Chapter 1047 A Memorable Day

Chapter 1047 A Memorable Day

"Ouch..." But this time, she really couldn't help it, because the beef had a fishy smell, and she couldn't stand it, so she vomited it up.

"Don't eat, don't eat, if you eat like this, you will get sick." Xiao He got up quickly, poured out all the beef, brought water to drink, and patted her back for a long time, the feeling of vomiting swallowed.

In the end, Ling Yue'er only drank a bowl of porridge, she kept comforting Xiao He, and said, "Don't feel guilty, I think drinking porridge is good, but you, a big man, drink with me every day Porridge, can you hold it?"

"..." Xiao He sighed and got up to pack the dishes.

Ling Yue followed him into the kitchen, and said, "Why don't I learn how to cook starting tomorrow. I'm a woman, so I should be able to learn quickly."

"No, I can't let you into the kitchen. The ash is heavy. Be careful if you choke. Don't worry. I've made up my mind. I'll bring some ingredients tomorrow and go to the aunt on the mountain to learn cooking skills. I don't believe it. Thousands of troops are hard to come by." Don't beat me, this small kitchen can still stump me!" Xiao He looked like he was united.


Ling Yue was sleeping on the bed, Xiao He covered her with a quilt, and after talking to her a few words, he extinguished the candle in the room, lay down on the two combined stools at the door of the room, and said something , "Ling Yue'er, sleep well."

"Well, you too." Ling Yue closed her eyes and said, she was still wearing the fur fox jacket that Feng Jue sent over.

outside the house.

A lone figure stood alone in the thick snow, looking at the candlelit room, until the lights went out, he turned and left silently.


"Ah!" Suddenly, Ling Yue screamed.

"Ling Yue'er!" Xiao He got up suddenly, quickly lit the candle, and walked quickly in front of Ling Yue.

Seeing that Ling Yue'er was sweating profusely, her face was terrified, and her face was full of tears, she held Xiao He's arm tightly and said hurriedly, "I, I almost died, I almost died, So many arrows, so many, so many, I was almost killed!"

"No, no, you're having a nightmare, Ling Yue'er!" Xiao He quickly held her hand, wiped the sweat off her face, and comforted her softly, "It's okay, it's okay."

Lingyue's chest was heaving, and slowly, slowly, she calmed down, choked up and said, "It's so scary, it feels so real, I still feel like I've been shot by an arrow all of a sudden, the one who shot the arrow at me Man, who is it? Why did he kill me?"

When Xiao He heard this, his heart was hit hard. He didn't know how to answer Ling Yue's words. The past story was too long and complicated. If he wanted to tell Ling Yue, she might even get a headache.

"Don't think too much, Ling Yue'er, the doctor said you can't think about things, now, take a deep breath, don't think about anything..." Xiao He sat on the edge of the bed, holding her shoulders with both hands, and let her lie down again Go down and close your eyes.

From then on, he sat on the head of the bed, watching her silently. In her sleep, she kept wrinkling slightly, and occasionally uttered a word or two in her sleep.

She didn't really fall asleep until it was almost dawn.

Xiao He breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door, walked out, made breakfast, and started a new day of life.On days like this, he lived every day as if it was his last, reminding himself that he must cherish it.

After Lingyue got up and had breakfast, Xiao He decided to go to the mountain. Originally, he left Lingyue to rest at home and play with the little rabbit.

But when he got to the door, he looked back and saw Ling Yue squatting on the ground teasing the little rabbit. He felt hot and walked back quickly, saying, "Ling Yue'er, you can go up the mountain with me, when you can't walk anymore , I will carry you on my back."

When Lingyue heard this, she stood up, dropped the branch in her hand, and said happily, "Okay, actually, I wanted to go. You're not here. I don't know what to do when I'm alone at home."

"Then let's go." Xiao He said.


The two set off together, on the way, Lingyue's hand held Xiao He's robe, the two talked all the way up the mountain.

Stepping on the snow, there was a creaking sound, which sounded very beautiful to Xiao He.

He never thought that in this life, he and Ling Yue'er could spend some time together like this. He only hoped that such days could be passed more slowly, more slowly.

"It would be great if time could stand still." Xiao He said Ling Yue who suddenly bowed his head and walked.

"Why stand still, it's beautiful to move forward." Ling Yue'er said.

"That's right, let's continue walking." Seeing her walking tremblingly, Xiao He stretched out his hand to support her.

Halfway up the mountain, the aunt was doing something in the yard, Xiao He walked over, stood at the door, and shouted heartily, "Auntie, I'm Xiao He, here I come."

The aunt looked up, a smile appeared on her face immediately, and she said, "Brother, you are here, the wild rabbit yesterday is delicious."

Xiao He looked back at Ling Yue'er, and said, "I don't know, I haven't eaten."

"Hehehe." The aunt showed an ambiguous smile on her face, and said, "My little brother really hurts me, so give it to the little girl next to me."

