First-class daughter

Chapter 1046 Send something

Chapter 1046 Send something
Chapter 1046 Send something
outside the house.

"Young master, you are better than you are young. These injuries have not hurt the root, but they still need to be carefully recuperated. I have left some medicine for you. You take it on time, and some external medicines are also left behind." Liang Liang As the doctor said, he raised his head, only to find that Xiao He was absent-minded again, and he was not focused on his injury.

"My lord, my lord..." Seeing this, Dr. Liang called softly a few times.

"Oh, good, good." Xiao He recovered and said hastily.

At this time, the door opened, Feng Jue came out from inside, Xiao He stood up quickly, "Your Highness."

A faint wry smile appeared on the corner of Feng Jue's lips, and said, "She doesn't want to go with me."

When Xiao He heard it, he was stunned, and clenched his fists beside him, not knowing whether to be happy or worried.

Feng Jue came over, reached out and patted his shoulder, and then walked out of the room.

"Your Highness..." Xiao He took a few steps forward.

Feng Jue stopped in his tracks, without turning his head, and said, "After I return to the camp, I ordered someone to bring some food and clothes over, and Ling Yue'er will...entrust you to take care of it." After saying that, he didn't turn his head back, and raised his feet in a hurry walked out.

"Your Highness, your horse." Zhang Xi led the horse and walked over. Feng Jue jumped on the horse with long legs. Whip, the horse galloped in the snow and left here.

On the horseback, he looked calmly, staring straight ahead.

After returning to the barracks, he turned over from his horse, Leng Mei stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, Young Master Yan has been crying."

As soon as Feng Jue heard it, he immediately opened the curtain, bent over and went inside——

I saw Lian Yan sitting on his bed, his crying face wrinkled into a ball, shouting "Sister, sister..." The two guards stood aside, helpless.

Feng Jue walked over quickly, picked him up from the bed, and he immediately put his arms around Feng Jue's neck, shouting "Sister, come here, come back."

Feng Jue's heart felt sour, his eyes felt hot, he put this soft little body into his arms clumsily, and comforted him, "Be good, Yan'er, sister is safe now, don't worry, I just went to see her, she is fine, But it will be a while before we come back.”

Hearing Feng Jue's words, Lian Yan slowly calmed down, looked at him with teary eyes, and yelled vaguely, "Brother, brother..."

call him brother?Feng Jue's heart trembled, he raised his sleeve to wipe away the tears on his face, and said, "Yes, brother is here, brother is protecting you, don't be afraid, be good, okay?"

Lian Yan nodded, raised his hand, touched Feng Jue's flushed eyes, and said, "Don't cry, don't cry."

"I didn't cry. The wind was too strong just now, and I lost my eyes." Feng Jue smiled, his eyes were red, and his voice choked up slightly.

"Hungry, hungry..." Lian Yan touched his stomach, smacked his mouth, and said.

"Are you hungry? Leng Mei, go get some food." Feng Jue instructed Leng Mei who was standing at the door.

"Yes, Your Highness." Soon, Leng Mei brought a chicken leg and a bowl of hot porridge.

Lian Yan laughed through his tears, grabbed the chicken leg and began to gnaw it, laughing while eating, and looked at Feng Jue from time to time.

"Yan'er, eat slowly, don't worry..." Feng Jue saw that he was eating happily, but felt a little sad in his heart—for such a young child, he traveled all the way from Kyoto to Youzhou with Ling Yueer. Life and death, other people's life, he had already experienced it when he was less than two years old.

"Your sister is very powerful, she took good care of you and never suffered any harm, but she herself..."

Feng Jue remembered the situation where Yue'er refused to go with her just now, and his heart was stabbed like a needle, but he quickly hid his emotions, and said with a smile, "And eldest sister, she knows Yan'er's life is like this. Hard, I will be very happy, the Lian family has hope."

No matter what happened in the past, but what happened to the family members, those people unfortunately died, and there will be a new family in the future, and the hope of this family rests on Yan'er.

"Is he not crying?" At this time, Feng Yunzheng opened the military tent and walked in, asking.

"I stopped crying after eating." Feng Jue put Lian Yan on a chair beside him, stood up, and said.

"I just sent a letter to Siyue, informing her of the whereabouts of Lingyue and Lian Yan, so that she can feel at ease." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Eldest sister has worked really hard. She was pregnant and worked so hard. She wiped out her family and made Yue'er Lianyan disappear. If it were anyone else, she couldn't hold on long ago. Only elder sister can hold on. I remembered When she just came back from Yaocheng, she was already bullied by Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya so that she was not like the eldest daughter, but she insisted on making a way out of it. At that time, I really admired her and worshiped her very much. I looked up to her and thought she was the most powerful woman in the world." Feng Jue recalled the days in the Lian family, and suddenly realized that it was a long time ago.

