Chapter 1001
Chapter 1001
Wu Qiao looked coldly at Xie Furong who was screaming in fright and ran away in a hurry, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, he closed the door with his backhand, kicked Hu Ben who was lying on the ground to a place where he could not see in the corner, and then fainted The servant girl Birou on the ground picked it up, and then quickly left the small courtyard without anyone noticing.

Xie Furong was suddenly picked up and thrown into the yard, her head was hit and she was dizzy. Before she recovered, the hornet's nest fell from the tree and landed beside her.

Swarms of wasps besieged her. She screamed and got up from the ground, and ran to the door in a hurry, but found that the door could not be opened and was locked.

The wasps buzzed around and surrounded her. There were wasps on her face, hands, and body. She screamed and ran around the yard, but wherever she went, the wasps followed her. Wherever I went, my whole body felt like needles pricking me.

His Highness Daxiongbao, Abbot Jiufang led all the ladies and ladies over, and the one who walked in the front was Mrs. Xie.

"Ah... help... help..." At this moment, the crowd suddenly stopped when they heard a shrill scream——

"Who is this calling for help?" Mrs. Liang listened attentively and asked.

"Calling for help, this voice is strange, the place of Buddhism is pure, and today is the day of Buddha's enlightenment, how can there be such a voice?" Mrs. Xie couldn't help shivering as she said.

"Ah, help, help, come and save me..." The voice became more and more clear, and the listener felt palpitations.

Abbot Jiufang found out that the voice was coming from the small courtyard, his heart sank, and he immediately said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please wait here, the poor monk will go and have a look."

At this moment, several other monks rushed over and said, "Abbot, it's not good, a lady broke into the yard, the hornet's nest fell, and she was surrounded by hornets..."

Upon hearing this, Abbot Jiufang put his palms together and said, "Amitabha! Let's go and have a look."

The abbot walked to the small courtyard together with all the masters.

"Oh, help, mother, come and save me, come and save me..."

The miserable voice came one after another.

"Whose family, how could it provoke a swarm of hornets?"

"Oh, this hornet is scary, isn't a swarm of ants even scarier?"

"I don't know who it is, so careless, what are you doing close there? It's a waste of our time." Mrs. Xie went up the mountain to grab the stick of incense, but she couldn't grab it, and she felt a little regretful, and now she was stopped again. I can't move forward here, and I can't help but feel a little emotional.

Hearing the sharp cry, everyone was discussing, and they all felt a little scared, and stepped back a little one by one.

Abbot Jiufang walked to the small courtyard and found that the door was locked. He immediately told his disciples, "Quickly, open the door and go in to save people! The rest of the wives and young ladies..."

"Wait, don't do it!" At this time, Mrs. Xie did not wait for Abbot Jiu to finish speaking, and stopped her, "Abbot's method is not advisable, he opened the courtyard door rashly, so many hornets flew out in a swarm, What about the person who bites here?"

Hearing Mrs. Xie's words, the rest of the people also expressed concern, saying, "Yes, yes, this wasp stings people very badly, and the people here are all noble ladies and ladies. If the bee flies out, it will be too late to run away." of."

"It's not the behavior of a monk to see death and refuse to save him. Ladies and gentlemen, please retreat to the Daxiong Palace so that we can save people." Abbot Nine said.

"No!" Mrs. Xie continued to stop her, "Abbot, you have to protect us first. What if the hornets fly out and cover the entire temple? This method of asking for help is not advisable, why not Think of another way."

"Ah, help, help!" The voice calling for help continued.

Abbot Jiu Fang said loudly, "Amitabha, ladies and wives, please enter the Daxiong Hall, open the door, and save people. The poor monk will not let these hornets fly out. Don't worry, everyone."

"Wait." At this moment, a cold voice came.

Everyone glanced at the person who was wearing a snow-white fox fur cloak, with a glazed butterfly hairpin inserted into the bun, long tassels swaying with the steps, and his abdomen swelled. He came over with the support of the mother and maid .

"Princess Hengqin..." Everyone greeted each other and said.

Lian Siyue nodded to everyone, walked up to Abbot Jiu, and said, "Abbot, I heard that someone fell into the yard and was stung by a hornet."

"Ah, mother, mother, save me, save me quickly, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..." Just as he was speaking, a voice from the yard came over with a miserable sound.

Hearing the voice called mother, Mrs. Xie suddenly found a little familiar feeling from the screaming to distorted voice. She looked around, but she didn't see the figure of the third daughter Xie Furong, so she asked Madam Su beside her. Mother said, "Where did Furong go? Did you see it?"

"I haven't seen the third miss, madam." Su Momo said.

Mrs. Xie suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart, and the hand holding the handkerchief was a little weak.

"Abbot, in fact, this princess thinks what Mrs. Xie said is not unreasonable. If the abbot misses and a hornet flies out and circles the temple, these are all noble ladies and noble ladies. It is difficult to explain who they are staring at." Lian Siyue said , and gave Mrs. Xie a light look.

"I don't know what the princess thinks?" Abbot Nine put his hands together and asked,

"What the wasps are most afraid of is the smoke and fire. My concubine has a plan. I can light several torches, and the little masters will hold them while smoking to prevent the wasps from coming out, and then go into the yard to kill these wasps." Lian Like the moon said.

Everyone nodded and said, "This method is desirable."

Abbot Jiufang immediately ordered the crowd, "Go quickly and follow Wangfei's instructions, and bring a torch each."

"Princess, my servants are going to help me too." At this time, the "enthusiastic" Nanny Tai said.

"Go." Lian Siyue nodded, a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

"Princess, stand back a little." Qing Dai supported Lian Siyue to stand back a little.

Seeing many little masters walking into the yard with torches one by one, Mrs. Xie suddenly felt uneasy.

"Ma'am, do you feel that this voice is a bit like our third lady's?" Su Momo said suddenly.

Mrs. Xie's soles suddenly softened, her forehead felt cold, her whole body trembled, she tightly grabbed the handkerchief in her hand, and said, "Quick, go and have a look!"

"Mrs. Xie, don't worry, the masters have already gone in, wait patiently for a while." Lian Siyue stopped Mrs. Xie with a voice.

(End of this chapter)

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