Chapter 1025

Chapter 1025

Feng Jue nodded and ordered, "Keep an eye out tonight and see if anyone comes in or out of this room."

"Yes, son, the subordinate obeys."

Feng Jue had also been keeping an eye on this room, he looked through the crack of the door, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, the entire inn was pitch black, and his torch-like eyes were still fixed on the opposite door.

After a while, a man in black appeared discreetly and quietly——


As soon as Feng Jue saw the slight inconvenience of this person's footsteps, he immediately recognized that it was Xiao He.

How did he come here?What is the relationship between the child in this room and him?Strong curiosity prompted Feng Jue to decide to take a good look at what Xiao He was up to.

About half an hour later, he walked out of the room again, and then hurried away as he came, avoiding the eyes and ears.

Feng Jue found it even more strange, the dignified son-in-law, who hides by day and comes out at night, now there is another child——

Xiao He, that's too suspicious!
"My lord, what should we do now?" the subordinate asked.

"I want to find out what's going on in this room." Feng Jue said.

"However, the people inside never come out, and even the food is brought in by Xiaoer. The subordinates hibernate for half a day, and they haven't seen clearly what's going on inside." The man said.

At this moment, the waiter came upstairs with a bowl of porridge——

Feng Jue's eyes froze, and he winked at his subordinate. The subordinate nodded, pushed open the door, and went downstairs unintentionally. The elbow struck him on the neck.

The little girl didn't have time to groan, she had already collapsed softly, and he quickly reached out to take the bowl of porridge in her hand.

Dragging Xiao Er into the room quickly, Feng Jue changed clothes with him, then went out with the bowl in hand, knocked on the door of this room, and said:

"Objective, what you want is here."

After a while, the person inside made some movement, pushed it away slightly, stretched out a hand, and said in a low voice, "Give it to me." At the same time, this person was holding a silver ingot in his hand.

Feng Jue looked at this hand, it looked like a woman's hand, she slowly passed the porridge in her hand, and just when she was about to touch it, he grabbed the man's wrist violently, and squeezed hard Push it in.

He took advantage of the situation and walked in, and slammed the door shut, while his subordinates immediately stood outside the door, listening intently, judging the situation inside, and if there was any danger, he would immediately go in to rescue the young master.

"Ah, you, who are you?" The woman whose wrist was twisted by Feng Jue showed horror in her eyes.

"Who are you?" Another rough man in the room suddenly stood up and pulled out the sword at his waist.

However, Feng Jue saw the little baby sitting on the bed at a glance, and he was taken aback suddenly - Lian Yan?
This little doll seems to be exactly the same as Lian Yan, so this is Lian Yan!

The children grew up in the same way for a few days, and Feng Jue didn't go to Lian's house much, and the number of times he saw Lian Yan was only a handful.

"Get out, or don't blame me for being rude!" The man suddenly drew his sword and stabbed at Feng Jue, but Feng Jue's eyes were calm, and he fought with one hand, then grabbed the man's arm alive, and pulled hard, I only heard the cracking sound of the bones, and I broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.

The subordinates outside came in and captured the man.

Feng Jue walked to the bed step by step, unable to restrain the excitement in his heart, trembling hands, wanted to touch the child's face, but dared not!

Seeing this, the woman at the side suddenly pulled out the hairpin from her head and stabbed Feng Jue violently!
Feng Jue nimbly grabbed her wrist with one hand, and with the next, the woman opened her hand in pain, and the hairpin fell to the ground with a clang.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him." Feng Jue saw that the woman also wanted to protect the child, so she said, her voice softened a bit.

"Yeah..." At this time, Lian Yan who was sitting on the bed suddenly stood up, stumbled in front of Feng Jue, hugged his legs, raised his head, and looked at him.

He recognized Feng Jue!

Feng Jue was excited, this was Lian Yan, it was definitely Lian Yan.

He quickly bent down, hugged Lian Yan, and shouted, "Yan'er, brother Yan'er!"

"..." Lian Yan stretched out his hand and hugged Feng Jue's neck, leaning his head in his arms, as if he finally met an acquaintance, he refused to let go, and the steamed bun in his hand was still tight Grasping tightly, feeling the trust and attachment emanating from this small body, Feng Jue's heart skipped a beat.

Now that Lian Yan's whereabouts have been found, then Eleven's whereabouts have also been found. Xiao He came to see Lian Yan, which shows that he really knows where Eleven is!
"Sister, sister..." Lian Yan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly blushed, spit out two words, grabbed Feng Jue's hand, and grasped it vigorously. The crystal tears were big and big. They fell down one by one, their eyes were red and red, and they looked very anxious, "Sister, sister..."

The child was asking Feng Jue for help, he thought that the only person he could trust, the only person who could save his sister, was Feng Jue.

Feng Jue wiped away the tears from Lian Yan's face with his sleeve, and said comfortingly: "Brother Yan'er, don't worry, I will definitely save your sister, I came to Youzhou to save her back, and you, The three of us will go together."

Lian Yan understood Feng Jue's words, he nodded, hugged Feng Jue's neck, and snuggled into his arms, looking for a sense of security.

The little child was suddenly snatched away, and he left his dependent sister. He didn't know what happened. Although there was no malice with him, he was also very scared.

Only when he saw someone he knew well like Feng Jue, did he finally feel relieved, and became extremely dependent on him.

Now, what Feng Jue can confirm is that Xiao He will not hurt younger brother Yan'er either, and he put younger brother Yan'er here, probably to prepare for saving Eleven.

He put Lian Yan on the bed, said a few words to him to comfort him, and then told the frightened woman, "Take good care of this child. In the future, you will be thanked not only by the son-in-law, but also by the son-in-law." Me, and the kid's sister."

"Yes, yes, sir." The woman hurriedly said.

Feng Jue signaled his subordinates to let the rough man go, and the two left the room together.

"You pay attention to the movements in this room, you must protect Lian Yan well, and you must not make any mistakes, understand?" Feng Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered.

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

Feng Jue knew that Xiao He would definitely come again, if he waited here, he could get it.

However, Feng Jue, who has already learned about half of Eleven's news, can't bear to wait here. He wants to find Xiao He immediately, find out Eleven's whereabouts, and take her away immediately. A quarter of an hour more here means more trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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