Chapter 58

When I was six years old, the little girl from the neighbor’s house wore a white dress and insisted on me marrying her like the one on TV.

When I was eight years old, one-third of the girls in my class confessed to me back and forth, one-third of the girls were secretly in love with me, and the remaining one-third hadn't penetrated the relationship between men and women, thinking that I was a character A sister who is not very nice and doesn't like to talk to others.And Sun Haosheng thought that half of the girls were attracted to the car that took me to school, and the other half were confused by my appearance.If anyone really likes me, I’m afraid there isn’t one.

I understood this truth later than him.

At the age of 16, it was the most rebellious time.Sun Haosheng dyed his hair yellow and shaved a mohawk. He had a good time in school and attracted the attention of the girls.Then he hid outside for two days and didn't dare to go home. Then he heard that he was beaten up by Fatty, shaved his head and threw him back to school.Li Quan's temperament has always surpassed his age. At that stage, he dragged me to the toilet and handed me the first cigarette in my life.If you want to talk about Yang Gu in that year, let alone his tumultuous energy in the past ten years, he can describe it in a very elegant word, which is too numerous to describe.

Now that I think about it, I'm young and frivolous, ignorant and fearless, and I don't listen to other people's advice the most, and the more others persuade me, the more I try.

Most of the girls in the school are interested in me, and other people think about it even if they don't say it, but it's because I happen to be Jiang Linfeng.At that age, I can't ignore other people's opinions at all, but I am eager to prove myself, not relying on the support of money and power.

So, I used my brain, and relying on the cover of my brothers, I found a month of free time.Change your identity and try another completely different life.

Susa was just a small bar that had just opened. In the era when hair-washing girls were rampant in nightclubs, it was considered a fresh school that stood out.I got myself a job as a waiter.To put it bluntly, serve the wine and wipe the table.Because I don't dare to go to any bigger venues, because there are more or less familiar people.

In susa, I did meet a girl who is a part-time singer-in-residence and a student of the Art Academy, Faye Wong.She was very beautiful, she had the aloofness of a singer on stage, but she was a pure student off stage.There are many people chasing her, and the students from the nearby vocational school spend their days in susa for her.She didn't talk to anyone.

Sun Haosheng said: "Just passing through thousands of flowers and proudly pretending to be 13, isn't it the female version of Jiang Shiqi!"

Many years later, Shengzi said to another person in the same tone, "It's not easy to talk about it, but the poisonous tongue that turns around and curses people is exactly like the female version of Jiang Shiqi."

How I got together with Faye Wong, I can't remember clearly.She was my first girlfriend in a practical sense. At that time, I even felt that just being with her like this was a good life.Even if I am not Jiang Linfeng.

Unfortunately I am.

Sun Haosheng couldn't bear his temper the most. After hearing that I had a straight girlfriend, he clamored to see it.

The three of us had a meal together that day, and Shengzi treated us.He said that it was the first time he met Seventeen's girlfriend, so he couldn't be negligent, so he picked up some of the restaurants we always go to on weekdays.Driving a BMW he picked out at random when he went out.

Shengzi and I are used to this, so we don't think so.But after that, Faye Wong asked me several times how I met such a rich friend.I said friends who grew up together in front of and behind the building, but Shengzi's father later went into business and made some money.This is the truth.

Later, she followed the routines in the TV series. Faye Wong was always willing to ask Shengzi to go with her if she had nothing to do, and pestered Shengzi in private.Shengzi was rough and detailed, and told Li Quan about the matter.Li Quan called Sheng Zi and Yang Gu, and the four of us brought two cases of beer and drank until the night fell.

What Li Quan said makes sense. Everyone has the right to pursue their own life. We are born this way and have never experienced poverty, so we cannot understand Faye Wong's choice.

Yang Gu patted Shengzi's shoulder with a smile and said: "So women are stupid, thinking that sticking to Shengzi is taking advantage of it. In fact, it is a big loss."

Shengzi punched Yang Gu back, and then gave me another punch, "Look at you, you're just messing around, what have you got?"

Since then, I am still Jiang Linfeng, the only change is that I have begun to cherish the unique advantages that this identity has given me.

But between me and the women, we just get what we need.They value what I have, and I can trade it for their beauty or body.

Love, as far as I am concerned.Perhaps a real luxury.

The days are like this in the ups and downs of the shopping mall, living in a muddle.

Fewer and fewer people call me Jiang Shiqi, and more and more people call me President Jiang or Young Master Jiang.

People in the family also began to urge my marriage to find a suitable candidate.Yu Lin was introduced by my aunt. The background of Yu’s family is similar to ours. This generation passed down politics and went into business. He is Yu Lin’s elder brother. We call him Brother Yu. investment myths.Being human is also a little unpredictable.There are not many people in this mall that really give me headaches, and Brother Yu is one of them.

People say that the marriage between our two families is a strong alliance, and Yu Lin is impeccable.But when I am in it, I can always taste the solemn taste of the news broadcast.

In fact, if at that time, Jing Xiao hadn't prodded Yang Gu viciously with her big hair, maybe Yu Lin and I could get together bluntly.

But, fortunately, there is no such if.

I also met Susa, but Yang Gu told me, "Brother, I believe Jing Xiao, if one day she can say that she loves me, then she must love me."

I have no doubts about Gu Zi's vision of people, but I still can't believe that the woman who has worshiped money as her belief would give up money for love.Doubt breeds curiosity, curiosity drives inquiry, inquiry becomes approach, and approach deepens understanding.

What Jing Xiao said is right, it is a war game between me and her.The bet is each other's sincerity, and who is the chip in whose heart is more important.

I lost the game and won back a luxury I thought I couldn't have.

In fact, with sincerity, it is no longer a game, so it has nothing to do with winning or losing.

If you really fall in love with someone, you can be influenced by money, but you will never be influenced by money.

Jing Xiao picked up all the carrots in her bowl and put them in mine, then took a piece of steak from me based on the principle of reciprocity, and took two bites of it, sneaking glances at me.

I ate the carrots that she didn't like, "Don't lay the groundwork, what do you want to do, tell me!"

She raised her head quickly and said quickly, "I want a bottle of perfume!"

 This episode is newly added to the traditional Chinese version of "When the Gold Digger Meets the Diamond Man", and it was sent out upon request.Forgive me for being too lazy to log on to other websites and post after the original text of the gold digger, well, I admit that I am trying to save trouble.I wish everyone a happy new year in advance, and Mi will have several works after a three-year rest.Gu Panshengzi has finished the draft, and the draft will be handed in after the reunion at the fork in love, and the revised draft will be handed in after the woman has no death
(End of this chapter)

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