First-class daughter

Chapter 1040 The Rescue Has Come

Chapter 1040 The Rescue Has Come
Chapter 1040 The Rescue Has Come
Looking up, Xiao He's horse had gone far away, Xiao Hu endured the pain from his shoulder, and said, "In the time of a stick of incense, second brother, can you save her?"

As for Feng Jue, he had already been hit by two arrows in a row. Although it didn't hurt the key parts, it still more or less hindered him from stretching out his hand.

The blood on that shoulder stained his icy blue brocade robe red, making it look extraordinarily frightening under the moonlight.

Yeluchu saw that he suffered a shoulder injury, which affected his performance.

He raised his hand, signaling that everyone would stop shooting arrows, and ordered, "Kill!" He wanted to watch Feng Jue bit by bit, die in front of him, and take revenge for his father.

So, these soldiers who had been trained by him all flew down from their horses, took out their long swords, and besieged Feng Jue.

Feng Jue's eyes froze, and he waved the long sword in his hand to face these endless stream of people——

All of a sudden, swords flashed and swords flashed, guards one by one fell to the ground under Feng Jue's beheading.

Yeluchu raised the arrow, squinted his eyes slightly, aimed at the position of Feng Jue's heart, and with a bang, the arrow feather shot out.

"Oh!" Feng Jue dodged, but this one still stabbed his thigh, and he staggered suddenly, the long sword in his hand was thrust into the ground fiercely, and he supported his crumbling body by the strength of the sword.

He has hit three arrows in a row!But...he didn't show any sign of retreat or fear, and his eyes were even brighter——

"Yeluchu, if you have the ability, you will take my life. If you don't have the ability, this king will destroy your Khitan!" His voice was cold, like ice.

Yeluchu raised his bow and arrow again, his eyes gleamed with coldness, this arrow, he will definitely put Feng Jue to death!

"Shua!" As soon as he let go of his hand, the arrow shot out.

"Huh!" Feng Jue snorted coldly, with sharp eyes and quick hands, he grabbed a guard next to him. The arrow pierced through the guard's body and stretched out from behind for a long time, but Feng Jue flexibly leaned back. The arrow pierced through his upper body.

"Your Highness!" Suddenly, two black shadows seemed to descend from the sky and landed beside him.

Yeluchu was taken aback—who is this?

"Your Highness, the future is late, and the general deserves death!" Ye Feng and Leng Mei knelt down on one knee and said.

These days, they have been looking for Ling Yue's whereabouts. As a result, they suddenly found in the city today that the old thief Xiao Zhenhai was leading the bodyguards out of the city. The purpose of mobilizing so many troops is to assassinate His Royal Highness the Eleventh.

"It's not too late, it's just right." Feng Jue snapped off the arrow on his thigh, and said in a cold voice.

There was already a layer of sweat on his forehead, his standing legs were trembling, and blood slid down the arrowhead.

"Your Highness, you are injured!" Leng Mei hurriedly checked Feng Jue's injury.

"This little injury is nothing? Let's deal with this first, break out and go after Xiao Zhenhai. He's going to kill her. I'm afraid Xiao He won't be able to deal with it alone!"

The pain from the wound made Feng Jue appear calmer and more awake.

"Kill!" Yeluchu gave an order, and arrows rained down.

Night Breeze and Leng Mei guarded Feng Jue, fighting while protecting him!

But in Feng Jue's heart, thinking of Ling Yue'er, it was like a raging flame burning. He was a little tired, but he still attacked at the fastest speed.

With the help of Ye Feng and Leng Mei, two peerless masters, Feng Jue is even more powerful.

He found an opportunity, and during the fight, he suddenly grabbed the bow and arrow from a guard, and shot at Yeluchu on horseback.

Catch a thief first to capture the king, shoot a man first shoot a horse!
"Oh!" Yeluchu couldn't dodge in time, the arrow at close range was fast and hard, he was hit violently, and he fell off the horse!
"Little prince!" Seeing this, the guard hurried forward, nervously inspecting Yeluchu's injuries.

Yeluchu was injured and fell down, bleeding profusely, which disturbed the morale of the guards for a while. Seeing this, Yeluchu quickened his men's fighting movements.

The blood was like raindrops, rushing into the air, falling from the air, and falling on their bodies.

"The situation is critical, don't love to fight, find an opportunity, and evacuate as soon as possible!" Feng Jue said to Night Breeze and Leng Mei in a tight voice.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The two always kept Feng Jue in a safe atmosphere.

In the end, when Yeluchu's injury shook the army's morale, the three of them found a chance and got on the horse.

As soon as he escaped from the dangerous area, Feng Jue relaxed his body a little, and realized the severity of the injury on his body. He loosened his hand holding the rein slightly, and his body almost fell off the horse's back.

Night Breeze was keenly aware of Feng Jue's state, and he immediately flew from his horse to His Highness Eleven's horse, and said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, the end is coming!"

Na Yeluchu saw Feng Jue running away, endured the severe pain, and ordered loudly, "Chasing, chasing! Chase up, take off the head of Lian Jue, quick!"

He really wanted to stand up, but Lian Jue's arrow was too powerful. Although he didn't hit the heart, he might have hurt his heart and lungs. His face was pale and he was sweating profusely, and he was about to faint.

He gritted his teeth, "Kill Feng Jue, kill Feng Jue, go!"

"Yes!" The guards immediately flew on their horses and chased after them!
On Lian Lingyue's side, Zhang Xi and the others led her on horseback and galloped all the way, not daring to delay for a moment.

Lingyue hid in the cloak, tightly grasping Zhang Xi's clothes with both hands, not daring to relax at all, but tears fell unconsciously.

She couldn't see anything, because Lian Jue didn't let her see, and told her to just follow the guards to Shanhaiguan to find Brother Jiu.

However, she knew, she knew now, that someone must have been chasing him, and he lured him away just to buy her time to escape.

Feng Jue, Feng Jue, you said that you want me to stay by your side in the future, you said you would definitely come back to find you, you have to remember what you said, don’t break your promise with me, you must do what you say !

"Ah!" Suddenly, the galloping horse didn't know what frightened it was, and suddenly poured forward.

"What's wrong?" Ling Yue asked nervously.

"Miss, don't be afraid, someone chased up and stabbed the horse!" Zhang Xi said, and immediately ordered the guards around, saying, "Hurry up and wrap your cloak around yourself and expose your eyes. We want to confuse them and make them uncertain. Which is Miss! "

"Yes!" Everyone listened to the order and carried it out immediately.

Lingyue finally couldn't bear it anymore, and quietly untied a corner of the cloak, revealing her eyes——

"Ah..." She gasped suddenly, and there were pursuers behind her!
"Shua!" Another arrow shot over, this time, it hit another horse. The horse was frightened and threw off the guard on the horse's back!
How to do?How to do?
(End of this chapter)

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