First-class daughter

Chapter 1033 Encountering Obstacles

Chapter 1033 Encountering Obstacles
Chapter 1033 Encountering Obstacles
After half an hour.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Lian Lingyue sneaked to the back door, and the man walked over quickly, and said in a low voice, "The people here have already been settled, you go out through the back door quickly, the son-in-law is waiting for you outside, be careful, if you really When someone bumps into you, you say that your hand hurts unbearably, and you want to see a doctor."

"Okay, I see, thank you!"

Lian Lingyue didn't have time to say anything more, and under the cover of this person, she walked out secretly and quickly.

"Ling Yue'er!" She had just walked not far away and was looking around when Xiao He came over from behind the tree next to her and called out in a low voice, "You want to see me?"

"Xiao He!" Lian Lingyue walked over quickly, and hid in a corner with Xiao He, his tongue trembling nervously.

"Don't worry, Ling Yue'er, I'm here, don't be afraid, you're looking for me in a hurry, what's the matter?" Xiao He tried his best to soothe Lian Lingyue's restless heart.

"Today, today Xiao Zhen... your father came to Jin's house, and Princess Yan also came, and said some strange things to me, I suspect that they have already noticed!" Lian Lingyue said tightly.

Xiao He's heart trembled suddenly, thoughts flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Yeluyan has been here, I know she told me, but I didn't know that my father has also been here! He has never been close to the Jin family. , why did you come to the Jin family suddenly?"

"Xiao He, what should we do now? I'm worried that they are waiting for an opportunity to arrest me." Lian Lingyue clenched her fists tightly, very nervous.

"No..." Xiao He shook his head, and said, "I'm afraid they found not only you, but also another person, otherwise, they will just arrest you."

"The other person, who?" Lian Lingyue asked with a sudden jump in her heart.

Looking at Lian Lingyue's eager gaze, Xiao He felt a twinge of heartache in his heart, he knew that this short possession would soon be lost.

No, it's not even a short-term possession, because Ling Yue'er's heart has never been placed on her. To say that possession is really a delusion!
"Xiao He, what's the matter?" Lian Lingyue found that there seemed to be something wrong with Xiao He's expression. She suddenly realized that she only cared about leaving Youzhou, but never cared about him. "Do you have something to say to me?" I said?"

She also knew that once she left, she would probably never see him again.

"No, I don't have anything to say, Ling Yue'er, I will take you away now, go out of the city gate, and meet someone. Lian Yan is also there." Xiao He buried all his feelings in the painful pain. heart.

"Xiao He..." Lian Lingyue raised her head and looked at Xiao He.

For the first time in such a long time, she took such a serious look at the person who accompanied him through another boring and punishing academic career when he was a child.I don't know when it started, he is no longer the taciturn prince's guard, but a man who has experienced many vicissitudes.

"What's the matter, Ling Yue'er, what are you worried about? Don't worry, since I said I would send you away, I will find a way to do it. Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Xiao He thought she was afraid , so softly comforted.

"No." Lian Lingyue shook her head, "Thank you, Xiao He, no matter in the past or now, thank you."

There was a faint glint of tears in her eyes.

Xiao He's heart trembled, and a certain line of defense in his heart was on the verge of collapse because of Ling Yue'er's eyes, but he held back and said, "Thank you, that's enough."

Moreover, he will always remember the days when she was deeply dependent on her.

"Now, where are you going?" Lian Lingyue asked.

"Let's go, go out of the city gate first, and meet that person. I will go out later as a son-in-law. When the guards interrogate you, just don't talk." Xiao He stepped forward, holding her hand wrapped in white cloth Get up, put it in the palm of your hand, and say.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Lian Lingyue's heart was beating thumpingly.

She was about to leave Youzhou City soon, and she was full of anticipation, uneasiness about the unknown, and... a kind of apology towards Xiao He.

She knew that he was risking a lot to help her escape.

However, she always has only one heart.

"Get in the carriage." Xiao He led Lian Lingyue into a carriage that had been prepared a long time ago, the carriage rolled its wheels, and walked towards the city gate.

Lian Lingyue put her hands on her knees, clenched her fists tightly, her heart fluttered.

Xiao He looked at the girl in front of him, and with the bumping of the carriage, his vision gradually became hazy.

After a while, the groom said outside, "Master, the gate of the city is coming soon."

It will be here soon, Xiao He's heart tightens, which means that he will completely hand over Ling Yue'er to another person.

Suddenly, he stepped forward, squatted in front of Lian Lingyue, hugged her tightly, and held her tightly in his arms.

Lian Lingyue was taken aback, and said in a trembling voice, "Xiao He?"

"Ling Yue'er promise me, don't forget me, okay?" He murmured in her ear, with sadness reflected in his eyes.

Lian Lingyue raised her hand slowly, her fingers curled up, and when she was hesitating what to say to Xiao He, the carriage stopped suddenly.

Xiao He's eyes flashed.

"My lord, Your Royal Highness..." the carriage outside shouted nervously and fearfully.


Xiao He let go of Lian Lingyue abruptly, and even Lingyue's face became pale with fright.

"What should I do?" She lowered her voice and said.

"You sit here, don't come out." Xiao He's eyes were already slightly cold, he left Lian Lingyue, opened the curtain of the carriage, poked his head out, and saw Yeluyan standing in front of a sedan chair, looking at her .

In the night, her eyes were a little dim, a bitter smile flickered on her face, and she asked, "Who is the person in the carriage...?"

She tried her best to sound friendly instead of questioning, at this moment, she only wanted Xiao He to be honest.

"You don't want to know." Xiao He stepped down from the carriage, looking at the woman in front of him with cold eyes.

"Xiao He, what about me? You just left, don't you care about my feelings at all? I know, I know that you have never taken the title of son-in-law seriously, and you have never let me go." on heart.

Every moment you are in the consort's mansion, you are unhappy, you are not thinking about how to end it all the time.

But, I really want to know, are you going to leave without saying goodbye and leave all the mess to me?You never thought about giving me an explanation, an explanation, and discussing it with me? Yeluyan asked with a trembling voice, tears rolling down her cheeks, with a helpless and bitter expression.

Lian Lingyue listened to Princess Yan's words in the carriage, it seemed that she didn't know many things, Xiao He didn't intend to leave Youzhou.

She really didn't know that Xiao He didn't plan to leave Youzhou yet, although he really wanted to leave here and go back to the Central Plains.

However, he can't leave now, he has more important things to do, but——

"I'm sorry, I don't see you as someone who can talk about my heart." He said frankly, without any cover, "I don't want to lie to you."

"Hehe." Yeluyan smiled weakly, "It's all up to now, you know, if I don't let you take the man in the carriage away now, you won't be able to leave Youzhou City at all, maybe you I don't know yet, the imperial grandmother has already issued an order that your token cannot go out of the city gate, at least it must be with my token before you can go out, and once you leave the city gate, there will be many people watching You, Xiao He, the imperial grandmother is not as simple a person as you think."

(End of this chapter)

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