First-class daughter

Chapter 1041 Asking for the name of the child

Chapter 1041 Asking for the name of the child

Chapter 1041 Asking for the name of the child

"Run!" Zhang Xi said to the guards who had rolled down from their horses.

This can confuse the pursuers behind, so that they don't know where the lady is, so that they can gain a little chance to escape.

"Stop! Stop!" Seeing the arrows shooting towards Lingyue, Xiao He immediately raised his long sword, and chopped down the guards who were shooting arrows one by one under the horse, immediately, blood splattered everywhere.

"Nizi, stop being stubborn, it's useless, the time for a stick of incense is almost over, you can't save her!" Xiao Zhenhai looked up to the sky and laughed.

Seeing more and more arrows shot past Xiao He, there was a trace of despair in his eyes, he was about to lift the sword again, but found that his strength was not as good as before.

Oops, after the needle penetrated into his body, the medicine began to take effect slowly, if he didn't save Lingyue quickly, he might be helpless himself.

His eyes froze, he no longer wanted to fight, but sprinted forward.

"Stop, stop shooting arrows!" Before the smile on Xiao Zhenhai's face froze, he saw Xiao He rushing to the front. If the random arrows were shot, he would be shot if he was not careful!
"Master Xiang, what should we do now?" the attendant asked.

Seeing Xiao He chasing him all the way, Xiao Zhenhai sighed, and said, "This rebellious son was specially sent by the heavens to subdue me! Stop shooting arrows, chase after him, and fight!"

"Yes, Master Xiang!" All the soldiers listened to the order, pulled out their waists one after another, and chased after him.

But Xiao Zhenhai's sharp gaze kept identifying which one of these horses was Lian Lingyue, he wanted to find an opportunity to shoot her to death!
"Xiao He?" Ling Yue'er saw clearly that the person running in the front was actually Xiao He, did he go and come back?What about the formula?Where did you go again?
"Ah, woo..." At this time, Lian Yan, who was tied up in front of Zhang Xi, was frightened and suddenly started crying. After all, he is a child less than two years old, how could he not be afraid.

Lingyue panicked, and quickly comforted her, "Yan'er, Yan'er, sister is here, don't cry, don't cry, be good, we will see big sister soon."

The horse galloped, and the hooves stomped.

Lian Yan gradually calmed down after hearing her sister's comforting voice.

But - it was too late, Xiao Zhenhai had already caught that cry.

"Haha! On that horse! Come to think of it, that's the only penis in the Lian family, hahaha!"

He raised the arrow in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, aimed at the man on the horse, and with a "swish", the arrow passed over Xiao He's head and shot out——

"Oh!" Ling Yue'er only felt a violent impact, her body was pierced by some sharp object, a piercing pain spread from her chest, her whole body tilted, and she fell off the horse.

"Ling Yue'er!"

Extreme panic appeared in Xiao He's eyes, a heart-piercing cry pierced the sky, the blood in his body stopped flowing immediately, everything in the world seemed to be at a standstill at this moment.


In the middle of the night, Lian Siyue got up abruptly from the bed, screaming, covering her chest with her hands, panting heavily, her hair was wet with sweat, and her heart ached for no reason.

"Princess, what's wrong with you, princess?"

Qing Dai, who was guarding outside, heard Lian Siyue's scream, and hurried in. Afterwards, Nanny Tai and Wu Qiao walked in together. After lighting the candles in the room, she saw the princess sitting on the bed His face was pale, with a panic that he had never seen before.

"Princess, what's the matter with you? Did you have a nightmare?" Mother Tai asked anxiously as she went over.

"Something happened to Lingyue'er, something happened to her!" Lian Siyue clasped Nanny Tai's hand tightly, and shouted a little excitedly, big drops of sweat kept flowing down.

"Princess, no, Miss will be fine. Master Yefeng and Lengmei are here. They will protect her and won't let her have any accidents. You are too nervous and have nightmares." Qing Dai caressed Lian Siyue's back, said.

The servants have never seen Siyue so flustered and frightened, and they all feel nervous.

Lian Siyue closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before finally closing them slowly to calm herself down, but the palpitations still lingered in her heart.

In the nightmare just now, Ling Yue'er was seriously injured and fell down a high cliff. It seemed that she was close to death, but that feeling was so real and shocking.

She supported her protruding belly and sat up from the bed. Qing Dai hurriedly took the cloak and put it on for her, "Princess, be careful of catching a cold."

"Is there any new news from Youzhou?" Lian Siyue asked.

Wu Qiao stepped forward and said, "Go back to the princess, not yet, but Ye Feng and Lengmei are still in Youzhou City, there must be news soon."

"Youzhou is really a dangerous place, and the Xiao family is also there. If Xiao Zhenhai meets Ling Yue'er, he will definitely try his best to kill her. He doesn't like her in the first place, let alone she is my younger sister."

Lian Siyue walked out of the room, came to the door, looked at the sky outside, the sky was already showing a slight fish-belly white, the sky was about to dawn, before dawn, everywhere was foggy and blurry.

She lowered her head and caressed her belly. Unknowingly, the baby in her belly was almost five months old, but her belly was extraordinarily big, as big as someone else's seven-month-old.

"After the child is born, if Lingyue hasn't come back, I will go there in person." Lian Siyue said.

Wu Qiao was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Princess, do you plan to go to Youzhou..."

"If it wasn't for the pregnancy in my belly, I would have left long ago." Lian Siyue said.

Sitting still and waiting for death has never been her way of doing things like a moon. She likes to take the initiative to attack every step of the way, and hits a hit. But now, she needs to be able to give birth to a child, otherwise, everything will be messed up.

"There are still three months before the concubine will give birth. When the time comes, she will give birth to a healthy baby. Maybe the lady will come back by then. The lady likes the child of the concubine. She gave it to the little one with her own hands a long time ago. The baby has already made clothes, and the servants have put them away properly." Mother Tai comforted me. (Ask for the names of two children surnamed Feng, one male and one female. Once adopted, a red envelope will be rewarded.)
Lian Siyue showed a smile on her face, and said, "If she sees the child, she will be very happy, maybe she won't go home anymore, she will stay with me every day."

Family?Speaking of family, they don't even have a family anymore, even the family has been destroyed, it was destroyed in the hands of Feng Qianyue and the Liang family, the Liang family is the secret work of the Yelu family.

She clenched her fists slowly, a trace of coldness overflowed from her eyes——

Revenge, she will definitely avenge it.

Feng Qianyue, Yelu's family, she will never let them go.

But what to do now is to calm down, spend these few months well, and give birth to her and Yun Zheng's child.

(End of this chapter)

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