First-class daughter

Chapter 1044 He is here too

Chapter 1044 He is here too
Chapter 1044 He is here too
Speaking of it, Xiao He felt very guilty, living with him these days, Ling Yue'er never ate a delicious meal, but every time she finished eating, she would happily say, "Xiao He, it's so good Ah, it's delicious."

In fact, even taking a bite by himself, he found it hard to swallow.

As he spoke, he walked back to the pile of firewood, and pulled out a gray-haired rabbit. The rabbit was very fat, curled up in Xiao He's hands.

When Lingyue saw her, the expression on that little face became gloomy. She hurriedly ran towards him and said, "No, don't eat her."

"Hey, don't run, just stand there, I'll go right away." Seeing that she was running, Xiao He hastily warned loudly, and walked to her in a hurry, held her shoulders, and said, "You Can't run, you know?"

Lingyue ignored his "rebuke", snatched the little rabbit from him, held it in her arms, stroked its fur, and said, "Don't eat it, I don't eat rabbit meat, I want to keep it. "

"Raise it." Xiao He said with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Ling Yue'er, I can't even raise you well, can I still raise a rabbit?"

"Yes!" Lingyue widened her eyes immediately, and nodded with certainty, "The little rabbit only needs to eat vegetables."

Where can I find vegetables this winter?

However, seeing Ling Yue'er's eagerness to raise this little rabbit, Xiao He's heart immediately softened. He nodded, patted Ling Yue's head lightly, and said, "If you like it, you can raise it." Well, I'll find vegetables for it to eat, but you don't have any meat to eat tonight."

When Lingyue heard that he was willing to let her keep the little rabbit, she immediately smiled and said, "It's okay, I don't eat meat."

Seeing her satisfied smile, bright and sunny, hitting Xiao He's heart directly and heavily, his heart trembled, but the expression on his face gradually became dignified——

Ling Yue'er can't remember anything, he suddenly has the opportunity to take care of her, love her, get along with her day and night, enjoy the happiness he has dreamed of for a long time, every time he sees how she is very attached to him, he feels that everything is satisfied I don't care about anything anymore.

But, does this count as lying to her?

"Xiao He, what are you thinking? Go and help me find a piece of wood, please? I'll make a nest for the little rabbit in the house." Lingyue called Xiao He twice before he came back to his senses.

"Okay, I'll look for it." He turned and went out to find the board.

During dinner, Xiao He was lighting the fire and cooking vegetables, while Ling Yue'er was playing around the little rabbit at the door.

At first, the little rabbit wanted to run away, because its leg was injured, so it stopped running. Later, when Lingyue was playing with it, it didn't seem to want to run away anymore, and rubbed against her feet, Rubbing.

Lingyue held a leaf in her hand and fed it, with a satisfied smile on her face.

At this time, suddenly, a group of guards appeared at the door of the house. She looked up and was taken aback for a moment. Just when she was about to go back to the house and call Xiao He, she saw the guards standing in two rows, each with a face on their faces. A strange man appeared in front of her——

The reason why his face is a bit strange is because one side has picturesque eyebrows and is very handsome, while the other side has a scar that extends from the corner of the eye to the corner of the lip.

Moreover, what's even more strange is that there seemed to be a trace of sadness in his eyes, which made her a little at a loss.

Stepping on the thick snow, he walked up to her step by step, looking down at her, while she raised her head and looked at him bewilderedly.

I saw that he paused in front of her, hugged the little rabbit, then tore a piece of cloth from his robe, and said to her, "You hold it, and I'll bandage it up."

For some reason, she obediently listened to his words, grabbed the little rabbit's body, and watched him skillfully bandage the wound on the little gray rabbit's leg bit by bit.

"Have you ever raised a little rabbit?" She couldn't help being curious, and asked, like Xiao He, she wouldn't think of bandaging a rabbit.

He smiled slightly, with a clear and pure smile on his face, and said, "I haven't raised one. I knew someone before. She liked to raise small animals. She has raised deer and rabbits. I have seen how she bandaged them. Remember It's in my heart."

"So that's how it is." Ling Yue looked down at the bandaged little rabbit, while Feng Jue looked at her silently, with tears floating in his eyes——

She really doesn't remember him anymore, not at all. When she sees him, she never smiles like before, even without any waves.

He liked her just now, but she forgot about him. Is this a punishment from the heavens?
"By the way, who are you? Are you here to rest?" Ling Yue hurriedly raised her head as if she suddenly remembered something, and asked.

He also has bodyguards, depending on his attire, he might be the little general from Shanhaiguan or something.


