First-class daughter

Chapter 1048 True and False

Chapter 1048 True and False
Chapter 1048 True and False
"Yeah, princess, you don't have to go to Youzhou to find someone, just wait for His Royal Highness to come back in the palace." Wu Qiao was shocked last time when she heard that the princess planned to go to Youzhou in person, that place is too dangerous .

"Now that I know the news about Ling Yue'er and Yan'er, I don't need to go, just wait for them to come back. The Lian family has new hope." Lian Siyue breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the person who should be found, the revenge that should be avenged can't just be forgotten like this——

Feng Qianyue, Yeluchu, no matter where the world ends, she still wants to find them. She wants to kill them herself!
political affairs hall.

Feng Ye received the note that Feng Jue handed back from Shanhaiguan, and when he heard the news of the war, he was silent for a long time, and said, "I will tell you that the supply of food must be guaranteed in the rear, and there must be no shortage."

"Yes!" All the ministers said.

After coming out of the Zhengshitang, Xu Guogong stepped up quickly and said, "Your Highness, go back to the palace and have a good talk."

There was a deep look in Xu Guogong's eyes, Feng Ye nodded.

After the two arrived at Prince Yu's mansion, they entered the study room, Feng Ye ordered the guards in the courtyard, no one was allowed to approach the study room without permission.

As soon as he entered the study, Xu Guogong lowered his voice and said, "Your Highness, this is a great opportunity."

Feng Ye's heart sank slightly, and he asked, "What opportunity did Grandfather talk about?"

Xu Guogong lowered his voice and said——

"Your Highness, have you heard the story of Zhao Mo ascending the throne in history? Back then, the fifth prince of the Dali Dynasty, Zhao Mo, took advantage of the prince Zhao Ying's expedition to secretly join forces with the generals in the army and cut off the food and grass in the rear. Zhao Ying was defeated and finally committed suicide. Take the opportunity to let the ministers headed by the prime minister lobby the seriously ill emperor..." (I made up the story)

"Xu Guogong!" Feng Ye stopped Xu Guogong from continuing, his heart was beating violently, "Grandfather forgot, and finally Zhao Mo killed the emperor."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, you don't need to do this step and you don't need to kill the emperor, but it's time for you to be ruthless. Although His Highness supervises the country, looking at the entire court, His Highness Ninth Highness and His Highness Eleventh are still very threatening to you." Big ones, only by cutting the weeds and roots can we avoid future troubles." Xu Guogong stared at Feng Ye closely and said.

Feng Ye walked slowly to the desk, his feet softened, he sat down, and said, "Let me think about it."

"Your Highness, as a politician, you must not be soft-hearted, and your sons and daughters love each other! If you don't talk too far, let's talk about how our emperor became God in the first place. It was killing his own brother. Did anyone say anything later? The one who won the throne The one who wins the world, the one who wins the throne wins the hearts of the people, Your Highness." Xu Guogong pressed him again, and said.

"Don't say any more! Xu Guogong, your words today have gone out of line several times. If you spread them out, you and I will be murdered. You should leave quickly. This king must be quiet!" Feng Ye stood up abruptly.

Xu Guogong looked at him, a flash of emotion flashed in his eyes, and said, "Yes, Your Highness, I will retire, please think twice, Your Highness, don't miss this great opportunity!

After speaking, Xu Guogong bowed and withdrew.

Feng Ye sat on the chair and didn't come to his senses for a long time. What his grandfather said was right. Looking at the entire court, only Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye were his opponents.

He sat like this until it was almost dark.

"Hey, why is it so dark here? Why don't you turn on the lights? Where are the slaves going?" He didn't turn his head to look at the door until Feng Yu came.

"I didn't let them in, I was thinking about something." Feng Ye said, then motioned to the servant at the door, and lit the lights in the room.

Feng Yu leaned closer and looked at his face curiously, "Frowning tightly, with a serious face, it seems that there is something hidden in your heart, and this matter makes you feel difficult to make a decision, tell me and let me listen to you, brother. Check it out."

"You will be scared when you hear it." Feng Ye said, and motioned to close the study door.

"I want to hear more about what can scare me these days." Feng Yu walked over to the opposite chair, turned around, and said in a low voice with a smile flashing across her face, "Could it be that you also suddenly Then I found out that women are not interesting, and then I became like me."

"I want to cut off the food and grass in the rear of Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue, cooperate with the Khitan people inside and outside, drive the two of them to a dead end, make them never return to the capital, and completely wipe out these two opponents." Feng Ye said.

"Bang!" Feng Yu was about to sit down, but when he heard Feng Ye's words, he fell from the chair to the ground. He looked at Feng Ye in shock and sat on the ground.

"What do you think of this method? It is indeed a method that will never cause future troubles. After these years, I have come to this point. If I work harder, will I succeed?" Feng Ye looked overly shocked. Feng Ye, who fell to the ground, said.

"You, you, are you joking? Or is it true? You have already acted?" Feng Yu asked with a trembling voice.

"What do you think?" The corners of Feng Ye's lips rose slightly, noncommittal.

Feng Yu was stunned for a long time before finally getting up from the ground and sitting on the chair, her hands were still trembling, "Of course, you and I have deep feelings for ourselves, and I always support you as a brother, but...Feng Ye, we It’s true that you really want the throne, but you still have to talk about the basic morals, killing your father and brother, colluding with the enemy country, this will be infamous forever, even if you really get the throne, you will be in trouble day and night.” Feng Yu suddenly became a little confused It is not clear whether what Feng Ye said is true or not.

"Isn't there a saying that goes like this? Those who win the throne rule the world, and those who win the throne win the hearts of the people. If you win the throne, are you still afraid of these things?" Feng Ye's tone was flat and his expression was calm.

"Feng Ye, what the hell are you..." Feng Yu swallowed forcefully, staring at Feng Ye closely, trying hard to tell the truth from what he said, "You are right, the world of the one who wins the throne , the one who wins the throne wins the hearts of the people, but what if he fails? Then he will die without a whole body!"

"Hahaha..." Feng Ye suddenly laughed out loud, causing Feng Yu to tremble violently.

He covered his heart, let out a long breath, closed his eyes, and said, "You almost scared my little heart to stop beating, look, I'm sweating, so you're joking .”

Feng Ye shot him a contemptuous look and said, "Who said I was joking?"

Feng Yu trembled again, "Are you serious?"

"Who said I was telling the truth?" Feng Ye said again.

Feng Yu searched around, picked up a priceless vase in the room, walked in front of Feng Ye, raised it high above his head, and said, "Give me a sweet word, or I will give you a happy one."

Feng Ye stood up and said, "Let's go, go drink."

"Hey, hello!" Feng Yu put down the vase and hurriedly chased after her.

Feng Ye stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Feng Yu's neck, stretched it around his body, and said, "Stop shouting, others think I have abandoned you."

Feng Yu punched Feng Ye, "I won't drink you to death later!"

"Hahahaha..." Feng Ye laughed out loud, but a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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