First-class daughter

Chapter 1043 I'm Sorry

Chapter 1043 I'm Sorry
Chapter 1043 I'm Sorry
After that, ten days later.

Night Breeze returned to Shanhaiguan in a hurry. His shoulder and arm were also injured. He was shot by an arrow in his shoulder and stabbed in his arm. He bandaged the wound himself and rode all the way back from outside the city of Youzhou.

After Feng Jue came back, he was seriously injured, and it took him a few days to recuperate before he was mostly healed. When he saw Night Breeze, he asked in a tight voice, "Did you find Eleven?"

Night Breeze paused, with a hesitant tone, and said, "I found it."

Feng Jue immediately got up from the bed, and suddenly, the violent movement pulled the wound on his shoulder. A painful expression appeared on his face, and he asked in a tight voice, "Where is the person? Did you bring it back?"

Night Breeze shook his head, "Things... are a bit unexpected."

"Night Breeze, what do you mean, tell me quickly!" Feng Jue grabbed Night Breeze's arm tightly and asked anxiously——



That evening.

Because Lian Yan suddenly cried out of fear, Xiao Zhenhai found the target, and Lingyue was hit by an arrow severely, and fell off the horse.

Xiao He looked at the arrow in her body, his heart almost stopped beating, while Xiao Zhenhai laughed wildly, raised the bow and arrow in his hand again, and aimed at Ling Yue.

At this critical moment, Xiao He gritted his teeth and threw the sword in his hand, slashing Xiao Zhenhai's thigh. He cried out in pain, rolled off his horse, and his bow and arrow fell to the ground.

Then, while fighting with the soldiers of the Xiao family, Xiao He exerted all his strength to come to Ling Yue's side, only to see that the arrow pierced through her body, fortunately, it did not hit the heart.

However, she was half unconscious and half awake with her eyes closed, and kept shouting, "Yan'er, Yan'er...don't be afraid..."

Xiao He didn't have time to think about anything, he picked her up horizontally, cut off a man with a sword, grabbed his horse, and carried her on the horse.

Zhang Xi ran away on another horse holding the crying Lian Yan. The only son of Lian's family is also Xiao Zhenhai's target, so he must protect it.

In the end, Xiao He and Ling Yue were forced to the edge of the cliff. During the fight, their horse's hooves were cut off. The guards who were eager to get Xiao Zhenhai's 5000 taels of gold all aimed at Ling Yue, and one of them kicked Ling Yue. Lingyue fell on Yue's body, Xiao He jumped off the cliff and grabbed Lingyue's hand in desperation, and the two fell off the cliff together.

Fortunately, their bodies were blocked by a rock halfway up the mountain, so they didn't fall to the bottom of the cliff.

However, Lingyue's head hit the rock, bleeding profusely, and she passed out completely, and her life and death were unknown for a while.

Night Breeze arrived in time, and the three of them supported each other to escape. Finally, they got rid of the pursuers and stopped in a cave.

Seeing that Lingyue was dying, Xiao He hugged her tightly in his arms. A big man cried heart-piercingly for the first time, tears flowed wantonly, calling her name sentence by sentence, saying sorry to her, crying Night Breeze, who was standing aside, couldn't help being moved.

Fortunately, both Xiao He and Ye Feng had been seriously injured and had narrowly escaped death. They would not be helpless in the face of Ling Yue's injury, and they knew how to find herbs to save themselves.

So, Xiao He stayed to take care of Lingyue, and Night Breeze went to look for herbs to stop Lingyue's bleeding, and then Night Breeze stayed to take care of her, and Xiao He went on to look for herbs, and at the same time, to prevent Xiao Zhenhai's pursuers from coming .

After spending three days and three nights like this nervously, Lingyue finally broke through the gate of hell and slowly opened her eyes.

At that moment, Xiao He knelt down in front of Ling Yue as if he had been reborn, heaved a deep sigh of relief, Night Breeze also let go——

After a near-death experience, Miss finally survived. Such a person will surely become a great weapon in the future.

Then, the three of them left the cave together, looking for another place to hide, because they were afraid that they would be discovered if they stayed in one place for a long time.

Besides, since Xiao He is gone, Empress Dowager Renyi will also look for someone everywhere.

"However, after she woke up this time, she didn't seem to know us anymore." Night Breeze said, "After she woke up, no one remembered."

When Feng Jue heard this, his heart trembled suddenly, and he raised his head, "Don't remember?"

"I think it's because she hit her head against a stone and was injured. Xiao He once touched the back of her head, and there seemed to be a lump of blood inside. I'm afraid that the past would only be remembered after the blood stasis dissipated.

The humble official wanted to bring her to Shanhaiguan to meet the two highnesses, but she was unwilling and refused to leave...Xiao He, now he always follows Xiao He. "After saying this, Night Breeze couldn't help but cast a careful look at Feng Jue, "So, I have no choice but to report this matter to His Highness first, and let His Highness decide what you want." "

Nobody remembers...

