First-class daughter

Chapter 1017 Terrible Encounter

Chapter 1017 Terrible Encounter

Chapter 1017 Terrible Encounter

In the early morning of the second day, Ling Yue'er woke up early. She washed Jin Wu's clothes last night. She was so tired that her back ached and she didn't sleep well. In addition, she was running around for days and was very nervous, so she woke up this morning. A trace of illness, when the whole person walks, he is top-heavy.

She fed Lian Yan first, placed him in the backyard to play, and asked Hanzhu to watch over him for her.

Lian Yan is really a very well-behaved and sensible doll, except when he is hungry and wants to eat, he never cries or makes noise, but he is not stupid, he just doesn't talk, and his eyes can tell that he is very clever.

But every time Ling Yue'er looked at this younger brother, she felt extremely sad. She was clearly a legitimate son, but she was as desolate as a beggar.

However, she would touch Lian Yan's little face in relief and say, "Yan'er, Gu Yun, if the heavens are about to send a great mission to a person, he must first suffer from his will, his muscles and bones, his body and his skin, and his emptiness." Maybe, after this adventure with your sister, you will become a great big shot in the future."

Every time at this time, Lian Yan would smile at this sister.

"Ah Yue, what are you still dawdling about? If you don't go to serve the young master, you will lose your temper later, but you will suffer if you do." At this time, Hanzhu hurried over and urged.

"You are working in the backyard today, please help me to see my brother." Lian Lingyue stood up quickly and said.

"Okay, go quickly, don't delay, I heard that the young master is going out today." Han Zhu said.

Lian Lingyue bent down, wrapped a steamed bun in paper, stuffed it into Lian Yan's chest, and said, "Yan'er, if you are hungry, and Hanzhu is free, you can take out this steamed bun and eat it." ,Do you understand?"

Lian Yan nodded obediently.

Lian Lingyue smiled sadly, turned around and walked quickly towards Jin Wu's yard.

It turned out that today Jin Wu was going to visit Xiao He at the son-in-law's mansion. He told Lian Lingyue, "Take all these presents and send them to Xiao He. This kid will cut a piece of meat to accompany me, so that everyone in the city will know about it. Even the queen mother and the young prince have come forward, if I don't visit, our Jin family will be accused, but after thinking about it, this young master is still at a loss!"

Lian Lingyue did not expect that Jin Wu would go to the princess mansion in person so soon.

"What are you waiting for, why don't you hurry up and bring the gift here?" Seeing that Lian Lingyue didn't do what he said immediately, Jin Wu said in silence.

"Yes, yes, the maidservant will move right away." Lian Lingyue came back to her senses and said immediately.

With the support of the nursing home, Jin Wu got into the carriage, and even Lingyue went all the way. When he arrived at the gate of the Princess Mansion, Jin Wu got out of the carriage and saw another person getting off the carriage just in time.

He said, "Hey, isn't this the third son of the Xiao family? What a coincidence?"

The third son of the Xiao family?Lian Lingyue, who was about to walk over, was startled, and saw that the person getting off the carriage was Xiao Hu!
How to do?How could it be such a coincidence?She is not prepared for anything!

I only heard Xiao Hu also say, "My lord, I didn't expect you to come too, I'm sorry and disrespectful." Xiao Hu clasped his fists and said politely.

"Since we're here together, let's go in together, the princess mansion is going to be lively today." Jin Wu said with a half-hearted smile.

"Please!" Xiao Hu made a gesture of asking first.

"You guys, take the gifts and go in." Jin Wu turned his head and said to the slaves behind him.

"Yes." Everyone said.

Lian Lingyue moved back a little, moved the gift, lowered her head, deliberately covered her face, and walked in behind Jin Wu and Xiao Hu.

Fortunately, Xiao Hu walked ahead and didn't notice anything unusual.

Lian Lingyue quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but what should he do if he finds out when the gift is delivered later?
Quickly thinking about ways to get out of her mind.

"Young Master Jin, Xiao Hu, why are you here together?" At this moment, a clear voice came from the front.

Lian Lingyue's heart trembled slightly, she lowered her head, and looked quietly, only to see Xiao He walking over with a smile on his face, with a cane under his arm, and Princess Yeluyan following him.

He walked straight in front of Xiao Hu, dropped his crutches, wrapped his arms around Xiao Hu's neck, and used his body to create a safe place for Ling Yue'er.

"My son-in-law, be careful." Yeluyan said softly, with a slight smile on her face, she felt that only when she was with Xiao Hu, Xiao He would show such an undisguised and sincere smile.

"Princess." Xiao Hu cupped his hands towards Yeluyan, but a look of disappointment secretly flashed in his eyes. She seemed to have lost some weight after getting married with her second brother.

"Second brother, are your feet better?" Xiao Hu asked as he walked inside with Xiao He.

Jin Wu was also helped in by the nurse.

"It's much better, nothing serious." Xiao He said in a relaxed tone.

Lian Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, presumably Xiao He heard the announcement that Jin Wu and Xiao Hu were coming together, knowing that she was afraid of being exposed, so she came here to meet them in person to distract Xiao Hu's attention force.

The masters entered the main hall together, while the servants stayed outside the courtyard.

Lian Lingyue knew that Jin Wu would ask them to send gifts in later, she would definitely not be able to go in, and Xiao Hu would find out once she went in.

So she whispered to the nursing home who came with her, "Little brother, there are three urgencies in people's lives. Please help me take these first, okay?"

"This is the princess mansion, don't make any trouble, go and come back quickly!" said the nurse brother.

"Yes, I'll be back right away." Lian Lingyue put the gift in the hands of the younger brother, and asked the maid from the Princess Mansion next to her to take it to the toilet.

As she walked, she continued to think, Xiao He would definitely find a way to send Xiao Hu away, she just avoided it for a while.

The maid took her to the toilet and asked, "Do you know how to go back to the yard later?"

"I know, I know, thank you sister for leading the way, go get busy." Lian Lingyue said hastily.

So, the maid left first.

Lian Lingyue didn't go into the latrine. After standing by the side for a while, she walked back along the original road, and then turned behind a rockery, which was enough to hide herself, and she could see the door of the main hall. , she can see it all.

She took a deep breath—it was too dangerous!Next time, if Jin Wu wants to take her out again, before he makes an agreement with Xiao He, he must find an excuse to shirk, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

In the main hall.

Xiao He and Yeluyan sat directly in front respectively, Yeluyan and Xiao He said, "You should have something to say, I'm afraid it's not convenient for me to be here, I'll go out first."

Xiao He nodded and said, "Okay."

Yeluyan got up, nodded, turned around, turned the curtain on the side, and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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