Chapter 139;
Liu Bei is very clear why these things have developed into the current situation, and even said why such things will bring a kind of trouble to many people. It is not because they think that these people are unwilling to accept this kind of thing, which leads to such a situation. Things happened before my eyes.

If it weren't for this kind of thing, most people would feel very hopeless.In fact, such a thing is still understandable.

Although these beauties are just a one-sided relationship, if these people are very willing to pay for themselves.

Then it is not a very worthwhile thing for these people to do something.And this kind of thing is mutual.

Heart-for-heart, this kind of thing is an unspeakable transaction between adults.

Walked out of such a room, because when encountering difficulties, never bow to difficulties.If you really bow your head like a difficulty, you may never be able to lift your head up for the rest of your life, so it is impossible for any normal person to choose to compromise casually.

Because the hotel owner wants to protect the safety of customers, a person like him walked out of such a room very seriously.Because he wants to protect such a customer, such a very respected customer.

Only by protecting such a customer in front of you can you earn a steady stream of wealth.

A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way, although the way he earns money is somewhat difficult to behave.But it is undeniable that being able to make money is already good, and who would like to have trouble with money.

Liu Bei walked outside very seriously, because he knew very well in his heart whether these people were doing a lot of evil when facing this situation, or whether the behavior of these people was very difficult to understand. normal understanding.

After a while, looking at these guys in front of me, each of these guys is very arrogant, and almost none of them is alive, because they are all lifeless.It's as if there is no vitality in the whole body, that's normal.

Facing such a situation, the old man also had a solemn face, exuding a murderous aura all over his body, which was absolutely terrifying.Even the pigs and dogs around felt what it meant to be truly shivering under the pressure of this momentum.

"I heard that you are Liu Bei, and a person like you seems to be from the Wuhun Palace. I heard them say that you seem to be quite strong, but I don't want to believe it. After all, I will never trust a superior person." The strong are willing to come to such a chicken neck."

The old man's mysterious opening may be due to genuine fear. If it wasn't for fear, how could he have said such a sentence in a mysterious manner.

Those so-called followers, everyone's mood is also very uneasy.Because these people are very clear, after the old man uttered such a sentence, each of them was almost bound by a thread.

And this feeling is extremely real, and it makes people feel what despair is.

Although everyone is not speaking at this moment, silence here is better than sound. This kind of thing is often not a joke.Of course, the old man is very clear that he has already said this kind of words, so he must continue to say this kind of words.

If you don't go on, it may really cause a lot of trouble, and even such a trouble will definitely make more people feel what is called despair.

"Since you can find out my details, to be honest, I feel very amused by a person like you."

"What are you relying on? It feels like you can touch me for a while. Could it be that you rely on your own strength?"

"I think you don't seem to have much strength. Or a person like you seems to be a piece of rubbish. IMHO."

Of course Liu Bei would not allow it, because when facing these clowns, the most direct way is to taunt them directly, and to be tough directly in front of these people, so that others can feel scared, thus creating a feeling of trepidation. Shivering effect.

If these people choose to retreat in the face of this situation, then the next thing will not continue to happen.But if these people are determined not to change, then such an outstanding young man like him will definitely let these people know what cruelty is.

Probably because of this kind of thing, the difference until now has made many people feel troubled.None of those people thought that such a very intelligent person would be able to say such a sentence.

If those people were very skeptical before, but now they have to seriously believe in you.Is such an uninvited guest really very powerful, and is the aura emanating from his body really terrifying?
This kind of aura that is directly comparable to Title Douluo is definitely not something that can be disguised just by pretending.And what level is Title Douluo?
No one will be unclear.Title Douluo is a very powerful Super Douluo, capable of destroying heaven and earth, so whether this kind of person is really terrifying is definitely a very real thing in the world.

Everyone must pay the price for their recklessness, otherwise, if everyone is very arrogant, how can such a thing be said?
But when the old man was about to continue pretending, the sudden scene really shocked the old man.

Seeing these very arrogant guys become very wretched in the next second, and everyone directly fell to their knees on the ground with a plop, this kind of thing must make this old man unacceptable.

So if this kind of thing actually happened, there will be a very interesting feeling, it must be a very interesting feeling.

These people dare to kneel on the ground and admit their mistakes, these people can be said to be very mocking!Because it is he who leads so many people to be arrogant and domineering, and also him.

But now these subordinates are kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground to their enemies.So what's the point of a leader like him appearing here?
"You guys have taken the wrong medicine, right? Why are you kneeling on the ground? Could it be that you guys have really forgotten your dignity? Or are you guys really forgotten what it means to be a real man? ?”

"If you men really need your own dignity, stand up for me at this moment. After all, men have gold under their knees, kneel to the sky, kneel to their parents."

Of course, the old man is not willing to accept this kind of thing, because he is a very good person and a very good leader.

As a leader, when encountering things, you should show your calmness.

It should have maintained that very arrogant expression from beginning to end.

