First-class daughter

Chapter 1024 Yan'er Was Robbed

Chapter 1024 Yan'er Was Robbed
Chapter 1024 Yan'er Was Robbed
"Yeah." Lian Yan nodded, clutching the steamed bun on his chest, and was carried away by Hanzhu. Lingyue kept watching, and she went towards the backyard. After a while, she followed secretly , hiding aside and watching.

Han Zhu put Lian Yan on the ground, Lian Yan was attracted by the branches and big stones on the ground, squatted on the ground to pick up and play, while Han Zhu squatted aside, talking to him.

She breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and went back to her room. She tore off a piece of cloth from her clean clothes and bandaged her hands. While bandaging, her hands trembled. nervous.

"It's not good, it's not good!" About half an hour later, Hanzhu shouted, and ran slowly and vigorously knocked on her door.

She immediately stood up, opened the door, and asked, "Hanzhu, what's the matter?"

"Small, Xiao Yan, he was carried away!" Hanzhu's face turned pale with anxiety, and he spoke incoherently.

"What?" Lian Lingyue stood up abruptly, her face turned pale, and asked in a tight voice, "Han Zhu, you, what are you talking about, who took Yan'er away?"

"I, I took her to play in the backyard. Suddenly, suddenly, a man in black came over and knocked me down. When I slowed down and got up, the man disappeared, and Xiao Yan followed It's gone." Hanzhu burst into tears anxiously.

"Yan'er! Yan'er!" Lian Lingyue ran out quickly, ignoring the pain in her hand, "Yan'er, Yan'er..."

The other people were startled by her, and they all ran over to see what happened, and they saw the maid named Ah Yue running in the direction of the backyard in a panic.

"What's going on?" Nurse Man came over when she heard the movement, and asked, frowning.

With a plop, Hanzhu knelt on the ground and said, "Your servant, your servant lost Ah Yue's brother."

"Lost it?" Nanny Man was taken aback, "How did you lose it?"

"My servant, my servant opened the backyard, carried her out, and played on the side of the road. After a while, a man in black came and snatched the little brother away." After Hanzhu finished speaking, she was too scared to move. She was terrified that a living person was snatched away like this.

Nanny Man was taken aback, seeing that Ah Yue was about to break out, she quickly ordered and said, "You guys, stop her quickly, don't let her run out!"

"Yes!" A few servants hurriedly chased after Lian Lingyue, and stopped her tightly before she was about to run out of the courtyard.

"Let go of me, let me go, my brother has been snatched away, I'm going to find him!" She struggled hard to free herself, but the hand inevitably touched another burst of heart-rending pain, and she burst into tears from the pain.

"It is estimated that those who specialize in stealing children and maiming them to become little beggars took your brother away." The person next to him said.

Lian Lingyue's face turned pale when she heard this, and she struggled even harder, "Let me go, please, let me go, let me go find my brother, please."

"Pull her in and close the door!" Nanny Man walked over quickly, with a fierce look on her face, and said angrily.


Several people pulled Lian Lingyue in with all their might, and the other two servants slammed the back door shut.

Lian Lingyue showed a desperate expression on his face, "No, don't, don't do this, let me go to my brother, let me go to him!"

She said, crying loudly in a hurry.

"Shut up!" Nanny Man stepped forward, slapped Lian Lingyue hard on the face, and said, "What kind of place do you think this is, where you are allowed to cry and shout? If your brother is lost, he will be lost, and being picked up by others is better than staying here with you as a slave, and it is inconvenient for you to keep him."

When Lian Lingyue heard this, she suddenly raised her head, and looked at Nanny Man in disbelief, "Mommy, that's my younger brother, not a thing."

"So what about younger brother? Don't cry and make noise here, and you are not allowed to discuss this matter, saying that Jin Wu's backyard lost a servant's child. If this matter reaches the ears of the old woman and his wife, be careful. Skin!" Said Mammy Man, who trembled a few times.

"Mommy, no, it can't be like this, I'm going to find my brother!" Lian Lingyue almost collapsed after hearing this.

"Shut up! If you keep crying and screaming, don't blame me for being ruthless! Somebody pull her back and lock her into the room! If you cry and make noise again, you will be whipped thirty times!" After Mammy Man gave an order, these servants immediately Heli pulled Lian Lingyue back into her room, and slammed the door shut.

Nanny Man stood at the door and said coldly, "You are a slave, this is your fate, I heard that you have already angered Princess Yan in the Princess Mansion today, if you scream any more, you are courting death!"

Inside, Lian Lingyue's hand patting the door slowly eased.

"Nurse, please, Ayue, Ayue lost her brother, she..." Hanzhu felt very guilty, and knelt down to beg for mercy. As a result, Nurse Man slapped her on the face and scolded her. road--

"What do you think you are, and you are worrying about other people's affairs! A servant, with a younger brother, is all the same, and it is God's will to do so today. If anyone mentions this again, don't blame me for explaining to the old lady." , drive her out!"

When Nanny Man said this, Hanzhu didn't dare to intercede, and the others didn't dare to say anything.

Inside the room.

Lian Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard everyone leaving one by one, her hands and feet softened, and she sat on the ground, only then did she realize that there was a sound of sweat on her back.

"Yan'er, Yan'er..."

Feng Jue searched around from the outside and returned to the inn, and saw a man in black hurried past him with his head down, and went straight up to the third floor. The child's face was buried in the man's body. On the chest, only two hands are exposed.

His eyes froze, the child didn't belong to this person, and he didn't know the correct posture to hold the child at all.

After a while, just as he was thinking, the man opened the door and came out of the guest room with no child in his hands.

Feng Jue turned around, looked aside as if nothing had happened, when the man went downstairs, he looked at the back of the man, it turned out that he was just an errand runner.

What did he send a child here for?After thinking about it, he walked to the third floor, passed by the room where the child was placed, his pace slowed down, and he vaguely heard the child's cry, but the cry stopped suddenly.

Thoughts flashed across his eyes, and he returned to his own room opposite.

"Young master." The subordinate clasped his fists.

Feng Jue came back to his senses and said, "Who lives in the opposite room? Go and investigate."

"Yes." The subordinate went.

After a while, the man came back and said, "My lord, I have inquired. She is a woman whose identity is unknown."

Feng Jue nodded and ordered, "Stay here tonight and see if anyone comes in or out of this room."

This inn is the one where Xiao He stayed when he was pretending to be decadent.

(End of this chapter)

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