First-class daughter

Chapter 1008 can testify

Chapter 1008 can testify
Chapter 1008 can testify
"Bad maid, Birou, this lady has always been kind to you, yet you slandered me, you..." Xie Furong's face was livid with anger.

Lian Siyue bent down, took the gold bracelet from Birou's hand, glanced at it, and said, "This bracelet must be from Jingxi Shop."

As we all know, the Jingxi shop is the dowry given to Princess Heng by His Royal Highness the Ninth Highness, and this is also the place where women in Kyoto envy Princess Heng. Originally, this Jingxi shop was the place where women in Kyoto flocked to.

"Slave, I don't know, but Miss San gave it to me." Birou said.

"It's not from me, it's not from me." Xie Furong immediately denied it.

"Such a precious bracelet, you, a maid, naturally don't know about it." Lian Siyue stroked the bracelet, looked at Xie Furong, and said, "The things in the Jingxi shop, whether it is clothes or accessories, each style is only There is only one copy, so every time something is sold, its whereabouts will be recorded, who bought this bracelet, you can check it back and find out.”

Xie Furong was taken aback, why did she suddenly forget that Jingxi Shop had this rule?
Seeing that Xie Furong's expression was wrong, Xie Shengwu secretly shouted, "Damn it, I'm afraid this rebellious girl has done something to shame people!"
Seeing that something was wrong, Madam Xie quickly said, "Furong, why are you so confused, this is yours, you bought it at the Jingxi shop, but you gave it to me when you came back, this lowly maid Birou must have stolen the bracelet! Tell me, did you steal it?"

"No, servant girl..." Birou hurriedly shook her head.

"Yes, yes, I forgot, I forgot, I bought this bracelet, but I gave it to my mother, and I forgot if I gave it, how could such a precious thing be rewarded to a servant, she must have stolen it Go!" Xie Furong said hastily after she realized it.

"Hehe." Lian Siyue smiled lightly, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, looked at Xie Shengwu, and said, "Master Xie, judging by your years of experience as an official in the court, you think this maid in your house will steal After taking off the master's bracelet, do you still wear it on your hand in a grandiose way?"

"This..." Xie Shengwu was suddenly at a loss for words when asked.

"Still, the servants in your mansion are very rampant, blatantly taking valuables from the master." Lian Siyue continued to be aggressive and authentic.

"Or..." Lian Siyue looked at Xie Furong again, "What is the deep hatred between you and your maid, she stole your bracelet and put it on her hand, just to wait for today to come to this temple Specifically framed you to kill this princess?"

"She, maybe because I usually beat and scold her, and she has a grudge against me, so, that's why she did it." Xie Furong felt a cold sweat on her back. Pressing questions began to make her feel overwhelmed.

"As far as this princess knows, the servant girl Birou will leave the mansion in two months. According to the rules, the Xie family will give a sum of money to leave the mansion at that time. A maid who is about to go out to marry and start a family will suddenly behave wrongly to the master. What? You know, if she does this, she will ruin the rest of her life. "

Even Siyue's tone gradually became more serious, every single word made the members of the Xie family feel pressured.

Xie Shengwu even noticed the fact of anger from Xie Furong's slowly making mistakes and omissions. Xie Furong, a rebellious woman, really did something shameful!

"Besides, the old man heard right. Just now Miss Xie said that she was not mean to this maid, so why did she hold a grudge when she said that she had beaten and scolded her? These words are inconsistent, and people don't know which sentence It's true." Mrs. Liang said with a puzzled look on her face.

"I..." Xie Furong was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Princess, Mrs. Liang, you seem to have decided that what Little Master Birou and Jingxin said is true, but in the end, my Furong was stung like this by a hornet, so what should I say? How do you say it? If she wanted to harm the princess, why would they be the ones who got hurt in the end? This doesn't make sense, does it?" Mrs. Xie said.

Upon hearing this, Xie Furong quickly agreed:
"That's right, that's right, I was almost killed. If I wanted to harm the princess, why did I bite myself instead?"

"It seems that there are other people in this Jiuhua Temple who are obstructing the relationship between Xie's family and Prince Heng's mansion, so as to benefit from it? We are arguing here, I am afraid that the villain will not The sparrow is behind." Xie Shengwu followed the words of the two mothers and daughters, and said, his eyes flicked to Lian Siyue, thinking about how to dispel Princess Heng's suspicion of Xie Furong.

Under the current situation, the Xie family cannot have any quarrel with Prince Heng's residence, causing people to misunderstand the Xie family.

"Hu Ben, Hu Ben was knocked out by me." At this moment, Little Master Jing Xin knelt down suddenly and said.

Xie Shengwu, Mrs. Xie, and Xie Furong suddenly looked at Jing Xin.

"So, you admit that you pushed the hibiscus into the yard and got stung by the wasp?" Xie Shengwu asked immediately, if Jing Xin confessed, the matter would be simple and Princess Heng would not be involved.

"No, no, I, I didn't push the third lady into the yard, it was the third lady who was frightened and ran into it by herself." Jing Xin said hastily.

"This Jingxin is talking nonsense, just now he said that it is difficult to even carry water, how did he knock out a nursing home in my residence?" Mrs. Xie asked sharply.

"Jingxin, what's going on? Please explain it clearly, don't let the princess and Mrs. Xie misunderstand, you don't have any skills, how could you hurt Hu Nuyuan?" Abbot Jiu said, to purify the heart Make things clear.

"Yes, that's how it is." Jing Xin took out a slingshot from her bosom, along with a few stones, and said, "Miss San threatened me to ask the concubine to come here and the abbot Master for help. I pretended to go, but actually went around Hiding behind the pillar next to the Daxiong Palace, I wanted to see what the third lady would do.

Later, I heard that she ordered the guard to hide in the tree, and immediately shoot down the hornet's nest when the princess came.

However, I saw that Miss San had been waiting for a long time, and she was a little anxious when she didn't see the figure of the princess, so I sent the maid to check the situation.

At this time, I, I used the slingshot I brought to the temple from the countryside, and hit a stone on the back of the guard's head. He was suddenly attacked, fell from the tree and fainted.Although I don't have martial arts, I don't know how to box and kick, but I grew up in the countryside, with a slingshot in my hand,
The third lady was probably frightened, thinking that her plot had been discovered, she leaned against the yard door and fell in at once. Coincidentally, it was just when the wasps were coming out of their nests. Guess it just happened that Miss San's yelling sound stimulated these wasps..." Jing Xin said earnestly.

Lian Siyue had Hu Ben brought over and opened the back of his head in front of everyone, Wu Qiao looked surprised, "Oh, there is really a bag, and it is bleeding, it was hit by a stone .”

But in fact, she hit it with a hidden weapon, and she gave the slingshot and stones to Master Jingxin.

"Master Abbot, this disciple is guilty. Disciple lies and hurts others. Master Abbot...please punish me." Jing Xin knelt on the ground, kowtowed, clasped her hands together, and said.

"So, I suddenly remembered that at the foot of the mountain, Mrs. Xie and the third miss wanted to grab today's stick of incense, but later learned that the concubine came first and couldn't grab it. The princess is robbing, is it because of this, the third lady is dissatisfied, so she did such a stupid thing." Mrs. Liang suddenly remembered something, and said, "At that time, there were several wives and young ladies who were there. Everyone can testify that Miss San did say something disrespectful to the princess at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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