Chapter 140; I want to live!

But if the opportunity is really given to these people, instead of cherishing it, these people will intensify their efforts to find trouble.Then these people are definitely not worthy of continuing to give face.

Opportunities are often given to some smart and witty people, not to these timid and fearful people. These people don't have the confidence of a man at all. If this kind of thing falls on Liu Bei.

Then Liu Bei would definitely rather die.Because what kind of end will the descendants often get?It must be very miserable.

He is a very good person, and a man who exudes a mature charm all over him.With very strong wealth, he can provide for a casual and unscrupulous person like him.There is no need to pay for your mistakes at all.

There is no need to think about the consequences at all, because the consequences are often considered by the weak, and he was born as a strong man.How can you think about these things?
"My good sister, have you seen it? There seems to be trouble ahead, should we go over and take a look? If it is really necessary to go over and take a look, maybe this kind of thing is really very interesting, isn't it Say no?"

Just when these people were being ridiculed, they descended directly into this world as if they were directly transformed into gods, and such a person is often very outstanding.It's like a god descending from the earth.Hu Sheng exudes a unique charm.

Those people are not scared to death on the spot, they are already very good, how could they dare to think of resisting and choosing to resist, they are completely digging holes for themselves, biological waste should understand.Is it a shame to be a trash?

"I'm not your good sister, so it's better for you to make it clear, what are the identities of the two of us? Don't talk about a sister, making us seem to be familiar with each other."

"In addition, I don't want to seriously think about this kind of thing that happened, and such a thing really seems to be enough to bother me."

"What kind of strength is that young man, that he can make so many people kneel on the ground directly, do you feel that these people seem to be really surprised!"

Such a girl is very beautiful, exuding a youthful atmosphere all over her body, and wearing a pleated skirt.wearing a shirt.Those round and fair long legs are very fair and beautiful.

But for a man like his sister, although he looks quite handsome.But the way of behavior still makes others feel very difficult, and such a person seems really very wretched.

Every time I say a word, it makes others feel, isn't it really disgusting?

Often handsome people are not necessarily kind-hearted, so if this kind of thing happens again, in the future, many people must be very clear about whether such things are really beyond the scope of normal people's understanding.

"How can you say that? After all, the two of us were engaged, didn't we? And I seem to really like a woman like you. If you don't mind, we can stay where we are marry."

"Besides, have you forgotten it? It seems that our marriage contract was made by the elders of our two families."

What is the identity of this young man who speaks?This kind of thing is really enough to make many people feel troubled.

If the status of this young man is really very good, then it is understandable to say such a sentence, but if such a guy is actually very rubbish in strength, then when he says these words, it may be It really needs more thought.

After a while, perhaps because of this, a young and beautiful girl ignored such a young man, and that young man would definitely not just let it go!

He stepped forward decisively and walked towards the group of people.Because the young man was very curious about the scene in front of him, and wanted to find out why these people appeared here.
If these people have ghosts in their hearts, perhaps the last thing they should do is an indescribable performance.

The teenager looked at these guys, as if he was really full of doubts about the performance of these interactions, and the expressions and even the behavioral norms of these people were quite suspicious, as if these people did not belong to this empire at all.

It seems to be exactly the same as the undercover agents sent by other empires, so when facing this situation, whether such a guy can really maintain his calmness may really make people feel very interesting.

"What are you guys doing here? And what are you guys doing here? After all, you guys are really confusing, you know."

"Or you people are really disgusting, and it makes me feel that I really don't have the slightest sense of security when I'm with you people."

If those guys are able to truly remain unafraid when facing this situation, then this kind of thing is often really very interesting.

Fear comes from the heart, but if there is no more fear in the heart, then it will be the time when this kind of thing will be resolved smoothly.

Those guys must still be very clear about whether this kind of thing can really continue to be suppressed, which has already involved everyone's dignity.

"So are you kidding? What are we people doing? Are you blind? Could it be that you can't see after subtracting yourself? That's why you are so arrogant, right? Maybe your result is really nothing. I have been taught a lesson!"

Someone directly stood up, and being able to say such a sentence already directly represents whether such a person is often really excellent.

After all, the person who can say such a sentence is often such a very powerful person.Although this person was indeed a bit cowardly and incompetent before that.

But now in order to defend his dignity, he fights bravely. Such a person is still very worthy of appreciation.

After all, in the face of difficulties, people who do not continue to choose to bow their heads, if not praised, then who is worthy of praise seems to be really very important.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Don't you know my true identity? Or do you not know what a person like me is? Let me tell you, I am the prince of this empire. Now You know it."

This young man actually said that he is His Royal Highness, and many people may find it difficult. After all, no one would directly admit that he is His Royal Highness, and such a guy.

No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a prince, on the contrary, you look like a dude.Playboys are just a little bit more, and they can't do anything, and they spend No. 1 on money.

Often such a person doesn't like to be highly appreciated by others at all, because once he is highly appreciated by others, it seems to be ridiculed by others.

