First-class daughter

Chapter 1002 Can't Believe It's Her

Chapter 1002 Can't Believe It's Her
Chapter 1002 Can't Believe It's Her
"Yes, Mrs. Xie, you refused to open the door just now, why are you so anxious now?" Old Mrs. Liang said after taking Lian Siyue's words, she also heard Mrs. Xie's words just now.

When Lian Siyue turned around, Mrs. Liang and her nodded lightly.

Liang Shumo, the demon king in her family, used to cry and shout to marry this princess Hengqin. Later, he saw that the princess was married to His Highness Ninth Prince. He came back after a drink, drunk for several days and nights, and was severely beaten by his grandfather. He didn't say a word at the time, which frightened him, the grandmother, and thought he was beaten stupid
As a result, after the injury on his body healed, he suddenly ceased to be the devil king of the world, and began to study hard day and night and practice martial arts.

Asked how he became enlightened, he replied, "If you don't have the ability to reach the sky, how can you marry the woman you like."

As soon as these words came out, the Liang family couldn't help laughing or crying, but finally, the devil king of the world has gone the right way, so, speaking of it, I have to thank Princess Heng for her merciless rejection of Shumo.

Mrs. Xie stopped hesitantly after hearing Lian Siyue and Mrs. Liang's words.

The monks opened the courtyard door a little, and walked in cautiously with torches in their hands, followed by Madam Tai.

As soon as she walked in, Nanny Tai almost died laughing——

I saw that Xie Furong was lying on the ground and rolling, and all of her body was densely covered with wasps, especially on that small face, which was covered with wasps all over her face. These wasps were densely gathered on her face. She woke up very viscerally, she couldn't bear the sting, and she let out screams one after another.

Mother Tai immediately said, "Little masters, if you can't accept men and women clearly, let alone masters who are monks, this lady will be handed over to me. You go and sweep under the tree, there are still hornets' nests." He walked over with a torch in his hand, raised his hand, and stomped hard on Xie Furong's body.

"Ah!" Xie Furong screamed, curled up all over, and the young monks also looked over.

"I don't need a torch on this man, let's trample all these wasps to death first!" Mother Tai said, stepping on Xie Furong's body, and then wrapped the torch around her body, and saw many The wasp fell.

"It's useful, it's useful, just do this! This young lady will be saved." Mother Tai stepped on it again, stepping on it with one foot, shouting while stepping on it, "It's dead, it's been stepped on a lot. Regardless of Xie Furong's screams—

Hehe, little bitch, you actually dare to have an idea of ​​my princess, who is the most important person in the heart of His Royal Highness, and you can touch her?I will trample you half to death today, and break your hands and feet!

"Ah, don't step on it, don't step on it..." Xie Furong screamed, she felt that her waist, hands, and feet were about to be broken by this servant, and her back and ribs were piercingly painful, as if she had already Being stepped on and broken, the corner of her mouth slowly bleeds, and the wasp stayed where her mouth was, causing her to scream again——

"Mother, help me, mother!"

If it wasn't for the concubine's confession that she would save her life and seek justice for the poor little master who was slandered, she would have trampled this little bitch to death.

In front of the Daxiong Palace.

Mrs. Xie felt more and more uneasy when she heard her mother's voice after voice, and felt that the person was more and more like Xie Furong.She hurriedly told Mother Su, "Where's Hu Ben? Let Hu Ben find Third Sister!"

"Yes." Mother Su responded and hurried to go. Mrs. Xie tightly twisted the veil, feeling nervous for a while!
In the yard, after a long period of tossing and tossing, those wasps were finally wiped out. Several little masters came out one by one, while Tai Nai was still inside, stepping on Xie Furong's body one by one, helping her to remove her body. Hornets trampled to death.

When the door was opened a little, Mrs. Xie took a look into the yard, and saw a woman lying on the ground with wasps flying around her.

At this time, the eldest lady saw the clothes this man was wearing and the bracelet on his wrist, she screamed and ran to the yard desperately, shouting as she ran:
"This is Furong, this is Furong, don't step on it, don't step on it, if you step on her, she will die!"

"Mrs. Xie!" Seeing this, the abbot hurriedly followed, and motioned to the young monk next to him to hold Mrs. Xie back, "Madam, it's dangerous inside, you can't go in, you stay outside later."

Madam Xie bent her knees, sat softly on the ground and cried, "Hurry up, go in and save someone, this is my lotus!"

"Mrs. Xie, don't worry, Mother Tai trampled the hornet to death in order to rescue Miss Xie, don't worry, Mother Tai knows how to control the strength." Lian Siyue said.

Seeing Mrs. Xie breaking down and howling, with a trace of coldness in the corners of her eyes, just now, she didn't know that her daughter was surrounded by hornets, so she refused to open the door to save others, fearing that she would be stung by hornets, now, As soon as she saw that the person stung by the hornet was Xie Furong, she ignored the safety of others and ordered people to go in to save them.

The rest of the ladies, when they heard that it was Xie Furong who was surrounded and stung by wasps, they were all stunned and stunned—the person lying on the ground being trampled on was Xie Furong?

"Furong, Furong..." Mrs. Xie shouted anxiously.

Su Momo and the other maidservants hurried over, "Quick, come in and help."

"Yes, yes..." Several people obeyed the order and hurried inside.

After a while, the wasps were finally wiped out, and all the wasps on Xie Furong's body were trampled to death or burned to death. Mother Tai was sweating profusely, looking at the people curled up on the ground, she Wiping off his sweat, he cursed in his heart, "Bah, little bitch!"

"Quickly, bring Third Miss Xie out." Lian Siyue ordered the nursing homes present.


Soon, Xie Furong was carried out by several nursing homes and laid flat on the ground, as if she was going to die out of strength.

And other curious people also gathered around——

"Ah!" There was a scream from the crowd.

When Mrs. Xie saw Xie Furong like this, she almost fainted: I saw that Xie Furong's entire face was swollen like a pig's head after being stung by a hornet, her eyes were so thin that there was only a slit left, and her face was densely packed. Pinholes, because the face is swollen, these pinholes are also enlarged, it is very scary to look at.

Looking at her hands again, they were swollen high, like steamed buns.

The clothes on her body were also torn, and the blood from the corner of her mouth flowed down bit by bit, her body was so painful that she could no longer make a sound, and she lay on the ground, twitching from time to time.

"Furong, Furong!" Mrs. Xie rushed over and lay on Xie Furong's body, shouting and shaking, "Furong, Furong, wake up, wake up."

When Xie Furong heard Mrs. Xie's voice, she trembled and wanted to raise her hand, but the joint on this side seemed to have been broken.

Even Mrs. Xie, who looked at the ground with cold eyes and cried bitterly, and Xie Furong, who couldn't say a word, if she hadn't been highly vigilant, then the little master was also a pure person, and he explained the whole story with a few words.

I'm afraid that the inhuman person stung by the wasp is her, and she may fall down or even lose the baby in her womb because of being overly frightened.

"Oh my god, Miss Xie San's face was bitten like this, could it be... Could it be that her face is rotten?" said the daughter of the Dingyuan Hou Mansion.

"Hurry up and ask for a doctor." Abbot Jiufang ordered.

"Yes." Soon, a little master went down the mountain to invite a doctor.

And Xie Furong continued to lie on the ground, she was finally able to cry, grabbed Mrs. Xie's hand, and began to cry, yelling, "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts to death."

Mrs. Xie kept crying in distress, she couldn't believe that the person in front of her, who was barely human, was her own daughter Xie Furong.

(End of this chapter)

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