"Yes, she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and no one can compare to her." When he talked about Moonlight, his face was full of sweetness and longing, "I only hope that she will give birth to our child well, Be safe and healthy."

"It will definitely." Feng Jue replied affirmatively.

Feng Yunzheng came over, looked at Lian Yan first, then at Feng Jue, and comforted, "Zhang Xi told me about Ling Yue'er just now, she refused to go with you because of her I don't remember the past, that girl has always been infatuated with you, and she will come back when she remembers."

"What if, she can't remember? And what if, her mind gradually changes, and when she remembers, she won't... have any feelings for me anymore." Only in front of Feng Yunzheng, Only Feng Jue could reveal his anxiety and uneasiness, "Brother Jiu Wang, I'm very scared, I'm afraid that Shi Shi will never come back again."

Feng Yunzheng walked in front of him and said, "Actually, that's not always the case. Some people have never forgotten each other from the previous life to this life, and they still love each other deeply. Those things buried in the deepest part of their hearts will never be forgotten. Yes. Feng Jue, wait slowly."

"However, Xiao He also treats Eleven..." Today, he has seen that Xiao He is very interested in Eleven, and a great general in the past actually washed his hands and made soup for her.

"Actually, the most important thing is not what you and Xiao He think, but what Ling Yue'er thinks. She has her own choice. What you have to do is to guard and wait for a long time." Feng Yunzheng said earnestly .

After hearing this, Feng Jue turned around silently, and walked to his desk. Before he knew it, the booklet was already filled with the "one" that she asked him to draw.

In that room.

After Feng Jue left, Xiao He returned to the room, only to see Ling Yue'er leaning on the head of the bed, with a puzzled and bewildered face,

Seeing him coming in, she immediately sat up straight and said, "Your Highness the Eleventh just now, let me go with him. He said that he and I are acquaintances."

Xiao He came to her bed, sat down, and said, "You know each other, why don't you go with him?"

Ling Yue looked at him and said, "Because you are here, of course I won't leave."

Xiao He's heart trembled suddenly, and he was so happy that he was about to fly. With a trembling voice, he asked, "Really? You didn't leave because I was here?"

"Yeah." Lingyue nodded, "I don't remember anything, but when I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was you, so you must be the most important person to me."

"Ling Yue'er..." Xiao He pulled her into his arms, "It's great, I'm so happy, I'm willing to die."

Although, she said the words when she lost her memory, but Xiao He was really happy, happy, never been so happy in his life, really, even if he died now, he would have no regrets.

"Fool, you can't die. If you die, what should I do if I'm hungry?" Ling Yue stretched out her hand, patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, I actually forgot about your meal. Come down quickly, and I'll help you to eat." Xiao He helped Lingyue up from the bed and walked to the outer room. It's a pity that such a mess of food It's all cold.

After Xiao He warmed up the food, Ling Yue'er ate it one bite at a time.

After lunch, Xiao He asked Ling Yue to listen to the doctor's orders, lie down on the bed and rest more, don't think about anything, and take care of her body first.

During this period of time, Xiao He went out and swept the half-melted snow in the yard to the sides, so as not to make it difficult to walk in the wet.

After sweeping the yard, I tidied up the house again, making this humble place as comfortable as possible.

During this period, he sneaked into the room to watch, Ling Yue'er was sleeping soundly, breathing evenly, he couldn't help laughing—he felt a feeling of living inexplicably.

This is the real life, the life he likes.

Ling Yue'er slept until the sun set and woke up. At this time, two guards brought some food and two thick fur fox jackets, put them down and left without saying a word.

Ling Yue'er looked at the beef, rice, and warm clothes, and asked, "Isn't it all sent by His Highness?"

"Yes, it's him, Feng Jue." Xiao He nodded.

"He's quite considerate," Ling Yue said.

Then, Xiao He put the beef and rice into the kitchen. Tonight, Lingyue can finally have a good meal of meat. Feng Jue is very caring, and the beef brought by someone is the most tender part. Definitely delicious.

Lingyue stood in the room, holding the warm fur fox jacket in her hands, watching the two taciturn guards gradually walk away, she turned and entered the room, and put the fur fox jacket on the chair.

at dinner time.

Xiao He rubbed his head, with a guilty expression on his face, and said, "It's burnt, and the good beef was wasted. What a pity, it's a waste of Feng Jue's efforts."

Lingyue didn't seem to care, "No, it's mushy, but it looks delicious." She picked up a piece of mushy beef, put it in her mouth, and chewed a few mouthfuls——

(End of this chapter)

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