First-class daughter

Chapter 1015 Will it be wrong?

Chapter 1015 Will it be wrong?

Chapter 1015 Will it be wrong?

But Feng Ye can still see that this person has a good kung fu foundation, and the injury on his foot does not affect his actions too much, but he is also wearing a black night clothes, covering his face, only revealing a pair of deep eyes, so that he cannot see the real appearance.

At this time, as if the man had discovered something, he turned his head suddenly, Feng Jue's figure flashed, and quickly hid in a dark corner, avoiding his sight.

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Jue's sharp eyes, he had a vague feeling that he had seen this person somewhere before, he was sneaking in the dark, it seemed that he also had some secrets that he didn't want to tell others.

This Youzhou city also seems to be undercurrents.He only wished to find out the whereabouts of Ling Yue'er as soon as possible, and take her away from the place of right and wrong.

A latent intuition made Feng Ye interested in this night walker, and he secretly followed.However, after turning a corner, the man disappeared from his sight and disappeared.

A flash of light flashed in Feng Ye's eyes - although this person had injuries on his body, his skills were much deeper than he imagined.

After a moment of contemplation, he returned to the original place and waited intently.

That day after a piece of meat was cut off at Jin's house, it was difficult to move, and Empress Dowager Renyi specially sent someone to visit, Yelu Chu also visited the door twice, Yeluyan showed great love and care, Xiao He didn't find the time to go out, but he was always in his heart He was worried about Ling Yue'er, worried that she would be tortured by Jin Wu, a scumbag, and worried that she would be bullied by the Jin family's servants. How could she survive with such a heartless person?

He really wanted to break into Jin's house without saying a word, and take her away.

However, having learned the lesson of being schemed by the Queen Mother Renyi last time, this time, it was about Ling Yue'er again, so he didn't dare to act rashly.What's more, we have to prevent Ling Yue'er's existence from being discovered by his father. Once his father finds out, Ling Yue'er is afraid that there will be no bones left.

It's true that you are besieged on all sides.

During this period, he had secretly sent a reliable person to sneak into Jin's house to protect Ling Yue'er, but all the while, he wanted to see her with his own eyes, because——

I really miss her, just take a look at her.

He was entrenched on the roof of the backyard of Jin's house, with a tree blocking his body. The person he sent to Jin's house made a mark on Ling Yue'er's door, so he locked his eyes after wandering around for a week. That little door.

The candles in her room hadn't been extinguished yet, and her figure could be vaguely seen busy.

"Ah Yue, Ah Yue, come out quickly!" At this moment, a woman suddenly knocked on Ling Yue'er's door rudely.

"Here we come, here we come." After a while, Ling Yue'er opened the door and came out, cautiously, with lowered eyebrows, said, "Nurse Man, what do you want me to do?"

Seeing the nanny's unkind expression, she scolded, "What did you use to wash the clothes I told you to wash? It smells strange. Young master will lose his temper if he wears it on his body!"

Ling Yue'er hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll wash it again."

"Hurry up! The young master wants to wear it. If you make a mistake, you will be beaten to death with a stick." The nun ordered someone to throw the laundry tub in front of Ling Yue'er, and shouted condescendingly.

"Yes, I'll wash right away."

Xiao He watched Ling Yue'er living such a life of being called and drank in Jin's house, his heart was bleeding, he looked at the rough back of this nanny who was walking away, and there was a strong feeling in his eyes. Strong coldness!

Looking at Ling Yue'er again, she went back to her room first, probably to appease Lian Yan, and then sat on a low stool in the yard, washing clothes under the moonlight.

She didn't seem to be skilled in her movements. As she was washing, sweat began to drip on her forehead, and while wiping the sweat, she continued to wash over and over again.

Seeing her every move, Xiao He felt heartbroken. She used to be a condescending princess who was ignored by everyone, but now she lives so cautiously and submissively, for fear of offending others.

This is the person he wants to hold dear to his heart, but he is called around by others, how can he not feel distressed.

He just hid behind the tree, watched her silently, accompanied her, watched her finish washing the clothes, was so tired that she couldn't straighten up and had to hang the clothes, then returned to his room, and finally extinguished Candles in the room.

If it was before, seeing her being punished like this, he might not be able to bear it for a moment, and immediately jumped down to help her desperately. .

But now, he has learned to hibernate and wait, and only when he encounters the best time can he start to act.

Ling Yue'er wait a little longer, I will definitely take you out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Xiao He took another deep look at her door, turned over and jumped off the roof, and then went back to the princess mansion without anyone noticing.

However, halfway through, he vaguely felt that someone was following him——

who?Has anyone here in Khitan suspected him?Or who else?Hehe, his eyes narrowed slightly, a gleam of light overflowed, and he hummed softly, wanting to test his bottom line, to see if he has this ability!
Then, he turned around abruptly, and the long sword stabbed out from his waist, and the figure in the corner dodged the sudden sword.

The man glanced at the sword stabbed not far from his feet, his eyes narrowed slightly behind the black veil, and he slowly pulled out the sword at his waist.

Xiao He sneered, and flew up, Feng Jue's eyes narrowed, and he blocked it with his sword.

In the dark night, the two fought fiercely, neither made a sound, only the sound of swords colliding resounded in the dark night, they did not give in to each other, and their kung fu was evenly matched.

"Shua!" Suddenly, the dagger in Xiao He's sleeve flew out, brushing past the edge of Feng Jue's hat——

The bamboo hat suddenly fell off his head, seeing that his true face was about to be exposed in front of Xiao He, at this critical moment, Feng Jue nimbly dodged, quickly left, and hid in the dark night.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the corners of Xiao He's lips and eyes, he stepped forward, picked up the bamboo hat that fell on the ground, looked at it, snorted coldly, and secretly exerted force with his hands, the bamboo hat instantly broke into two halves, let go of his hand, fell to the ground.

In order to avoid being followed, Xiao He found out that he came out of the princess mansion, turned around, entered an inn, and then entered the princess mansion from behind in a detour. After taking off his night clothes, he went back to the study as if nothing had happened.

As soon as he walked to the door of the study, he saw a woman sitting at the door with her eyes closed, and a maid and a woman stood beside her. She was obviously waiting for him, and couldn't help falling asleep before he could wait.

Seeing Xiao He, everyone hurriedly saluted and said, "My son-in-law."

Hearing this voice, Yeluyan opened her eyes suddenly, raised her head, and seeing the tall and handsome voice in front of her, her eyes showed a moment of confusion, and she murmured, "Xiao He, where have you been? Are your feet still on the ground?" Are you okay?"

"Why are you sitting here and falling asleep?" Xiao He didn't answer her question, but changed the subject and asked.

"I was waiting for you. I thought you didn't like others entering your study, so I didn't go in and wait here." Yeluyan just woke up, her face was flushed, and her voice was a little soft.

Xiao He glanced at her, without looking into her eyes, and said, "If I don't see you anymore, don't wait like this. It's already late, you can go back to your room."

As he spoke, he lifted his feet and went into the study, his walking was still a bit uncomfortable.

"Xiao He, wait!" Yeluyan called to stop her, and motioned for the others to leave.

"Is there anything else?" Xiao He turned around and asked, although he talked to her more than before, his attitude was still alienated and indifferent.

Yeluyan closed her eyes, took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, opened her eyes slowly, looked at the arrogant man in front of her, and asked, "Xiao He, I was wrong Is it? Some things a few days ago made me think that you have begun to slowly open your heart to accept me, but I seem to be wrong, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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