First-class daughter

Chapter 1013 Already Seen

Chapter 1013 Already Seen

Chapter 1013 Already Seen

"Yes, second lady."

The master and servant returned to the room, Xie Jinran ordered the other maids and women to go down, sat in front of the bronze mirror, stared at himself in the mirror for a long time, then picked up a black pen, faced the mirror, and gently painted Looking at his eyebrows, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Shuyan, what do you think?"

After finishing the painting, she turned around and asked her maid.

Shuyan looked at Xie Jinran's newly painted eye makeup, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, "Second Miss, you..."

"It's more like Princess Heng, isn't it?" Xie Jinran looked at himself in the mirror again, carefully looking around.

Shuyan nodded, and said, "Yes, it's more like it. If the second miss covers the part below the eyes, it's almost exactly the same."

Xie Jinran listened, took a silk fan, blocked the part below the eyes, and said, "Indeed, if you don't look carefully, you can hardly tell the difference between me and her."

"Second Miss, you are..." Shuyan was a little puzzled.

She thought that when Second Miss returned to the truth, she would be furious, heartbroken, and indignant, but no, nothing at all.

She was very disappointed and sad at first, and she didn't see a smile on her face all the way back, but now, she seemed to have seen it, and even imitated the eyebrow and eye makeup of Princess Heng.

"This way, will it look more like it?" Xie Jinran looked at the mirror with an indifferent expression.

Because Lian Siyue's face is always a little cold-blooded, because her eyes are always unemotional, as if nothing in the world can touch her heart, with a mysterious and indifferent temperament.

Shuyan nodded and said, "It's more similar, it's just a servant girl, I don't quite understand what Second Miss means."

Xie Jinran put down the pen in her hand, her eyes were no longer confused, she calmly analyzed and said——

"I just watched Eldest Sister, and I was deeply touched. She is always too obsessed with small things, so she is not happy, and she cries all day long. This way, Eldest Brother-in-law's affection for her is getting weaker and weaker. The old lady of the Li family can't see it either. Now, if something happens, she won't stand by her side, so she can only go back to her mother's house to cry, but, she is already married, and her mother can at best give a few words of comfort, if she wants to change, she still has to rely on herself .

As for the mother, she focused on the small business of the back house, and often lost her mistress's tolerance because of a few aunts behind their backs, which was really unnecessary.

Besides, the third younger sister, Furong, she is too ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth, and she doesn't know her own weight, so she just wants to go against Prince Heng.

I don't want to be like any of them. This kind of life is cumbersome and meaningless to me.

My goal is to be an upright Princess Yu, as long as I can keep this position, I don't have to worry about the others, only the position of princess is the most important, the others are not important. " Xie Jinran said firmly.

"Second Miss means, do you not mind about that portrait?" Shuyan said.

A faint wry smile appeared on Xie Jinran's face, and he said, "It's not that I don't mind, the person I love deeply has other people in his heart, so I naturally mind, even, deep down in my heart, I hate Princess Heng.

However, if I am obsessed with love, I will lose the status I want. Once I lose my status, even this false love is gone, then I will lose everything.

You see, this time, His Highness the Eighth Prince took action to resolve the matter between the third sister and Princess Heng for the Xie family. I thought that he did this because he cared about me, but now I understand that he doesn't care about me. It's my position as the future Princess Yu, because my position is closely related to his future.

As long as I stabilize my position, I can still gain power, so I am willing to bear the bitter fruit of not having love.I will spend a long time in the future, chewing this bitter fruit bit by bit, and then slowly swallowing, tasting, not letting anyone know, including His Highness Eighth, I will never let him know, I already know that he has something in his heart. other people's facts.

Not only will I not be against Princess Heng, I also want to be friends with her and get along well with her so that His Highness the Eighth Highness will not feel the slightest bit. I will hinder him from thinking about Princess Heng secretly.Marry him, don't hinder him, don't make him feel restrained, let him be comfortable. "

Xie Jinran secretly clenched the handkerchief in his hand, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes——

She originally wanted a lot of love. If there was no love, then she would want a lot of power!
She originally wanted to be Feng Ye's woman, but she couldn't be the one in his heart, so she had to secure the position of Princess Yu.

"Second Miss is wise." Shuyan couldn't help admiring Xie Jinran's intelligence and determination.

In this matter, if the eldest lady is changed, I am afraid that I will cry and feel very sad; but if the third lady is changed, it will be noisy and noisy, and I am not willing to be a substitute.

But the second young lady was able to be so calm and think clearly about what she wanted in such a short period of time.

A bright expression appeared on Xie Jinran's face. She stood up and said, "Let's go, go to mother's yard and chat with eldest sister. Shuyan, you have to remember, you have to be like me, no matter what Whenever and wherever, you have to pretend that you don't know about the portrait of Princess Heng, understand?"

In Xie Jinran's mind, Feng Ye is someone who can ascend to the position of Ninth Five-Year Supreme, she has already figured it out——

I would like to exchange the pain of the present for the monstrous power in the future.

"Yes, servant girl understands, Second Miss." Shuyan bowed and said.

"Let's go." Xie Jinran got up, walked out, and sat beside her mother as before, listening to the eldest sister's crying and chattering.

She reminded herself: If you are not calm and sensible, you will become as pathetic as the eldest sister!
Prince Yu's Mansion.

Concubine Xian's Mingshou sacrifice was finally completed.

Feng Ye returned to the study as usual, and Feng Yu came later, he said, "This time, I really want to thank Lian Siyue for willing to sell you such a face, in the future, you should keep an eye on Xie's family, don't Become like the Xiao family, trying to surpass you in vain, and do things that harm others and benefit yourself."

Feng Ye sat down in front of the desk, and his eyes fell on the portrait with a small corner exposed. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, moved the scroll away, and took out the entire painting, revealing a portrait that resembles the moon .

His eyes froze, and a flash of thought flashed through his eyes.

"God, why are you still hiding her portrait? If someone sees it, you..."

"It has already been seen." Feng Ye slowly let go of the hand holding the portrait, and the expression on his face became cold and serious.

"Who?" Feng Yu's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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