Chapter 1016
Chapter 1016
"Xiao He, did I get it wrong? Some things a few days ago made me think that you have slowly opened your heart to accept me, but I seem to be wrong, right?"

Xiao He's eyes flickered slightly, he shook hands behind his back, and said calmly and distantly, "You and I are husband and wife, this is something everyone knows, and this fact cannot be changed. Don't think too much about other things, I'm tired."

As he spoke, he had already entered the study, and slowly closed the study door with his own hands.

Yeluyan watched him slowly disappear in front of his eyes, a door separated the two of them abruptly, two lines of cold tears rolled down his cheeks, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

That's right, she really got it wrong, he didn't change anything towards her, he was still alienated, and he refused her to take even a small step closer.

He closed the door of the room and the door of his heart, shutting her out.

The sudden closeness a few days ago was probably just a coincidence.

Yeluyan, don't dream, he said that his heart has long been occupied by another girl, and there is no place for you.If you go to ask him like this, you are just asking yourself for humiliation, that's all.

She sighed deeply, turned around, and walked away step by step. The moonlight shone on her slender back, making her look a bit lost.

"Princess..." Dolma stepped forward holding the cloak and called in a low voice.

Yeluyan raised her hand and said, "No need, I want to be alone for a while, by the way, remember to prepare the medicine for the son-in-law tomorrow and deliver it on time. I think his feet are not completely healed, he just walked. Very handy."

"Yes, the slave will give orders." Dolma saw her master was so sad and frustrated, and she still cared about her son-in-law. She couldn't help feeling unworthy for Princess Yan, and also felt wronged for her.

Yeluyan walked to the gazebo and sat down, looked up at the bright moon on the treetops, and murmured, "It's so close, but it seems so far away, Xiao He, this is the distance between me and you in this life."

Dolma shook her head, turned to leave, but was stopped by a figure at the corner, she was startled, and when she looked up, it was Jin Nanny.She bowed hurriedly and said, "Nurse."

"Slap!" Suddenly, Nanny Jin raised her hand and slapped Dolma hard on the face.

Dolma suddenly raised her head and looked at Nanny Jin, she is also the most caring servant around the princess, no one has ever slapped her, this Nanny Jin actually——

"Are you not convinced?" Jin Momo said coldly.

Dolma lowered her head and said, "Slaves dare not."

"Do you know why I beat you, Nanny?" Jin Nanny asked coldly.

"I don't know, please let me know." Dolma asked carefully, considering Jin's words.

"The princess and the son-in-law have a bad relationship, why didn't you report it to the empress dowager? The empress dowager cares so much about Princess Yan, but you, as a servant of Princess Yan, watched her suffer wronged! Do you know what crime you have committed?" Nanny Jin scolded sharply.

"Your servant is guilty. This servant did not serve Princess Haoyan. She deserves to die. However, Madam, this servant is just a slave, and she is light-hearted. In the matter between Princess Yan and the son-in-law, this servant really has no right to intervene. It’s just sad for the princess.” Dolma explained cautiously.

Jin Momo's face softened a little, and she said, "I also know your difficulties, but when Princess Yan pretended to be in love with her son-in-law in front of the queen mother, you cheated the queen mother together, and you committed a serious crime."

"Madam, please show me, what should the servants do?" Dolma asked.

"As slaves, we naturally want to do what is best for the master. Only when the master is good can the slaves be good. Therefore, we should help Princess Yan so that she doesn't have to guard her empty boudoir alone day and night." Jin Nanny With a flash of calculation in his eyes, he said.

"I don't understand." Dolma's eyes were blank.

"It's okay if you don't understand, just do as I tell you." Jin Nao asked Zhuoma to get up, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Dolma's eyes widened suddenly after hearing this, "Nurse, if the princess knows about this, I'm afraid..."

"The princess knows that if you and I are punished, the relationship between her and the son-in-law will always go further. But because she is afraid of punishment, she doesn't do it. Isn't it pitiful for the princess to be like this? The princess treats you well, right? , what are you unwilling to do for her?" Jin Nanny said.

"Slave, slave is willing, as long as the princess can be happy, slave is willing." Dolma bowed her head and said.

"That's good. If you find a good time in the next few days, you can put this medicine into the princess's meal. I have my own arrangements for the concubine. When the time comes, put the two together, and you and I will also eat the medicine." It can be considered that the merits and virtues have been completed, and you can explain to the Queen Mother at that time." Jin Nai took out a pack of white fine powder from her sleeve, put it into Zhuoma's hand, and said, "Remember, keep it well, don't reveal it. trap."

"Yes, mammy, this servant will remember." Dolma put the powder into the belt around her waist.

Nanny Jin nodded and said, "Be careful."

In Xiao He's study.

After he sat on the chair, he piled up his sleeves, and saw that there was a bloodstain on his wrist—that person today, the moment he knocked off his bamboo hat, was able to use a hidden weapon to injure him and bleed. It's just that he was as calm as ever at the time,

"This man is highly skilled in martial arts, and should not be underestimated, but judging by his skills, he doesn't look like a Khitan. Who is he? Since he is so powerful, why did he appear in Youzhou City?" Xiao He was full of doubts, "Anyway, today It was discovered by someone, it seems that the plan must be accelerated to bring Yue'er away as soon as possible."

And this compartment.

After the Fengjue bamboo hat was knocked off, he took advantage of the night and quickly returned to the inn, closed the door, and lit a candle. The half bright and half hideous face was illuminated by the fire, flickering on and off.

He took off the black cloak around his neck, sat on the table, poured a glass of water, and drank it, his mind was full of the lame man in black who had just fought in the night.

The man's skill was better than he had imagined. Although he didn't let him take advantage and hurt the man's wrist in the end, his bamboo hat was knocked off.

If it was during the day, I'm afraid his appearance would have been exposed to others.

"There are low-level and agile people in Youzhou City. It also opened my eyes. It seems that I can't take it lightly, and I have to be more careful. Otherwise, if something happens, what will I do on the [-]th?"

He got up, walked to the window, looked at the bright moonlight outside, took out the Pisces jade pendant, rubbed it in his hands, lowered his head, looked at it, and said in his heart:
Eleven, eleven, you are in Youzhou City, not far from me, don't you, I have a strong premonition!

(End of this chapter)

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