First-class daughter

Chapter 1034 Is It You?

Chapter 1034 Is It You?
Chapter 1034 Is It You?
"Are you taking such a risk for her, are you not afraid of being arrested as soon as you leave the city gate, and then all your disguises will fall short? You have fought against the imperial grandmother once, and you should know that she is unfathomable."

Xiao He's eyes tightened. He thought that Empress Dowager Renyi would definitely take some measures in secret in order to prevent him from fleeing Youzhou suddenly one day. Therefore, after he met Ling Yue'er, every time he acted, he was extra cautious.

However, unexpectedly, the Queen Mother Renyi's measures were so strictly controlled that two tokens were required to leave the city gate.

Yeluyan sneered, "So, Xiao He, it's up to me whether you can let your beloved leave safely now. So, how are you going to ask me?" Her heart was clearly trembling.

Xiao He looked at Yeluyan and said, "I won't leave, I will stay in the Princess Mansion and continue to be your consort, acting as a loving couple."

In fact, he also decided this way, but Yeluyan didn't know it.

"Hehehe..." Yeluyan smiled, she thought that Xiao He had finally succumbed to her lust for his beloved.

She walked in front of Xiao He, raised her head and asked, "I want to formally meet the girl in the carriage, is that okay?"

Xiao He paused.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt her." Yeluyan clearly saw a flash of worry in Xiao He's eyes, hehe, he really regarded her as a jackal, tiger and leopard, a scourge.

"Princess." At this time, Lian Lingyue lifted the curtain of the carriage by herself, and was about to get out of the carriage.

Seeing this, Xiao He almost unconsciously and habitually walked over quickly, carefully protecting her down.

Lian Lingyue was stunned for a moment, pushed away Xiao He's extended hand, and said, "I'll come down by myself, it's fine."

She walked up to Yeluyan, nodded slightly, and said——

"Princess, you must have many doubts about the matter between Xiao He and me.

What I want to say is that I didn't come to Youzhou to look for Xiao He on purpose, I was hunted down to this point, accidentally fell into Jin's house, and then asked Xiao He for help.

And the reason why I became a slave in Youzhou is because your elder brother, the little prince Yeluchu, sent a secret agent into our Lian family. The secret agent took the opportunity to set fire to my whole family with others. I was captured by her The one who came to Youzhou, the one who said that the little prince wanted me, I don't know why he wanted me to come, but fortunately, after going through various things, I escaped, and this is where I am today. "

So strictly speaking, Yeluyan, as Yeluchu's younger sister, can be regarded as half of her family's enemy.

"What..." Yeluyan was taken aback when she heard this, she didn't expect that Ah Yue would have something to do with her brother when she came to Youzhou, "I don't know anything about these things, I never knew my brother did this thing."

"I know it has nothing to do with the princess. Today, I beg the princess to let me go. I want to go back to the Central Plains. I miss home. I don't want to stay in Youzhou." Lian Lingyue said.

"Yeluyan, let Ling Yue'er go, I promise you to act as a loving couple with you, and I will do what I promise." Xiao He looked at the moonlight in the sky, estimated that the time had been delayed, and urged him.

"Xiao He..." Yeluyan looked at Xiao He, "You always misjudged me."

She lowered her head, took out her token from her bosom, handed it to Xiao He, and said, "Go with her, hurry up, don't stay for a moment, otherwise, I will regret it."

She shoved the token into Xiao He's hand, "Xiao He, just pretend that I, Yeluyan, have never met or known you in my life. From now on, you and I will make a clean break and have nothing to do with you. I will tell the public that you died of illness. And die, from now on, never ever come to Youzhou again!"

As she said, she stepped forward suddenly, hugged Xiao He tightly with both hands, raised a pair of hurt tears, stood on tiptoe, and pressed a kiss on his cheek, then slowly closed her eyes , cold tears slid down his cheeks.

Then, she turned around abruptly, stepped onto the sedan chair quickly, "get up the sedan chair!"

After the words fell, the sedan chair got up and walked towards the Princess Mansion.

Xiao He stood where he was, seeing her walking away, he immediately walked up to Lian Lingyue and said, "Quick, there is no longer any delay, let's go!"

"Why didn't you tell her that you didn't intend to leave?" Lian Lingyue asked as he got into the carriage.

"It's not necessary." Xiao He didn't want to talk about Yeluyan with Ling Yue'er, he didn't want the relationship between them to be hopeless, and there was another woman involved.

On the sedan chair.

Yeluyan held the veil tightly in her hand, and bit her lower lip tightly with her teeth, almost bleeding from the bite, but still let out a low whimper——

Xiao He, Xiao He!
I really like you, I said let you go, but how I wish you would stay.Even if you're all fake to me, I'm willing to play along and pretend it's real.

In another carriage.

Xiao He asked, "Ling Yue'er, don't be nervous later, I have two tokens."

"En." Lian Lingyue nodded.

When he arrived at the city gate, sure enough, Xiao He used these two tokens to exit the city gate smoothly, and then the carriage went all the way west.

"Xiao He, you said there is another person, who is he, is he the person you sent to escort me out of Youzhou?" Lian Lingyue asked.

Xiao He shook his head, "I didn't send it, he came to find you himself."

"You came to find me by yourself?" Lian Lingyue's eyes lit up, and she asked, "Lengmei? Did she find me?"

"You will know soon!" Xiao He said.

The carriage continued to move forward, Xiao He opened the curtain of the carriage, and stared closely at the outside, the sky was dark, the stars in the sky were completely covered by the dark clouds at some point, the whole world was dark, and there was no light at all. People have a sense of oppression that the wind and rain are about to come.

His eyelids twitched for no reason.

Finally, he vaguely saw the figure at the agreed place in front of him. He tightened his grip on the curtain of the carriage and let go. Looking at Lian Lingyue, who was shining with expectation in his eyes, he took a deep breath, and his heart With a stabbing pain.

"Ling Yue'er, it's Lianjue." Xiao He said.

When Lian Lingyue heard this, she received a severe shock in her heart. She couldn't believe it, but she was also full of surprises, "You, who are you talking about?"

"Your Highness the Eleventh, he has come to Youzhou to look for you, and he has been here for a few days." Xiao He said.

"Lian Jue... is also in Youzhou? He came to see me?" Lian Lingyue could hardly believe her ears.

"Yeah." Xiao He nodded, and said, "We met by accident. It just so happened that I would be more relieved to let him take you away." Xiao He said, he saw that Ling Yueer was hearing Lian Jue's name. At that time, the brilliance flashed in the eyes, and a bitterness flashed on the corner of the lips, but with a smile on his face, he said, "Follow him well, Ling Yue'er."

Hearing his words, Lian Lingyue's eyes flickered slightly, and said, "Xiao He, I can also find happiness."

"I will be happy, Ling Yue'er, don't worry." Xiao He smiled slightly, looked at the girl in front of him with nostalgia, and said in his heart, as long as you live well, I will be happy, Ling Yue'er.

Just as he was talking, the carriage had arrived.

Here, Feng Jue saw the carriage gradually approaching from a distance, and he felt a kind of uncontrollable excitement in his heart. When the carriage stopped, he walked over quickly and stood in front of the carriage.

The carriage door opened, and a girl dressed as a Khitan maid appeared in front of him.

He yanked off the black cloth on his face and shouted excitedly, "Eleven!"

Lian Lingyue's heart trembled when she heard this cry, and she raised her head suddenly, only to see the person she had been thinking about day and night, standing alive in front of her eyes!
"Lian Jue!" she called out tremblingly, "Lian Jue, is it really you?"

(End of this chapter)

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