Ling Yueer smiled and said, "Auntie, don't listen to him, I haven't eaten, I'm raising it."

"Have you raised it? Hehehe, come in quickly, come in quickly, it's quite cold outside." The aunt happily opened the door and let the two of them in.

When he arrived at the house, Xiao He explained the purpose of his visit, that he came to ask for cooking skills, and he also brought beef.

"Okay! Then you stay here for lunch, and I'll cook the beef for you, and then add two other dishes." The aunt said.

"Thank you, Great God!" Xiao He seemed very happy, he let Ling Yue sit in the room, while he went into the kitchen to learn how to cook.

Lingyue ran into the yard, and she saw a few green shoots growing in the soil where the snow had melted.

"It's amazing, the seeds of winter have also germinated."

She squatted on the ground, took a shovel, and shoveled away the snow beside Xiao Miao.

After playing like this for a while, she felt that her hands were a little cold, so she got up and ran back to the house. She suddenly wanted to see what Xiao He was doing.

So, she sneaked to the kitchen door and looked inside——

I saw that the aunt was cutting the beef, and Xiao He was watching beside him. His expression was very serious, as if he was dealing with a very serious matter, without blinking his eyes, and he did not dare to be sloppy at all.

He also carefully asked about the knife method for cutting beef, how to remove the fishy smell, and so on, all of which were firmly in mind.

Then, he helped the aunt to light the fire, and asked whether it was better to fry the beef with a high fire or a small fire.

Standing at the door, Ling Yue'er was very moved when she saw him being so cautious and nervous about a dish——

Xiao He, you are such a fool.

Xiao He turned his head and saw Ling Yue'er standing at the kitchen door, with a smile on his face, and winked at her, Ling Yue'er couldn't help laughing too.

"Don't stand here watching, go out and play, you will be choked here, just wait a little longer, and there will be delicious food later." Xiao He wiped his hands, walked over, and said.

"Okay." Ling Yue'er obediently waited outside.

After a while, the food came over, the beef was delicious, tender and juicy.

Both Xiao He and Ling Yue'er were feasting, eating two or three bowls of rice.

The aunt smiled and said, "Brother, now you know how to stir-fry beef."

"Thank you, auntie, I got it, I got it." Xiao He said while picking up his rice.

"Girl, this little brother is really caring. If you want to let you eat well by yourself, it is really reliable." The aunt gave Ling Yue'er another bowl of rice and said, Ling Yue's face turned red .

Xiao He was taken aback, and quickly said, "Auntie, stop joking, she will be shy later, so she put down her chopsticks and left."

"Hahaha..." The aunt laughed.

Xiao He's eating movements slowed down, and he looked at the person in front of him with a somewhat heavy gaze.

After finishing lunch, Lingyue asked the aunt for two radishes, and the aunt taught Xiao He how to stir-fry some commonly eaten side dishes. Xiao He had a good memory and remembered them all at once.

"Don't be discouraged, just fry it a few more times, and your days are still long." The aunt encouraged him and said.

After hearing this, Xiao He looked at Ling Yue who was standing in the yard waiting for him, and was startled again. Finally, after thanking his aunt three times, he left her house.

After they left.

Zhang Xi stepped forward and said to Feng Jue who was standing behind the tree, "Your Highness, it's time to go back. You have been here for two days in a row. Soon, the battle will start."

"This commander knows." After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes away fiercely and got on the horse!

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, countless people have entrusted their lives and future to him. Now, he can't be distracted by his children's personal affairs. He came here for two consecutive days to see how Ling Yue'er lives. .

Now, it can be regarded as a matter of concern, and it is time to prepare to deal with the Khitan people and Xiao Zhenhai!

After returning to the barracks, he immediately summoned Feng Yunzheng and a group of generals. Half a month later, he was going to fight against Khitan and take down Yeluchu and Xiao Zhenhai in one fell swoop!
The crowd was enthusiastic and expressed their willingness to follow the eleventh prince.

half a month later.

The two sides officially began to confront each other. On the Khitan side, Xiao Zhenhai and Yelu Chu led the three armies, and on the Da Zhou side, brothers Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue.

On the day of the start of the war, Lian Siyue just received a letter from Feng Yunzheng from Shanhaiguan, saying that both Ling Yueer and Yaner had been found, and that both of them were safe and sound. After the war ended, they returned to Beijing together. , Feng Yunzheng deliberately concealed the part of causing Yue'er to lose her memory in the letter, he didn't want to think too much about it.

Lian Siyue held the letter in both hands, very happy, and read it two or three times.

The servants around heard the good news, and they were beaming one by one.

Qing Dai knelt on the ground, clasped her hands together, with tears in her eyes, she said, "Bodhisattva bless you, the lady and the young master are all safe, now our princess can feel at ease, and don't have to have nightmares anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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