First-class daughter

Chapter 1052 Winning for the first time

Chapter 1052 Winning for the first time
Chapter 1052 Winning for the first time
Yeluchu ordered someone to send her back to the princess mansion immediately. She knelt on the ground, hugged Yeluchu's leg, begged bitterly, and said, "I let him go, I decided to let him go, please help me, brother!" , let him go, go far away, and never come back."

However, Yeluchu rejected her coldly, saying, "I, Yeluchu, have treated Xiao He well, it is because he has no idea what to do and offended the king repeatedly, sister, no matter how much you beg for mercy, I will not let him go away just because of this. "

After Yeluyan returned to the Princess Mansion, she immediately went to the palace again, and said the same thing to the Empress Dowager Renyi. matter, but never let go.

After she returned to the Princess Mansion, she immediately sent someone to look for Xiao He, but after so long, there was no news at all.

"Alright, no news is good news." She murmured.

Walking into the yard, looking at the study opposite, the servants who came in and out gave her an illusion, as if Xiao He was still inside, and would say at any time, "Without my permission, no one is allowed to enter the study."

"It's only now that you are in the study, that's the best moment." The cold wind blew, and she shivered.

"Princess." At this moment, a voice came.

Yeluyan turned her head, only to see Xiao Hu coming at some time, her face was slightly cold, and she said, "What are you doing here?"

"Princess, I, listen to me, I didn't mean to harm my brother, I just... just worried that my brother and Lian Lingyue are gone, you, you will be sad." Xiao Hu hurriedly explained.

After hearing this, Yeluyan was taken aback, and looked at Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu's eyes flustered, and he said, "Don't get me wrong, it's just that I think you shouldn't be let down, so..."

"Stop talking! Let's go! In the future, don't come to the Princess Mansion without my permission!" Yeluyan turned around and left after finishing speaking.

Xiao Hu stood on the spot, looked at her back, and said, "Actually, I regret it too, I didn't expect things to turn out like this..."

Three days later, Khitan and Da Zhou met for the second time.

But this time, the Great Zhou won in a small area, and the Khitan side was traumatized.

After returning to the barracks, Xiao Zhenhai had a serious expression on his face. He reached out and brushed all the things on the table off the ground, his whole body was full of anger.

"Father." Xiao Hu hurriedly said, "Although our army has suffered damage, it is not serious. Father need not worry too much."

"Hmph, that hair didn't even grow evenly, and he actually broke off my soldiers, Xiao Zhenhai. As a father, I really can't afford to lose face like this!" Seeing Feng Jue's heroic appearance on the horse today, Xiao Zhenhai was also secretly surprised—that The momentum is really not to be underestimated.

"Father has experienced hundreds of battles, today Feng Jue just played a little smart and won by luck." Xiao Hu said.

"Hey!" Xiao Zhenhai sighed, and said, "If only your second brother was here, our army will be even more powerful! I don't know where this rebellious son has gone?"

Speaking of Xiao He, Xiao Hu still felt very guilty.

"That's all, being a father and son also requires fate, so I just pretend I never had this son!" Xiao Zhenhai said angrily.

At this time, Yeluchu opened the military tent and walked in, Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu hurriedly knelt down on one knee, and said, "Little prince."

Yeluchu's face was cold, and he said, "Nan Xiang has experienced hundreds of battles, why did Feng Jue make a move today, which caused my Khitan to lose its strength."

When Xiao Zhenhai heard this, he quickly lowered his head, and said, "Young Lord, today Feng Jue used that crooked way to get away with it. If he confronts the truth head-on, there is no chance of winning!"

Yeluchu smiled coldly, and said, "Nan Xiang is a dignified veteran, and he still uses crooked ways as an excuse. As long as he can win, who will say whether he is crooked or not?"

"Yes, what the little prince taught is true." Xiao Zhenhai said.

"Nan Xiang, I, Khitan, have treated the Xiao family well. Xiao Wang still treats you father and son generously for Xiao He's crime of death. Even as long as Xiao He is willing to come back and accept Xiao Wang's punishment, Xiao Wang will let the past go. Nan Xiang must not Let the truth down." Yeluchu said lightly, with a hint of warning in his voice that only success is allowed and failure is not allowed.

"Yes, little prince, don't worry, this minister is very familiar with Da Zhou's situation, so this minister is sure to win a big victory. Not only that, but this minister will also take off the heads of Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue, and give them to the little prince first, To show my sincerity." Xiao Zhenhai said firmly.

"So, very good." Yeluchu turned around, the guard immediately opened the military tent, he bowed his head and walked out.

The devout expression on Xiao Zhenhai's face slowly disintegrated, and he glanced coldly at the direction Yeluchu left——

Things that don't know the status of the sky have been suppressed by a woman, the Queen Mother, and dare to be so rampant!
"Father, what should we do? The little prince is a bit aggressive." Xiao Hu suddenly became nervous and said.

"My father has long thought of this day. Why did Yeluchu treat us favorably? He just waited for this day. He wanted to wipe out the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty for his father, take Shanhaiguan into his own possession, and then go back to win the approval of the Queen Mother Renyi. Help him to the throne as soon as possible. To him, we are just a chess piece, if we lose, we are worthless." Xiao Zhenhai said.

"It's better to lead troops to fight in the Great Zhou..." Xiao Hu said suddenly.

Xiao Zhenhai immediately covered his mouth, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, it's meaningless to say these things now, think about how our Xiao family has fallen to this point? Therefore, we must defeat Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue, Find Lian Siyue to take revenge again, and if there is a chance, I will kill Emperor Dog!"

Xiao Hu nodded, and said, "Yes, father, the boy knows, and the boy will not say these things in the future."

Xiao Zhenhai walked back to the case with his hands behind his back, sat down, and said, "Oh, not only you and me, but also my grandson Xiao Fu, this child has the blood of the surname Feng in his bones, and when the time comes, he will carry it on his back." Bloody revenge, go find his relatives to avenge!"

"Father, wouldn't it be too cruel to treat a child like this? This child was born without being taken care of by his younger sister." Xiao Hu couldn't help but feel a little bit unbearable when he thought of his nephew who was still waiting to be fed.

"Where do you have so much benevolence from a woman, Xiao Hu, don't let your father down like your second brother!" Xiao Zhenhai said with a serious face.

"My child dare not, it's just..." Xiao Hu said.

"It's nothing to bear, it's his fate!" Xiao Zhenhai said coldly.

"Yes, my child understands." Xiao Hu nodded and said.

On the Shanhaiguan side, after the soldiers responded, there was laughter and joy, and everyone shouted that the marshal is mighty, but Feng Jue, the commander-in-chief, seemed to have no waves in his heart.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Feng Jue with a gratified smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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