But such people are often very rich, and enjoy a life that others cannot enjoy in their entire lives.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to believe it. From the perspective of a person like you, not believing it is a very real thing, and a person like you is really rubbish. I'm not joking. "

"With all due respect, all of you here are rubbish, and none of you can really get into my eyes. If you people don't believe it, then I can show you now, what is a real super strong?" Or, are you ok?"

It can be seen from this that this boy did not lie at all, because if such a boy lied, he would never show it. In this way, a serious expression would not show what is called embarrassment at all.

Those people are of course very clear that there are usually only two types of people who can maintain a calm and unhurried attitude, either they are liars or they are not.

And such a teenager and obviously the former may not have a life.If you didn't lie, offending such a person, the consequences would be very unimaginable.

"This is the Star Luo Empire, right? Since this is the Star Luo Empire, what is the identity of a person like you?"

"It seems to be really important. And I don't care who a person like you is, you just need to know that if you offend me, the end will be very miserable, you know?"

Liu Bei spoke happily, as if he was really interested in such a little guy.And the identity of such a person also brings a very mysterious feeling to people.

It is undeniable that this feeling is really good, because it is often such a dude who makes him such an excellent person, so he should be targeted.

The guy who said he was His Royal Highness, faced with this situation, directly kept the promise, as if he felt a little afraid of such a young man.

Although this young man has worked very hard and doesn't want to collide with Liu Bei's gaze, but even if he doesn't work hard, what can he do?
Waste is waste, Xia can only really choose to remain silent under such a strong sense of oppression, because if she doesn't choose to remain silent, the consequences must be very indescribable.

"This handsome guy, it seems that you don't need to scare him like this. After all, he is a rookie. Although I admit this kind of thing very much."

"But you are still my friend after all, there is absolutely no need for you to scare him like this, so I still hope you can take back what you said before, okay?"

This is such a beautiful woman, even exuding a unique charm all over her body.

And such a beauty, she is also very pure, although I don't know why she wears leather pants, but the fact that leather pants show her figure is indeed very full of reason.

Often such leather pants give people a very good impression.So such a sentence from such a woman in leather pants will represent such a beautiful woman in the future, whether it is worthwhile to say these words.

Looking up and down at such a beautiful woman, even where his gaze has drifted, is no longer important. It is undeniable that when facing this kind of thing, it also gives people a very good feeling.

"To be honest, I still like an existence like you very much, and if you don't mind, I want to make friends with you. As for what kind of friends, of course it is limited. The one between wife and lover kind of friendship."

Liu Bei opened his mouth cheerfully, with a gentle expression on his face. Such a gentle expression, like the sunshine in spring, warmed the heart of this beautiful woman.

Although the beauty is not clear.When this guy said these words, was he serious?

But being able to say such a sentence is enough to tell, maybe such a man is really the legendary philandering carrot.How to deal with the big radish?

Of course, it is resolved standing up, after all, it is impossible to show excessive pain because of this kind of thing.

There are still people who are in pain, such a young man, when that young man is faced with such a thing, he is so angry that he can't say a word, because this kind of feeling really needs to be ridiculed, how mocking, and even his body I directly felt what is called real despair.

It is definitely not an honor to be taken care of by a beautiful woman. If it is a very honorable thing to be taken care of by a beautiful woman, then maybe such a young man can directly choose to die.

"I don't want you to speak for me, because you speak for me, as if I feel that a person like me is very worthless. You have to know that I am a prince. Since I am a prince, I am a very high-ranking person, you know?"

"Originally, I wanted to get along with you people as an ordinary person, but now you people's various behaviors make me feel very disgusted. So I stopped pretending, and the showdown is over. In fact, I am the prince of the Star Luo Empire. Dai Mubai."

Dai Mubai.What a familiar name, and it can be said that no one would know such a name, even everyone in the Star Luo Empire has a deep resistance to such a name.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't seem to have thought that the young man had reached such a stage at this time, and he still exposed his identity.

A beautiful woman with an unnatural expression.Of course, I don't want this young man to expose his identity as His Royal Highness prematurely, because once exposed, His Royal Highness's identity means that he can no longer get along with those people as an ordinary person.

"I thought you could continue to bear it, but it turned out like this. Well, I feel that the two of us have no fate anymore, because you are not the kind of person who keeps promises at all. It doesn't make me feel at all A little bit of security, so we will definitely not be happy together."

Zhu Zhuqing said these words very seriously.There was no intention of lying at all.It's like this, a good beauty, who can get angry to such an extent, is already so angry that she doesn't know what to say.

It's not that this happened too suddenly.In fact, there is no need for such a beautiful woman to be very angry about this kind of thing.

Hearing these words, Dai Mubai immediately regretted it, and even regretted it directly.In order to show off his ability for a while, he actually offended such a beautiful woman, if it reached his father's ears.

Regardless of whether he is the prince of the Star Luo Empire or not, he will not be able to enjoy it in the future.Very nice treat.

(End of this chapter)

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