Chapter 1009
Chapter 1009
" seems that Miss San said so." The rest of the people agreed with some hesitation.

After all, there is Princess Heng on one side, and the family who will soon be Prince Yu on the other. No one is easy to offend. However, it is hard for them to say that they don't know if Mrs. Liang asked so frankly.

"It's just, it's just nonsense, you guys, you all joined forces to slander me, I..." Xie Furong trembled angrily, with anger in her eyes, ""

"No, Furong won't do that." Seeing that the situation was not good for Xie Furong, Mrs. Xie refused to admit it.

And Xie Shengwu couldn't help but wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Heh." Lian Siyue sneered and said, "There are all the witnesses and material evidence, but they still want to deny it in every possible way. Do so many people want to falsely accuse you, Miss San?"

"I have heard that Mrs. Xie's family rules are strict, but now it seems that the rumors are false. It is not the case. Third Miss Xie committed the crime again and again, and even moved her thoughts on Princess Heng. This princess is very disappointed.

Whoever wants to deal with her, whoever wants to touch the child in her womb, she will not relent at all. Having learned the painful lesson of the family, she will never leave any room for anyone, so, she will not let Xie Furong go !
"Princess, my humble minister..." Xie Shengwu knew that, with the witnesses and physical evidence, Princess Heng was aggressive and never backed down, but if Fu Rong confessed to the crime of murdering Princess Heng, what would the Xie family do in front of the Eighth Highness and the Emperor? Speaking of the past?

"The Eighth Highness is here, and the Sixth Highness is here..." At this moment, a voice came.

Everyone looked back and saw two rich and handsome Highnesses walking over. The one walking in front, dressed in a purple brocade robe, was the Eighth Highness Feng Ye, who was rebellious and indifferent in his bones. Dressed in an ice-blue brocade robe, with temples cut like knives, eyebrows like ink paintings, face like peach petals, eyes like autumn waves, it is undoubtedly the Sixth Highness Feng Yu.

When everyone saw the two Highnesses, they all knelt down and said, "I pay my respects to the two Highnesses."

When Xie Furong saw Feng Yu, whom she liked, she was anxious and ashamed, but when her face was terribly red and swollen, he appeared, and she hurriedly lowered her head, covering her face with her sleeves.

But Feng Yu didn't even glance at her from the beginning to the end, not knowing that she was acting like an anxious and shy little girl.

There was a touch of surprise in Lian Siyue's eyes, but soon the surprise disappeared. She brushed her body towards the two of them slightly, and Feng Yu nodded at her.

Feng Ye's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, Xie Shengwu quickly stepped forward, knelt down, and said, "I pay my respects to Your Highness."

Feng Ye walked up to Lian Siyue and asked, "Can Princess Heng take a step to speak?"

Everyone looked at His Highness Eighth Highness and Princess Heng, not knowing what His Highness Eighth Highness meant.

Xie Shengwu, Mrs. Xie, and Xie Furong also felt ups and downs in their hearts. They didn't know whether Feng Ye came to help Xie's family or not.

Xie Furong thought to herself, the second sister is the future Princess Yu, so the Eighth Highness would not help Lian Siyue in front of outsiders.

Lian Siyue didn't say much, and walked to the side, Feng Ye was slightly relieved, and followed behind.

He has always known that even Siyue is very persistent, and it is fortunate that he is willing to take a step to speak today.

Walking to the side, avoiding everyone's sight, Lian Siyue said indifferently, "Let's talk about what His Highness the Eighth Highness has."

"I believe that Xie Furong is plotting against you." Feng Ye looked at her slightly indifferent face with a pair of phoenix eyes, and said.

"So?" Lian Siyue asked, those amber eyes looked very calm, as if nothing could easily touch her heart.

"Leave her to me. I will give you a good sigh of relief. I won't let you be wronged today. She will pay the price for her stupid ideas. You are pregnant, so don't do anything. I'll do it." Feng Ye said.

"What about the conditions?" She asked blankly.

Feng Ye closed his eyes, exhaled slowly, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "I won't pursue it on the surface, anyway, she will suffer the consequences."

Lian Siyue had a smile of unknown meaning on his face, this smile in Feng Ye's eyes made him feel as if he had been skinned:
"It seems that His Highness the Eighth Prince really cares about Xie Jinran, and he doesn't want to leave any indelible stain on the mother of Princess Yu in the future, which will affect her and the two of you in the future, so he invited me aside to replace her Pleas come," she said.

Feng Ye felt as if a knife had been twisted in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face, and said, "You saw through."