It's a pity that, facing this situation now, not only did they not show any calm attitude.On the contrary, it directly affected the mind by this kind of thing.

Those people have already lived on the ground now, how could they pick up their lost dignity again, if they can pick it up directly, is this kind of thing really very ironic?

After all, the right to choose is one's own choice. If there is really regret medicine in the world, maybe everyone should consider clearly whether such a thing is really worth it when encountering such a thing.

If you can continue to live, then you will do this kind of thing, after all, it is not such a shameful thing.But if this kind of thing really has a very bad effect, then how should this kind of thing be left to develop.It seems that it doesn't have much connection with everyone.

"What are you talking about? These people are willing to compromise when faced with this kind of thing. Could it be that there is something more embarrassing than this kind of thing in front of you?"

"It seems not, because these people have reached this point, they have forgotten what dignity is, and you let a group of trash pick up their dignity again, it is simply a joke, you know?"

Liu Bei spoke bluntly and even directly mocked these guys as a bunch of trash. After all, if these people were not trash, how could they say such a sentence at this time?

Perhaps because of this kind of thing, it has developed to this day, and this situation is unacceptable to many people.It is also more direct to understand whether this kind of thing is really a very ironic thing.

If someone is really willing to stand up at this moment, or even resolve this kind of thing, then this kind of thing may really be worthwhile.

But these people have already knelt on the ground, let a group of people kneeling on the ground stand up again.That is simply harder than ascending to the sky.

"I don't know what you are talking about, because when you say these words, it really makes me feel very ridiculous."

"Also, when you say these words, what kind of topic are you trying to express?"

The old man said these words in order to defend his dignity. If he did not defend his dignity, then he is a very smart person who can hardly solve the problem in front of him. He will definitely not let this kind of thing happen .

Whether those people are dead or alive is no longer important, because those people are, after all, a bunch of jumping clowns, and a bunch of jumping clowns don't have any dignity at all.

No one is innocent, because these people have expressed their most rampant side.And these people, it's not because they encountered this kind of thing, what is called embarrassment, that they can continue to maintain a calm feeling.

"I don't want to do it myself, so you people should be sanctioned."

"If you people don't choose to sanction, then I may do it myself, so that you can directly feel what it means to die without a whole body."

Liu Bei must not have lied, because he himself is a very good person.How could it be possible to lie about such a thing?It is possible to directly let Qian Xunji choose to die in the Wuhun Temple.

What's more, it must be very interesting to make a super title Douluo like Qian Daoliu choose to be silent directly.

A mere old man, if he can't handle even an old man, then he is such a person who stirs up the Wuhun Hall.How can you continue to walk in the rivers and lakes in the future?

So that's why it's happening like this.In addition to his impulsiveness, the more reason is that these people are too rampant.

It's like not thinking about the consequences at all, but Fan's words are really thoughtful.You shouldn't let this kind of thing happen in front of your eyes.

"I want to beg you to die now, so after I say such a sentence, I really hope you will die."

Boom! !

In the picture that should have been a clear sky, suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the next second, and in the moment of lightning and thunder, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky in an instant.

Such a kind of lightning is definitely very fast, even with the speed of lightning.It suddenly landed on top of everyone's heads!
Just when those kneeling on the ground thought that they would absorb the lightning in an instant, they never thought that the pizza that the lightning was just bad was on the old man.

So the old man sacrificed like this.And before he died, he didn't forget to brush those.The grass and trees on the ground seemed to die bravely even if they were to die.

What a dramatic scene it was, and how it was felt by so many people.A feeling of grief and loss.If it weren't for this kind of thing, maybe such an old man would really reach the point of being superior when he practiced in the future.It will even reach a state of soaring into the sky.

"This old man is called Old Man Feiying here. We didn't expect to be solved by you. It's really enough to surprise us."

"And such an old man is really very powerful, but now he is dead like this, it is really enough to make others feel troubled, you know?"

The hotel owner must be the happiest person, because he never thought that such a person would be so powerful.And to solve this kind of thing, it feels like it is easy to handle.

These people must be very useless. If these people are not waste, it is impossible to choose to compromise at this time, and they will not choose what is called real calm because of this kind of thing. In fact, they are calm, but It's all a disguise.

Where there is any calmness, it is just a reason for these people to make excuses for themselves, so that they can continue to live.

"Now your leader is dead, so are you going to continue to turn against the water? Or are you guys really going to continue to trouble me? If this is the case. Then it is undeniable that I may really want to Got shot at all of you."

After Liu Bei uttered such a sentence, it was as if he had given an ultimatum directly.Without this kind of espionage, these people may not realize what a mistake is at all.

And these people can be said to be the kind of people who are not afraid of boiling water.Often such people should be punished directly and harshly by means of thunder.

Let them always remember that what kind of person can offend what kind of person, and they will never get the worst. They will always have a memory for business and industry.

(End of this chapter)

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