Chapter 103
Chapter 103
Princess An suddenly stood up and roared, "You're courting death!"

Immediately, a large number of guards drew their swords and quickly surrounded Lian Siyue!

"Sister!" Seeing this, Lian Jue quickly stood up from the banquet, without hesitation, he wanted to stand in front of Lian Siyue and block these killing swords for her.

"Yue'er! Jue'er!" Lian's mother and the eldest lady stood up suddenly, their faces pale, and the eldest lady's eyes darkened, and she fainted again.

Feng Ye also stood up abruptly, with a nervous expression floating on his face.

However, the sharp point of the sword finally stopped at the throat, only separated by a few millimeters, and finally did not stab, and Feng Qianyue was already sweating profusely, sliding down that handsome and flawless face , dripped to the chin.

His heart, at a certain moment, almost stopped beating.

Only Feng Yunzheng stood still, the sound of Xiao continued, and the song Ambush from Ten Sides seemed to be coming to an end.

"I will never forgive you." She pursed her lips and said softly.

"What did you say..." However, her voice was too low, and the music became more urgent, Feng Yunzheng didn't hear it clearly.

However, Lian Siyue had already turned around like a whirlwind, and the tip of the sword left Feng Qianyue's throat quickly. Feng Qianyue was about to reach out to grab her, but in the end he caught nothing. stay in the air.

What exactly is she talking about?
Feng Qianyue's heart was stirred up into waves!
He really wanted to rush over to grab her and ask her to understand, but at this moment, he couldn't lose his composure, so he sat down slowly and clenched his fists tightly.

Lian Siyue whirled again, and chanted in his mouth, "Flowers don't bloom together with a bunch of flowers, and the fun of being alone and sparse.

I would rather die with the fragrance on the branch, than blow it down in the north wind. (Note: This poem was not made by Princess Anguo. It is a poem by Zheng Sixiao in the Song Dynasty. I wrote it for this plot, because I can’t make ancient poems myself, woo woo woo.

This is a poem about chrysanthemums, which fits perfectly with the theme of today's banquet.

Finally, the end of the song, the end.

She looked back, and smiled at Feng Yunzheng, Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled slightly, that smile...he had been looking forward to it for a lifetime!
It feels...extremely satisfying.

False alarm, false alarm!All the spectators were sweating profusely.

At this time, Lian Siyue had retreated to the center of the stage, knelt on the ground, and presented the sword to Princess Anguo with both hands, saying, "Princess, the minister's ugly act shocked Her Highness, please forgive me."

Princess An Guo looked at her with scrutiny in her eyes, and said, "What you are reciting is my poem? How do you know?"

Lian Siyue bowed her head, with a submissive expression on her face, and said, "This is a poem that my father brought back to the mansion for us sisters to recite. He told us that the princess's poem is neatly rhythmic and full of emotion, and it is very refreshing to read. At the time of the sword, this sentence involuntarily appeared in my mind, so I read it unconsciously."

It turned out to be the prime minister's credit!

A smile appeared on Princess An's face just now, she nodded, and said, "It's really a blessing to have such a woman in Xiangfu's family, come and reward me!"

Princess An's reward is a great honor, and she has always been generous, this time Lian Siyue will definitely get a lot of treasures.

The jealousy in Lian Shiya's eyes became even stronger.

Lian's mother nodded approvingly, this girl like Yue is really smart, she not only flattered the princess, but also credited her father with credit, crediting Lian Yanqing is equivalent to crediting the entire Xiangfu.

She has done a great job!

"Thank you, Your Highness, Princess." Lian Siyue bowed his head in thanks, and then returned to his seat lightly, with a faint smile on his face all the time.

"Brother Sihuang, your hands...are you alright?" Feng Ye noticed that Feng Qianyue was still sitting in front of the pipa, his eyes had never left for half a moment, and there seemed to be a predatory intent in his eyes. The hand was injured by the pipa, the back of the hand was punctured, and blood flowed down drop by drop, falling on the pipa in front of him.

"No problem." Feng Qianyue withdrew that dangerous gaze, wiped off the blood on the back of her hand, and didn't care.

However, after Lian Siyue left, she never gave him a look again.

"That's good." After Feng Ye finished speaking, his gaze returned to Lian Siyue again, his picturesque phoenix eyes became even deeper.

"Sister..." Lian Jue didn't care about the difference between men and women, and quickly ran over and sat beside Lian Siyue, with sincere worry and worry in her eyes, "I'm really worried about you."

Lian Siyue showed a bright smile to him, raised her hand to stroke the sweat off his face, and said, "Jue'er, don't be afraid, my sister knows what I'm doing, I will always stay by Jue'er's side, no Will leave Jue'er, okay?"

"En!" Lian Jue nodded vigorously, but he felt a burst of heat in his eyes, and his heart became more and more uncertain.

"The dance I danced today is what Jue'er taught me that day, but I replaced the short sword with a long sword, do you see it? Thanks to Jue'er." Lian Siyue gently stroked Lian Jue's hair ,road.

