, a moment is worth a thousand gold. Will we miss such a good opportunity by then?"

"And I have already spent more than 100 million. You guys will always remember to me. If I don't leave you, none of these people can leave."

Liu Bei has already said that, what else can these beauties say?After all, the strength of these beauties is not so strong.

And these beauties are ordinary people, so when these beauties face these things, of course they can only keep silent.

After all, there is no way, if it is really possible to solve everything in front of me smoothly, then how could they really be willing to accompany such a young man.

(End of this chapter)

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