Refusing to leave Xiaohe...

Feng Jue felt a heavy blow to his head, and suddenly felt a little dizzy. He leaned against the head of the bed, the wound was torn, and a heart-pounding pain swept through his whole body.

"Where is she now?" Feng Jue asked.

"Leaving Youzhou City with Beizhi, arrived in Guannei, and now in a small village in Guannei, Xiaohe..." Night Breeze said.

"Understood, you go to cultivate yourself first, and heal the wound before you talk." Feng Jue closed his eyes tiredly, as long as Ling Yue'er is still alive, as long as he is still alive, but this is the first time he feels a kind of pain The feeling of boundless sprawl.

"It's just a minor injury in a lowly position. Don't worry about it, Your Highness. Please cultivate yourself." Night Breeze retreated, and Feng Jue sighed deeply——

As soon as Night Breeze arrived, as soon as he walked outside the military tent, Leng Mei greeted him and asked, "How is your injury?"

"Ah..." Night Breeze wailed suddenly, fell his head on Leng Mei's body, and said, "I, I was seriously injured, I can't hold it anymore." Then he closed his eyes and put himself all over Everyone leaned on Leng Mei.

Seeing his limp appearance, Leng Mei's heart tightened, and he immediately supported him, saying, "Hold on, and I'll ask the doctor to check your injury right away."

She held Night Breeze's hand with one hand and supported his waist with the other, and dragged the tall and burly man into the tent with great effort, until he lay down on the bed.

And Night Breeze's hand hooked Lengmei's neck, and when he lay down on the bed, he also pulled her off, and she fell on top of him all at once.

"Night Breeze!" she shouted, about to get up.

"Don't move!" In the end, Night Breeze pressed her back with one hand and let her lie on his body, and said, "Let me hold her for a while, it will be fine, hold me for a while, I am in too much pain, the injury is too serious .”

Leng Mei was very anxious at first, but when he heard him say that and felt the strength from his hand, he knew that although he was injured, it didn't affect him very much.

This guy is just taking advantage of her sympathy to "lighten" her!

She raised her hand and was about to hit his abdomen, but in the end she slowly put her hand down, leaned on his body, closed her eyes, and didn't say a word.

A smile appeared on Night Breeze's face, and his heart was at ease.

In fact, his body really hurts, but holding his little eyebrow like this, he feels much better, "This is the best."

He whispered in her ear.

Five days later.

The snow is white, the sky and the earth are white, everything in the world seems to have been washed, it is extraordinarily clean and fresh.

On this day, the sun appeared in the sky inexplicably, and it seemed that the snow would melt within a day or two.

In front of a small thatched hut, a girl was wearing a white fur fox robe and a white felt hat, her whole body seemed to be integrated with the white snow in front of the hut.

However, on that plain little face, a pair of obsidian-like eyes looked radiant. She pulled a branch beside her and wrote on the snow in the open space in front of her.

At this time, a handsome man came from outside with a handful of firewood on his body. He stepped on the snow and made a creaking sound, making the place even more peaceful and beautiful.

He saw the girl sitting on the ground at a glance, hurriedly put down the firewood on his back, took off the cloak on his body, walked over quickly, helped her up, put the cloak on the ground and let her sit, with a reproachful tone And caressed, said, "The ground is very cold, why are you sitting, you are not in good health yet."

The girl raised her head, her eyes were clear, a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Look, I wrote your name."

He looked down and saw the words "Xiao He" printed on the snow. Xiao He smiled, and a warm current surged in his heart, and said, "So you are writing my name."

"I still wanted to write my name, but I forgot it all at once. After thinking about it for a while, I got a headache, so I didn't want to." She looked aggrieved and touched her head.

Xiao He smiled, took the branch from her, turned around, wrote the three characters "Lian Lingyue" stroke by stroke on the wall beside him, and said, "This is your name, I won't remember it later. When you read it, you don’t need to think hard, you will know it at a glance, and you will remember it after watching it a few times.”

"Lian, Ling, Yue." She read her name word by word, then smiled, and said, "Xiao He, Xiao He, I like this name, it sounds nice."

"Of course, Ling Yue'er's name sounds the best." Standing behind her, Xiao He said softly and affectionately. He lowered his head and looked at Ling Yue'er, who smiled brilliantly and had no burden at all. There is a feeling of going back to my childhood.

Lingyue at that time often called his name loudly, over and over again, "Xiao He, Xiao He!"

And he smiled and followed behind her.

"By the way, when I was cutting firewood on the mountain, I caught a wild rabbit. I asked the aunt on the mountain how to make rabbit meat. You, I will make you a good meal of rabbit meat today, so that you can replenish your body. You I was injured and my body is too weak. I don’t know how to cook, which caused you to eat badly for the past few days. When I ate the food I cooked for the first time, it was so bad that I vomited. I didn’t let you get well Had a few delicious meals."

(End of this chapter)

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