First-class daughter

Chapter 1026 Give Her to You

Chapter 1026 Give Her to You

Chapter 1026 Give Her to You

After thinking for a while, he entered the room again and asked, "If something happens here, how can you contact Xiao He?"

Feng Jue thought, being as cautious as Xiao He, he must have thought that Lian Yan might be hurt by putting him here, so he would definitely teach these two people how to ask him for help.

Both the woman and the man had troubled expressions on their faces, and said, "My son-in-law has ordered you not to mention it to anyone who asks."

"I am not a person with malicious intentions. You two have also seen that this child knows me and is attached to me. I am on the same path as the son-in-law. I want to find him and save the person he wants to save together." Feng Jue said.

Lian Yan really walked up to him again, he knelt down and gently stroked the child's head.

The man and the woman looked at each other, the woman was the first to shake, and took out a firework from her sleeve.

"You!" Seeing this, the man hurriedly tried to stop him.

But the woman said, "Children will not lie, this young man is a good man."

Feng Jue grabbed the ashes and asked, "Light this up and send out a signal?"

The woman nodded and said, "Ignite this, and smoke will rise high into the sky. When the son-in-law sees the smoke, he knows there is trouble here, and he will come to rescue immediately."

Feng Jue immediately took the ash to the open space downstairs, lit it, and then returned to Lian Yan's room, playing with Lian Yan while waiting.

As time slowly passed, Feng Jue's mood became more and more joyful, he knew that as long as he saw Xiao He, he would know the news about Shi Shi, and then he would be able to find her right away!

Sure enough, after the fireworks were set off, about half an hour later, the door rang hurriedly.

Feng Jue immediately dodged and hid to the side, secretly holding the dagger in his sleeve, if Xiao He wanted to kill him, he needed to be on guard, after all he was from the Xiao family, and they were irreconcilable.

The door opened, Xiao He walked in quickly, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately noticed the unusual atmosphere in the room.

He immediately stepped forward, hugged Lian Yan, and glanced around sharply.

"My son-in-law..." The woman had a look of embarrassment on her face.

"Young Lord, it's been a long time." At this time, a familiar voice sounded, Feng Jue came out from behind the curtain, cupped his fists at Xiao He, and said.

"Lian Jue?" Xiao He narrowed his eyes slightly, and received a heavy blow to his heart. He never expected that the person in front of him was actually Lian Jue himself!

"I don't know if I should call you the son-in-law or the young prince?" Feng Jue asked, staring at him closely. In fact, this is also a kind of test, to test his heart, whether there is a Great Zhou Dynasty or not.

Xiao He smiled slightly, with an expression of ambiguity on his face, and said, "Then should I call you the Young Master of the Lian family or His Highness the Eleventh?"

I really didn't expect that this brat who used to stick around Lian Siyue would be the biological son of Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Whether it is His Highness the Eleventh Highness or the Young Master of the Lian family, it is the same to me. They are all from the Great Zhou Dynasty. You can call him whatever you want, Young Master Xiao. I don't mind." Feng Jue said.

"Then I am neither a son-in-law nor a young prince. I am Xiao He." Xiao He said.

When he said this, Feng Jue understood that he did not regard himself as a Khitan, and his feelings towards the Great Zhou Dynasty were complicated.

Without further ado, Feng Jue asked directly, "You know the whereabouts of Eleven and are planning to rescue her. Where is she now?"

Xiao He signaled the two people in the room to retreat, and put Lian Yan on the bed. At this moment, only the two of them were facing each other.

"I heard that you were the commander in chief in the Great Zhou vs. Khitan battle, but seeing that the battle was approaching, you appeared in Youzhou City and met me so boldly. You are not afraid that I will kill you in advance and mess up the whole world. General Zhou's military spirit?" Xiao He didn't answer Feng Jue's question about Lian Lingyue.

"Young Master Xiao was once the famous general of Tianbao in my dynasty, who made the Daliao people fearful. You also once commanded the soldiers of the Great Zhou Army. You should be very clear. People, even if I am killed, the Khitan people will not be able to escape being strangled by my soldiers!" Feng Jue said lightly.

The corner of Xiao He's lips curled up into a smirk, his eyes suddenly turned far away, and he said, "My business is already in the past, so it's not worth mentioning. How can you be so high-spirited like your Eleventh Highness, which makes the Khitan people gnash their teeth now? It is you. If I chop off your head and present it to Empress Dowager Renyi, I can get 20 taels of gold, and your head is the most valuable head in Khitan."

Xiao He's attitude is both good and evil, enemy and friend, making people unable to tell what is going on in his heart. Even after Feng Jue observes and tries, he doesn't know his real intention.

"You did not hesitate to risk your life to sneak into Youzhou City just to find Ling Yue'er?" Xiao He looked into his eyes and asked.

"Is she with you?" Feng Jue narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, with a hint of danger in his voice.

"Are you in love with her?" Xiao He asked, his heart was pierced like a sharp sword, Ling Yue'er once told him personally that the person she admires is this Lian Jue in front of her!

"Where is she?" Feng Jue continued to ask.

"When did you start liking her?" Xiao He continued to ask, feeling pain in his heart.

"I'm here to take her away." Feng Jue said.

"Are you going to marry her?" Xiao He asked again!
"She can't stay here, there are too many people here who want to kill her." Feng Jue said firmly.

"Will you treat her well?" Xiao He asked, his voice was a little trembling, as if he had made an unspeakable resolution.

"Xiao He?" Feng Jue looked at him.

"You swear to God, you will love her, marry her, treat her well, you will never let her down for the rest of your life, don't let her cry, protect her well, and you will stand by his side if anyone treats her badly." , if you can do this, I will hand her over to you."

Xiao He tightly clenched his fist behind his back, his eyes were scarlet, but his resolute voice trembled.

"Xiao He, no one has ever asked me such a straightforward question like you, and I have never thought about these questions. I only know that since the day she disappeared, she has never left my mind. I think about her all the time! Since I am here, I must take her away, even if it costs my life!" Feng Jue looked directly at Xiao He, without any flinching.

Xiao He himself loves Lian Lingyue, so he understands Feng Jue's eyes.

He turned his back, took a deep breath, and said with great determination, "In the future, I will ask Jin Wu, the young master of the Jin family, to go hunting in the suburbs of Beijing. You go there and wait. I will take Ling Yue'er there, and Lian Yan is also handed over to you now."

(End of this chapter)

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