Lian Jue blushed slightly, and said, "I can tell, my sister dances really well."

When Lian Siyue turned her head, she realized that the eldest lady had passed out, her eyes were tightly closed, she jumped suddenly, she hurried forward, and called, "Mother, mother..."

Nanny Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, sweating profusely, "My eldest lady, if you act so unreasonably, Madam will faint for countless times."

Princess An Guo summoned the doctor and gave the first aid to the eldest lady before she woke up. As soon as the eldest lady woke up, she put her arms around Lian Siyue and said, "You really scared me to death."

Lian Siyue's performance was over, Princess An looked at the pale Lian Shiya again, and asked, "What do you want to perform?"

Lian Shiya hurriedly stepped forward and said, "My lady, what I want to perform is "Neon Clothes and Feather Dress Dance"." She was full of confidence at first, but now she has no confidence, and even her radiant face looks dim .

Because, she had to admit, even she was shocked by Lian Siyue's performance!
She never knew that Lian Siyue could actually dance with a sword.

Sure enough, because everyone was immersed in Lian Siyue's sword dance for a long time and did not come back to their senses, even though Lian Shiya tried her best to dance a neon dress and feather dance, it did not attract much attention.

The Eighth Prince, whom she was thinking of so much, didn't even look at her.Not to mention the Eighth Prince, even the Fourth Prince who rescued her at the Prime Minister's Mansion that day didn't even take a look at her. On the contrary, those people all looked at Lian Siyue! ~
In the end, the dance ended in a dull manner. Princess An also yawned after watching it, which was really embarrassing.

Lian Shiya hated Lian Siyue so much in her heart, but she still didn't give up, she still had a magic weapon!

She nodded towards Nanny Zhen who was accompanying her. Nanny Zhen looked very cautious in front of Princess An. She was holding a very beautiful parrot in her hand, and everyone's eyes were attracted by this parrot. , I thought, what is the third lady of Xiangfu doing with a parrot?Already being compared to my sister-in-law, isn't it reconciled?

I saw that Lian Shiya hugged the parrot, stroked its back with her green and white fingers, walked up to Princess An and knelt down, raised the parrot with both hands, bowed her head, and said:

"Princess, this blue-winged macaw was obtained by my daughter by chance. After being trained by my daughter, it can also say auspicious words. My daughter specially brought this parrot and dedicated it to the princess."

"Oh?" Princess An's originally expressionless face finally showed a hint of interest, and asked, "What auspicious words will you say?"

"I will say 'Princess auspicious, princess Jin'an'." Lian Shiya raised her head and said.

"That's good. My parrot died a few days ago. You just sent one here. Bring it here." Princess An's face softened.

"Yes." Lian Shiya was overjoyed, and finally won the princess's favor.

Seeing that the princess and Lian Shiya started to get close, Lian's mother nodded secretly, thinking that Lian Shiya's ability to get into the eyes of Princess An is due to her ability. Princess An's words are worth her toys.

Lian Shiya bent down, put the parrot in front of the princess, stroked its head, and said softly, "Bird, bird, the princess is auspicious, and the princess is Jin'an."

Immediately, everyone looked at the parrot, waiting for it to make a sound.

But, for some reason, the parrot lost all the energy it had just now, and stood in front of Princess An's table with drooping ears. Even after being guided by Shiya several times, it refused to say a word.

Lian Shiya quickly glanced at Princess Anguo, feeling a little anxious, so she unknowingly increased the strength of her hands, patted it on the back, and said, "Quick, bird, the princess is auspicious, and Princess Jin'an."

However, this parrot seemed to be deaf, it didn't listen to Lian Shiya's command at all, and even took two steps forward with flapping wings.

What the hell is going on with this big bird?Didn't the previous auspicious words go well?Why are you suddenly refusing to speak now?

Seeing Princess An Guo waiting, Lian Shiya couldn't help increasing the strength of her subordinates, and said, "Say it, say it..."

"Quack, quack!" Suddenly, the parrot yelled twice as if it was angry, and then flapped its wings and flew towards Princess An desperately—

"Quack, quack!" The parrot scratched at the princess with its claws, and pecked at her face with its sharp beak.

"Ah..." Princess An suddenly screamed.

"Ah..." Lian Shiya was shocked and shouted in panic.

Immediately, the guards ran over quickly, and the people in the seats were in a commotion. Immediately, a shadow flashed like a gust of wind, and the parrot was struck by a palm, its head tilted and then fell to the ground, not moving.


Lian Siyue tightened her hand holding the wine glass, the rescuer was Feng Ye, Princess An was curled up in her arms, her face was pale, the rest of the guards and servants were all frightened and knelt on the ground, I saw that the princess had a luxurious body. Two holes were torn in Fuli's clothes, and two deep bloodstains were left on her face from being scratched by the parrot. The gurgling blood came out and fell on the lapel of her chest, looking very scary.

"This, how could this be..." Lian Shiya was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, unable to move, she was stunned, unable to understand what happened for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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