First-class daughter

Chapter 1039 Please protect her

Chapter 1039 Please protect her

Chapter 1039 Please protect her

There was a chill in Feng Jue's eyes, and he flew up quickly, swinging the sword in his hand quickly and fiercely, fending off the incoming arrows, sparks burst out from the impact with a harsh sound.

After one round, he was unscathed.

There was a hint of coldness in Yeluchu's eyes, and he said, "As expected of the Marshal of the Great Zhou Dynasty, if you really have two tricks, it's no wonder that you were able to sneak into my father's account and take off my father's head. However, no matter how powerful you are, I can't stand this king's crowd. Since you have fallen into this king's hands, this king will not let you leave alive! Shoot arrows!"

After the words fell, the arrow shot towards Feng Jue again.Feng Jue landed on the horse's back, bent down, leaned against the horse's back, swung the sword quickly, and the arrow feather shot back, killing two of the guards on the horse.

Xiao He's heart froze, he could not help clenching his fists, he had fought against Feng Jue, he was very skilled, but Yelu Chu was going to take his head today, could he escape this calamity?

Arrows continued to shoot out like raindrops. Feng Jue rode on the horse and let the horse dodge left and right, but this time, the arrow finally hit the horse's eye.

The horse neighed fiercely and threw Feng Jue down, causing Feng Jue's body to be thrown out by a section.

The arrow shot again, and he lay on the other end of the horse's body, and the horse's body blocked this wave of attacks for him.However, the horse was also shot dead, its huge body fell to the ground, and Feng Jue was forced to fall off the horse's back.

"Oh!" He let out a muffled grunt, and an arrow pierced his shoulder, and suddenly his body was hit by a wave of pain.

"Oh, this bastard, it is impossible to escape the siege of the little prince today!" Xiao Zhenhai pulled out the hidden weapon shot in his calf, threw it on the ground, endured the pain, and said in a cold voice, "Come on, follow me Find that fake princess!"

Hearing this, Xiao He was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "Father, let Ling Yue'er go, the boy just intends to let her go, and has no intention of going with her. Father has also seen it, so I will send her away." I'm back."

Xiao Zhenhai sneered, shook his head, and said, "Xiao He, it's not you who sent her away now, it's not as simple as you don't go, this matter has been brought up in front of the Queen Mother, we must give the Queen Mother an explanation, besides, you still Letting Feng Jue go and using a fake princess to express my Xiao family's determination is already a bad plan, and you still want to let him go like this, it's just a dream!"

"Father! You are wrong! Princess Yan didn't mind this matter. It was she who gave me the token so I was able to leave the city and send Ling Yue'er away. Since Yeluyan doesn't mind this matter, the queen mother won't mind either. "Xiao He said, bent his knees, knelt on the ground again, and said, "Father, stop chasing Ling Yue'er, let her go, just pretend that there is no such person in this world, and I swear, from now on From now on, everything will be arranged by the father, and I will never think about Ling Yue'er again, the child will stay by Yeluyan's side wholeheartedly, have children, and be Khitan's consort with peace of mind!"

There was a tearing pain in his heart, he looked at Xiao Zhenhai sadly, begged bitterly, and made a promise.

He was willing to bury everything, just to give her the future she wanted.

Xiao Zhenhai paused, as if he was thinking about something, finally, he sighed, and said, "Well, since you are willing to give up that woman, and you are willing to be a son-in-law with peace of mind, to marry the princess and have children, then as a father, I agree. , forget it, but you have to do what you say."

Xiao He nodded, and said, "The boy is a man who stands up to the sky and the earth. I would like to swear to the sky that I will never break my promise. From now on, the boy will listen to whatever father says."

"Okay, Hu'er, go and help your second brother up, this matter is over." Xiao Zhenhai said.

"Father, really?" Xiao He had some doubts about Xiao Zhenhai. After all, he had always hated and hated Ling Yue'er, and if he wanted to kill her, would he really agree to him?

"Yes, father." Xiao Hu walked towards Xiao He, Xiao He looked at Xiao Zhenhai, he felt something was wrong in his heart, and slowly clenched his fists.

"Second brother, get up quickly, father has already agreed." Xiao Hu stretched out his hand to help Xiao He up.

"Xiao Hu, you!" Suddenly, Xiao He only felt a numbness hit his arms bent, and his whole body went limp, as soon as he stood up, he felt something was wrong.

He suddenly looked down, a needle pierced his body, and he stared fiercely at Xiao Hu!

Xiao Hu quickly took two steps back, looked at Xiao He apologetically, and said, "Second brother, I'm sorry, I don't want her to be sad because you always think about another woman, she loves you so much, I hope you don't You lied to her, forgive my selfishness! You will give up completely only when Princess Eleven is dead, I know, I know that you will not give up when she is alive, only when she is dead, can she die. "

"What is this?" Xiao He pulled out the needle, looked at Xiao Hu fiercely, and asked in a trembling voice.

"He'er, don't blame your younger brother. Father asked him to do it, and he did it for your own good. Once the needle is pricked, after a stick of incense (an hour), you will be numb and unable to move, but , After a few days, it will be all right! Come, bring your son-in-law onto the horse, and go back to the princess mansion to ask the princess for sin."

"Yes!" Several guards came over, "My son-in-law, please."

"Go away!" Xiao He stood up abruptly, throwing the people away.

"Xiao He, don't be naive! If you were willing to say that in the past, it would be fine for your father, but now, your father knows that she is actually Lian Siyue's own younger sister, so how could you let her go!"

"..." Xiao He raised his head abruptly. Father knew that Lian Jue was Feng Jue because the emperor had announced it to the world, but Ling Yue'er was Lian Siyue's younger sister. It's a big deal, did my father know about it?
"Don't be surprised, Mrs. Liang naturally said everything. So, now, not only Princess Lingyue and the Queen Mother have to explain, but also your elder brother, and everyone around Siyue should die!" Xiao Zhenhai As he spoke, he ordered to chase after Lian Lingyue——

"5000 taels of gold, chase!"

"Father!" Seeing this, Xiao He suddenly jumped up and got on the horse.

Over there, Feng Jue, who was already injured, saw Xiao Zhenhai turn around and leave, knowing that he was going after Ling Yue'er, so he said loudly, "Xiao He, Ling Yue'er is handed over to you!"

Xiao He turned his head and glanced at Feng Jue, both of his shoulders were injured, he turned his horse's head and said, "Take care."

Keeping watch, he rode his horse and chased after Xiao Zhenhai.

"Second brother, second brother..." Xiao Hu chased after him.

Xiao He turned his head abruptly, piercing Xiao Hu's shoulder with a sword——

"Second brother..." Xiao Hu endured the severe pain, and looked at Xiao He in disbelief.

Xiao He quickly pulled out his long sword, and Xiao Hu fell to his knees on the ground, bleeding profusely from his shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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