Chapter 102
Chapter 102
Everything is like a dream...beautiful, making people...intoxicated, unwilling to wake up for a long time.

"Madam, Madam..." Nanny Zhou hurriedly pinched Rong's people, and happily whispered in her ear, "Miss is safe and sound, wake up, wake up Madam."

The eldest lady finally woke up leisurely, seeing Lian Siyue standing there unharmed, she let it go in one breath, but her face was already full of tears.

Even the mother exhaled, sat back on the seat, and wiped her forehead, which was already full of sweat. She took a veil and wiped it clean.

Lian Shiya tightly clenched the silk handkerchief in her hand, and when she found that everyone's eyes were attracted by Lian Siyue and ignored her, a strong jealousy and annoyance surged in her heart!

If I had known this earlier, I should have asked His Highness the Ninth Prince to shoot the chrysanthemum on her head just now!
It's not worth letting Lian Siyue take advantage of her in vain.

I don't know how long it took for the petals to slowly fall to the ground until they disappeared, and everyone came back to their senses. Feng Yunzheng put down the bow and arrow and sent them back to Princess An's hands. With a smile on his face, he said, "Auntie, the mission is complete."

Princess An Guo nodded in satisfaction, and said, "This rain of golden petals is really interesting. I never thought that Yun Zheng's arrow skills are so superb, not bad."

"Yunzheng, thank you, Aunt Huang, for your appreciation." Feng Yunzheng nodded, walked back to his seat, and sat down again.

"Brother Nine Emperors is so amazing." Feng Ye's eyes overflowed with a hint of coldness, and he looked at Feng Yunzheng with a bit of sophistication.

Feng Yunzheng replied, "Who doesn't know that Brother Bawang's arrow skills are so powerful."

"I didn't expect Brother Nine Emperor's arrow skills to be so good. It really impressed Brother Wang. I don't know how many secret weapons Nine Emperor Brother has hidden." It landed on Feng Yunzheng.

Feng Yunzheng kept his composure, pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Brother Four Wang won the award, the younger brother is no busier than Brother Wang, he stays at home all day long, and when he has nothing to do, he practices archery, and only this bow shooting ability is good. As for the secret weapon, some people have it, but I... don't."

"Brother Nine Emperors is humble."

For some reason, Feng Qianyue always felt that Feng Yunzheng seemed to be a different person, always giving him a feeling of being unpredictable and unfathomable. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him with probing eyes.

Princess An looked at the standing Lian family sisters again, and said, "What I just said about shooting arrows is that whoever is shot with the first arrow will be the first to perform. You two sisters are the last ones left. You are qualified to perform, and the rest..."

Princess An cast a disdainful glance at those kneeling noble ladies, and said coldly, "I want to make a show in my princess mansion, to make a blockbuster and impress people, but I dare not even accept a small challenge. Then you will lose the qualification to perform, everyone go back to your seat."

"Yes." Everyone stood up with lingering fear. If they knew that being shot with an arrow would not only make them look like fairies, but also have the opportunity to perform, they would not kneel down and beg for mercy.

After Lian Shiya heard this, she suddenly realized, and then she felt relieved. It turned out that it was just a matter of deciding who would perform first. She was absolutely sure that Lian Siyue could not win her.

"Your name?" Princess An asked, looking at the calm and quiet girl.

Lian Siyue took a step forward, bent her knees, and said, "Go back to Your Highness, my servant, Lian Siyue." Every move, the etiquette is in place, but neither humble nor overbearing, fully showing the demeanor of a concubine's daughter.

"Let's get started, I'll wait and see." After picking flowers and shooting arrows just now, Princess An has paid a little more attention to Lian Siyue, she raised her hand and signaled.

"Yes." Lian Siyue walked to the central position as she said, and many luthiers and dancers nodded and retreated, and she was the only one left on the huge stage.

She asked Princess An Guo for instructions, "Princess, can I borrow the sword worn by the guard beside you?"

Princess An Guo nodded and said, "Give her the sword."

Everyone looked at her in puzzlement, this girl's talent show, why does she need a sword?
Seeing that Lian Siyue took over the sword, Lian Shiya snorted in her heart, a person who is used to playing tricks, her dancing skills are mediocre, no matter how much she struggles, she has already practiced it before she came to the princess mansion. She is confident that no matter what Lian Siyue performs, she can suppress her limelight.

I saw that Lian Siyue brushed out his sword, and the sword shone coldly in the air.

"Ambush on all sides." She gestured to the pipa master on the field.

The voice fell, and the rapid music sounded, as if a distant voice faintly came from the deepest part of the years, quickly grabbing people's hearts.

Qiandai sweeps Emei, and the clouds rise from all directions with a sword!It seems that there is a mysterious sky light shooting over.

Accompanied by the fierce and majestic rhythm, I saw Lian Siyue's wrist twitching lightly, the sword suddenly stabbed out, her light body moved like lightning, the sword energy flew into the rainbow, and the lingering sword merged with her gentle figure one.

The sharp sword, coupled with her icy expression, has an indescribable beauty.

