First-class daughter

Chapter 1014 Anxious Search

Chapter 1014 Anxious Search
Chapter 1014 Anxious Search
"Who came into this king's study today?" Feng Ye asked the maid at the door, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Return to Your Highness, at noon, Second Miss Xie came in for a while, stood there for a while and then left," the servant girl replied truthfully.

"Xie Jinran?" Feng Yu was startled, with shock in her eyes, she looked at Feng Ye and said, "So, she saw this painting? Doesn't she know why you are somewhat similar to Lian Siyuechang?" Is she here to be Prince Yu's concubine?"

Feng Ye recalled in Feng Ye's mind that when Xie Jinran left today, he did mention "Prince Heng" a little bit twice. Now it seems that she has the intention of testing, and a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, "She knows."

"It's all said, a woman's heart, a needle in the sea, a woman's mind is complicated and elusive. If you look at the things in the harem, I can break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. Now that Xie Jinran knows the truth of this matter, will it be... ...What kind of misunderstanding did you have about Lian Siyue, and then what did you do..." Feng Yu said worriedly, "You can't let the backyard catch fire again, the matter of your mother and concubine has already..." Feng Yu Said.

Feng Ye took out the portrait, rolled it into a scroll, put it in the bookcase behind him, and said, "If she is really so stupid, I will abandon her. I can even abandon my own flesh and blood. A relationship is like a few months. Xie Jinran, who is divided into images, is nothing."

His phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a frightening coldness in those brown pupils.

Originally, I was greedy for her appearance, to satisfy a little lack in my heart, but if she is not sensible, I don't want it.

Feng Yu nodded, and said, "The throne, are you bound to win it?"

"I gave up my son's life, and I will definitely win." Feng Ye's face showed determination.

"I just hope that Xie Jinran won't cause you any trouble. Your achievements in the past few years have all been defeated by women. I don't know if you are destined to be restrained by women." Feng Yu said helplessly.

"I won't let my son's blood flow in vain." Feng Ye slowly spread out his palm, which was stained with the blood of his own child.

"Feng Ye..." Feng Yu saw the sadness in his eyes that would not be easily revealed.

"That's why I often go to Jiuhua Temple." Feng Ye slowly clenched his fists and said, "Because I can't find peace in my heart."

Feng Yu stood up, walked to his side, patted his shoulder, and said, "That position is a place that can only be reached by stepping on blood and the tip of a knife. Relatives and friends are nothing, Feng Ye, since You have come this far, and my brother will accompany you to the end."

Feng Ye took Feng Yu's hand and squeezed it tightly, his eyes were full of certainty, but because of thinking about the child, tears fell from his eyes.

Feng Yu sighed softly.

Two days later, Shouning Hall.

The Queen Mother summoned all the concubines, princesses and princes to accompany her to appreciate plums, cook wine, write poems and songs, and have fun together.

Princess Zhunyu Xie Jinran was on the list, while Princess Heng's concubine Lian Siyue was allowed to recuperate in the palace because she was pregnant, but never entered the palace.

When the Empress Dowager asked everyone to compose poems, Xie Jinran didn't compete or grab them. He not only composes poems to make people admire his talent, but also won't show his sharpness to make people jealous. He is modest and cautious, and everything is just right.

Feng Yu's eyes fell on Xie Jinran's face, and he tried to see something from it, but Xie Jinran kept smiling and talking to everyone, or listening to the Queen Mother's teachings, never showing anything wrong, not because he knew Unwillingness after being a substitute.

Even after more than an hour, Feng Yu felt that her performance was remarkable, and she was a suitable person to be Prince Yu's concubine.

Until the queen mother ordered everyone to leave the palace, she still had nothing wrong with her, Feng Yu nodded and thought, "It seems that she really doesn't mind at all?"

And Xie Jinran had already noticed that Feng Yu was looking at her and appraising her, but she kept her expression on and pretended not to know.

She had thought about it for a long time, maybe His Royal Highness also found out that she had read the picture scroll, so she wanted to let him know that she is not a person who would get too entangled in love affairs, and that she would act like Heng in the position of Princess Yu. The princess is so appropriate, not only does she look somewhat similar to Princess Heng, but her attitude and style of dealing with people can also be close to her.

Ever since she knew that she was chosen as Princess Yu because of the moon-like eyebrows, she asked her grandfather a lot about Princess Heng.

In order to firmly grasp the position of Princess Yu, in order to stay by Feng Ye's side, she did not hesitate to make any sacrifices and efforts, and even changed her eyebrows and eye makeup in order to please Feng Ye.

After leaving the Shouning Hall, Xie Jinran was led by the nanny and went out of the palace all the way.

"Second Miss." On the way, Feng Yu stopped Xie Jinran.

"Your Highness Six." Xie Jinran brushed his body slightly, with a slight smile on his lips, and said, "What do you want Your Highness to order?"

Feng Yu smiled and said, "Why did you give me an order, I dare not dare, but I just have something to tell Second Miss, and I want Second Miss to remember it firmly."

"Please make it clear, Your Highness the Sixth Highness," Xie Jinran said.

"Feng Ye is the most important thing. Everything else is not important. If Feng Ye wants, you can have it too." Feng Yu said.

Xie Jinran understood Feng Yu's meaning, and said solemnly, "Jinran will keep it in mind, and please tell His Highness the Sixth Highness to tell His Highness the Eighth Highness, please rest assured that Jinran understands what he should do, and will never do what he should not do."

Feng Yu watched Xie Jinran leave, and murmured, "Is this Feng Ye's luck or misfortune?"

At night, in the city of Youzhou.

A man in black was wearing a black hat on his head, and a layer of black veil hung down to block a face, making it difficult to see his true colors.

He walked along the alley, avoiding his eyes and ears, and searched the corners of the walls with keen eyes, trying to find any useful clues, and went all the way, without missing any one.

It's just that after a while, nothing was found.

It has been a few days since he came to Youzhou City, and he hid in the box on the second floor of the inn during the day, listening to the people talking about the things in Youzhou City, hoping to hear some useful news.

During this period, he heard a lot about Xiao Zhenhai, saying that he was a Han, but he was the Prime Minister of the South, his second son, Xiao He, married the princess, and that his daughter gave birth to a son, but he didn't know Who is the father, and so on.

At night, he disguised himself as he did now, and came to look for reliable clues.

Brother Jiuwang said that Ling Yue'er once left a mark on the wall of a farmer's house, which means that if she was in Youzhou City, she would also leave clues in some places, waiting for them to come to her.

However, Youzhou City is so big that he has been searching carefully for several days, but he still hasn't found any useful clues. Could it be that Ling Yue'er is no longer in Youzhou City?
He frowned deeply——

However, there is also a possibility that Ling Yue'er is not free now, so she hasn't found a chance to leave any useful clues.

However, as each day passed, Feng Jue became more and more anxious——

Where can she go with a younger brother?Could something unexpected have happened?Thinking of this possibility, cold sweat would break out on his back, his heart would be tight and he couldn't breathe, and then he had to order himself to get rid of this negative thought!
He was walking in the dark night, holding half of the Pisces jade pendant, shouting in his heart:

Ling Yue'er, Ling Yue'er, do you know that Lian Jue is here to find you!Didn't you say that as long as I come to you with half a jade pendant, you will promise me anything?

Now, I know what I should ask you for.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, a shadow flashed across the roof opposite him. This figure faltered a little, obviously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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