"Ling Yue'er..." Here, Xiao He who had finished cooking came out and shouted, he saw Feng Jue standing in front of him, and immediately——

With a "pop", the soup in his hand fell to the ground, and the hot soup wet the upper of the shoe.

"Ah, Xiao He!" Seeing this, Lingyue's face flashed panic, she hurried over, helped him sit on a chair beside her, went to take off his shoes and boots, and said, "Such a hot soup , My feet are going to be scalded! I'll get the ointment!"

She was so nervous that she hurried over with the ointment.

And Xiao He's eyes were fixed on Feng Jue outside the room from beginning to end, and Feng Jue was also looking at him, and the eyes of the two met in mid-air.

"Xiao He, your feet are red, quickly apply some ointment." Ling Yue didn't notice the turbulent tide between these two people at all, she was only worried about Xiao He's health.

Hearing her anxious voice, Xiao He hurriedly lowered his head, took the ointment from her hand, wiped it on his feet indiscriminately, and said comfortingly, "I'm fine, don't worry, this bowl of soup has cooled a bit , not hot."

After hearing this, Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good, I'm scared to death, I'm afraid you will get hurt again."

"It's okay, don't worry, I won't get hurt again." Xiao He said, looking at Feng Jue.

"By the way, this person seems to have come to rest." Ling Yue approached Xiao He and whispered.

"Please come in." Xiao He said to Feng Jue.

Feng Jue paused, and finally walked in, Xiao He said, "Ling Yue'er, please say hello, I'll make another bowl of soup."

Xiao He walked into the kitchen quickly, didn't say anything, continued to squat in front of the stove to add firewood, the ashes floated out, making him who was not good at doing these things coughed.

When the firewood finally got hotter, he started to prepare potatoes again, but after doing it several times, he couldn't get it right. In the end, the knife cut his hand all of a sudden, revealing his flustered heart.

Finally, he finally leaned against the wall and closed his eyes deeply——

Feng Jue came to recognize Ling Yue'er, so give them space and time, he clenched his fists tightly, the fire in the stove was crackling, reflecting on his face, shining with a strange brilliance.


Feng Jue sat down on the table, Ling Yue sat opposite him, he looked at her deeply, sad and complicated eyes.

Lingyue finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "You know me, right? I got some injuries and I don't remember anything. If we were acquaintances, you have to tell me so I can know."

Feng Jue opened his mouth, the corners of his lips were trembling, his eyes were hot, and he said, "Yes, I know you, and you know me too."

"Then you are..." Ling Yue looked at him and asked.

"Lianjue, my name is Lianjue." He said his name slowly, which is what she used when calling him, so he called himself "Lianjue".

He spoke every word slowly and forcefully. He intended to evoke part of her memory, hoping that when she heard the name, she would suddenly think of her.Then, like before, he ran in front of him, raised his face, and said happily, "Lian Jue, are you here?"

"Lianjue, Lianjue?" She slowly repeated the name, trying to remember something, "Lianjue, Lianjue..." Suddenly, she hugged her head tightly, with a smile on her face. With a painful expression, he said, "I can't remember, I can't remember anything, my head, my head hurts so much, Xiao He, Xiao He, where are you?"

When Feng Jue saw Ling Yue suddenly like this, she was startled and stood up abruptly, "Eleventh, eleventh, you, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao He in the kitchen heard Ling Yue'er's sudden painful voice, and hurried out, grabbed her shoulders, "Ling Yue'er, what's wrong with you, Ling Yue'er."

Lingyue held her head in her hands, shook it vigorously, and said in pain, "Xiao He, I can't remember anything, I can't remember anything, my head hurts, my head hurts, I..." she said With that, his eyes closed, his body went limp, and he passed out in Xiao He's arms.

"Eleventh!" Seeing this, Feng Jue was stunned.

Seeing Xiao He picked her up and walked into the room, he followed immediately, with an anxious expression on his face, and asked, "She fainted, what should I do? I'll get someone to call the doctor! Zhang Xi, call the doctor in." !"

He knew that Xiao He and Ling Yue were both injured, so he brought a doctor over to examine them.

Soon, the doctor came in and sat on the edge of the bed to examine Ling Yue'er. She closed her eyes tightly, and although it was a cold winter day, she was sweating profusely.

Feng Jue and Xiao He stood beside the bed, both of them had very nervous expressions on their faces.

Xiao He explained: "Her head was injured, she doesn't remember anything, and neither do I, but because when she wakes up, the first thing she sees is me, so she will... involuntarily depend on me. .

Moreover, as long as she tries to think about things, her head will hurt. She can't remember her name, and when she thinks about it, it will hurt. What's more, she is thinking of your name. "Xiao He said.

"No wonder, I saw her name on the wall." Feng Jue felt a pain in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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