"Okay, this princess will treat it as a generous gift to the future sister-in-law. I won't pursue the matter of Xie Furong, but..." Lian Siyue put his hand on his abdomen and said, "No one can beat you." My child's idea."

"I know, from the matter of my concubine, I know, and, I also know, that is a ditch that we will never be able to cross." Feng Ye's eyes flashed an imperceptible sadness.

Even Siyue didn't say anything, because she knew that what she said was meaningless, so why waste words and feelings?

She turned and left, took two steps, and said, "That maid, Birou, I promised to let her leave Xie's house and marry her."

"Okay, I got it, I will take care of everything, including little Master Jingxin." Feng Ye promised.

Lian Siyue did not return to the public, but was accompanied by Qingdai, Taimao, Wu Qiao and others to leave Jiuhua Temple from the other side.

Seeing this, Feng Yu said loudly, "Everyone, let's go, let's go, today's matter, there was a misunderstanding, His Highness Eighth Highness has already explained it clearly to Princess Heng, let's go."

"Yes, Your Highness Sixth." Except for Xie's family, everyone dispersed one by one.

Xie Furong's heart finally fell to the ground. Knowing that His Highness the Eighth Highness was facing Xie's family and towards her, she was triumphant and said, "Hmph, then Princess Heng wanted to wrong me, but fortunately, the Eighth Highness helped me out of the siege."

Mrs. Xie also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately there is His Highness the Eighth Highness, otherwise Furong would be doomed today, she said softly, "You girl, you are too courageous!"

"Mother, my face hurts..." Seeing that Lian Siyue had already left, Xie Furong thought that she could not hold back the authority of the Eighth Prince, and began to complain about the pain in her face.

Hearing her mindless words, Feng Yu couldn't help shaking his head, thinking, Feng Ye is also unlucky to meet such a mindless person.

"Shut up!" Xie Shengwu saw Feng Ye approaching, and immediately scolded Xie Furong.

"His Highness the Eighth Prince..." Xie Furong saw Feng Ye approaching, and said, "Furong told the nanny next to Lian Siyue to step on her body at the opportunity of jumping at the hornets, so she can't kowtow to you..."

"You can say the three words Lian Siyue?" Feng Ye's eyes overflowed with coldness, his face was expressionless, and he looked very cold.

Xie Furong was taken aback, "Eight, Your Highness Eight..." What does he mean by this?Didn't he drive Lian Siyue away?Didn't you believe what the Xie family meant?

"A dude who doesn't have any rank is calling the princess by her first name, and even wants to cause her to be stung by a hornet. Who gave you the guts..." Feng Ye's eyes were like cold blades in winter, and he cut Xie Furong straight. open.

Xie Shengwu began to understand what Feng Ye meant...

He must have reached some kind of agreement with Princess Heng, otherwise, with Princess Heng's aggressive attitude just now, how could he easily let Fu Rong go.

"Xie Shengwu, you are so courageous. Before the king and Xie Jinran got married, you dare to openly use the banner of the king to do evil everywhere. If there is something wrong with Princess Heng today, wouldn't it be the king's fault?" As soon as Feng Ye said that, Xie Shengwu hurriedly knelt on the ground——

"What the Eighth Highness teaches is, what the Eighth Highness teaches... the humble minister deserves death, the humble minister is not cautious enough, the crime deserves death..."

"His Royal Highness, Fu Rong, she didn't..." Mrs. Xie tried to explain.

"The evidence is solid, Madam Xie still wants to deny it?" Feng Ye was not polite to this future "mother-in-law".

"His Royal Highness, I, I don't, for the sake of Second Sister, trust me, I..." Xie Furong covered her invisible face with her hands, begging.

"Don't mention your second sister!" Xie Shengwu decided almost instantly that he would sacrifice Xie Furong, the rebellious daughter. He hastily kowtowed to Feng Ye, and said, "What your highness taught is that the rebellious daughter Xie Furong disrespected Princess Heng. , In the end, you will suffer the consequences yourself, you really deserve what you deserve, please punish the Eighth Highness."

"Grandfather..." Xie Furong looked at her grandfather in disbelief.

"Father..." Mrs. Xie also shouted.

"Shut up! The hornet didn't sting you to death today. It's God's mercy. You dare to talk too much! Mrs. Qi, you have no way to teach a girl, and you can't escape the blame! Earth, cause these things! Someone, tie up this mother and daughter, and deal with it on the spot with the Xie family's law!"

Madam Xie and Xie Furong were both stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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