Suddenly, a flute sound was added to the pipa music, and the two quickly merged into one, making the music more complicated. When everyone saw it, it turned out to be the Nine Princes who had just drawn the bow. He stood up and put the jade flute on the There was a white robe on his lips, spotless, looking all over the world, and unexpectedly cooperated with Lian Siyue, who was dancing sword on the stage.

Sensing the change in the sound of the music, Lian Siyue spun around, and the sword aroused a sword aura in mid-air. Her eyes were fixed on the man in white robe playing the flute, and she continued to dance the sword in her hand.

He also stared closely at Lian Siyue, the sound of his flute overwhelmed the sound of the pipa, and the sound of the flute seemed to contain tears, blood dripping, and muscles and bones torn apart. In his mind, the scene of blood splattering, the crying The cruel and decisive words of the woman who cried tears came from past lives and resounded in their ears.

The music became more exciting, more joyful, and more dripping!
They seem to have found a tacit understanding in this voice that only they understand!

They stared at each other, and there was a burst of fire and electricity in the air, and there was even a wonderful sound of collision.

Feng Qianyue's gaze was drawn back to these two people, the blue veins in his forehead were faintly floating, he stood up suddenly, pushed away the sweaty pipa musician who had been defeated by Feng Yunzheng's music, Sitting on his seat, the rough ten fingers brushed against the strings of the pipa, pushing and pulling softly like flowing clouds and flowing water.

The level of the music became more and more distinct, and the emotions of the people became more intense and majestic, gradually overshadowing Feng Yunzheng's flute.

But Feng Yunzheng was not in a hurry, with a faint smile on his face all the time, suddenly the sound of the flute changed, like a martial arts master avoiding the oncoming attack, and then quietly looked at Lian Siyue ignored Feng Qianyue's joining.

The so-called invincible means that there is no opponent in the eyes.

Feng Qianyue felt that he was being provoked, so he deliberately accelerated his movements, and the pipa on his fingertips flew away like clouds and flowing water. He had an idea to disperse these two people!

But Lian Siyue still had a silent gaze, unaffected by Feng Qianyue, she lived for him in her previous life, and she will never look at him more in this life!
The steps under his feet became lighter, more elegant, and agile, but the swordplay in his hands became faster and faster, so fast that it made people feel like they were dreaming.

The phoenix tail on her bun, the plum and bamboo on her skirt, with the swing of her waist, danced a piece of exciting joys and sorrows.

Everyone's emotions fell, and they stared at the woman in the middle of the dance floor, how could she be so beautiful and thrilling!
They had never seen such an unbelievable beauty on a woman's body.

And the man playing the flute, the man stroking the pipa, the one with a fairy style, and the one with a deep and cold heart.

The three of them seem to be interpreting a story that shakes the world. In this story, some people bleed, some people die, and some people step on the supreme position to look down on the common people and start killing!
Dancing clear shadow, like in the world!Changge should cry!

The music became more and more passionate.

Lian Siyue's sword is like lightning, making a sudden sound, and it is like a dragon flying up to the sky, shuttling and swimming.Sometimes her steps are as light as swallows, sometimes as sharp as eagles, and in the blink of an eye, she has the aura of swallowing mountains and rivers again!

Feng Ye was bewildered, he loosened his hand holding the wine glass, but he didn't know it when the wine glass fell on his robe, even he was stunned——

Xiaoyue'er, Xiaoyue'er, what kind of power is hidden in your body, which makes me admire time and time again, so that my eyes have to fall on you.

And Lian Shiya tightly twisted the Xiupa in her hand!
She thought that even Siyue was not good at dancing, clumsy and boring, and she would definitely lose to her, but she didn't expect that she didn't intend to work hard on dancing at all, but danced the sword directly.

And Lian Shiya doesn't know how to dance swords at all!Can't even lift a sword!
Now, even Siyue, who is the head start, has captured everyone's hearts and souls by her, and indulged in it for a long time. Later, how can her performance make people enter the state!
She bit her lower lip hard, feeling really angry in her heart.

The music gradually came to an end, Feng Qianyue's head was dripping with sweat, and Feng Yunzheng's flute sounded non-aggressive, but it made people feel a kind of courage that fell from the sky.

Everyone's thoughts have been completely infected by the majestic music and unique sword dancing movements.

"Shua!" Just as everyone was indulging in it, Lian Siyue suddenly reversed quickly, and the sword drew a semicircle in midair, and then, with an unstoppable momentum, quickly stabbed Feng Qianyue.

The sword was fast and ruthless, pointing directly at the fortress of Feng Qianyue's throat, Feng Qianyue was startled suddenly, raised his head, the hand playing the qin suddenly stopped, and the pipa string broke into several pieces!

That's getting closer, closer!Feng Qianyue clenched his hands suddenly, staring at the person who was rushing straight, his body shrank suddenly, and his pupils dilated rapidly.

She wants to kill him!

"Ah!" No one expected that Lian Siyue would suddenly assassinate Feng Qianyue!
Isn't she afraid of death?
(End of this chapter)

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